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Any suggestions? Need help!

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I don't know what the issue is with your child, but, I hear your voice.

Sending you a big hug!!! Plus, I think I've posted more today in various colours, fonts, and smily faces because it has been a difficult day for me.



I'm going to attempt work again w/darling dd, but, I'll probably be back, try if you can to restate the issue.

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The eval my son had at the public school didn't really help me at all. They also said, "Well, his IQ is low, so this is the best you can expect." Yeah - whatever. Five years later he's above grade level in everything except writing. He beats everyone at very complex board games, etc.

He's dysgraphic, dyscalculic, dyslexic, had dyspraxia (needed speech therapy for 5 years), and has a working memory function of 17% - although I'm really not sure if that is accurate either.

Anyway - there is no "diagnosis" for him, and I have had to really just work with him on the best method for each subject. I've also had VERY high expectations for him - and he lives up to them most of the time.

As far as math - you will probably need to read the curriculum to him, or have him read it out loud to himself. You could also try MUS - it comes with a dvd with Mr. Demme teaching a class. MUS worked very well for my son all the way through Epsilon.

For reading - phonics never worked. He's a "whole word" kid. I sat with him and read with my finger following the text. Now - he is able to decode simply becuase he knows what other words with similar combinations sound like. He also knows how to use the dictionary very well.....

While he is struggling with reading - read aloud to him - a lot. Just hearing the language increases fluency and vocabulary. Read books he couldn't read himself - but that he would want to read.

Let him read pretty much whatever he wants - even comic books. Whatever encourages him to read.

There will not be a good one-size-fits-all curriculum for him, and you'll probably have to throw out some of your choices, but don't fret. He will learn.

Remember - in the "good ole days" kids learned with a slate and a primary reader - then just read good books. You don't have to have all the bells and whistles for him to learn well.

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I will give it another go. Hope it is OK to leave it in this thread.


I am trying not to sound in denial or anything, but all of us in our family (3 adult children included) really feel this is not an accurate description of him (the last part by the assistant).I know he is struggling and low in many areas but I don't want to just give up on him. I do NOT think he is retarded (she didn't use that term but it kind of sounded like it).




Trust your instincts - you and your family know him best.


For math, check out Educator's Publishing Service. They have a number of math workbooks we've found really effective with our dyslexic son. You might also find some of their language arts materials helpful.





For reading, check out "Rewards" from Sopris West. This program helps strengthen decoding skills.


I also found that picking various chapter books that appealed to my son and just having him read, read read aloud to me really enhanced his abilities a lot over the course of a year. Another thing that helped him immensely was doing vocabulary workbooks (not the kind with the crossword puzzles like Wordly Wise, but ones with a fill-in-the-blank type format with the definitions provided on the same page). This really helped move him along.


I think you'll find that whatever curricula you choose, your interaction with him will really make the difference, particularly considering his learning style as you've described it. Working alongside him and discussing the material together will provide him with the greatest opportunity to understand and absorb.


Teacher Created Resources has various workbooks that might be a good fit for you. I particularly like their Non-Fiction Reading Comprehension series which goes through grade 6.




Also you might find some useful materials published by Lindamood Bell, though they are geared more to visual learners I think. Anyway, here's the link:





As you can tell, I've ended up cobbling together a curriculum from various publishers. That's often necessary with these unique learners of ours. :)


Hope this helps!

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You said your ds does better when "talking things through." I know that many Asian math programs work this way. While I'm not familiar with Singapore math, perhaps you could start by looking there? I also agree that reading TO him will increase his vocabulary and fluency. It certainly has seemed to helps my Aspie/dyslexic/dysgraphic dd, who just turned 12.


Momma, do not fret! We are all here to support you! AND we understand your frustration, weariness, and doubt-of-self. I think we have ALL been there!


YOU know your child better than anyone and if you think he can do more than the "experts" say he can, then he can! It's YOUR belief in him that's really going to make the difference! Charge on! HTH! {{HUGS}}

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Yes!!! Don't give up on this board! There are so many smart, helpful people here. This board just moves a bit slower, sometimes it takes me a day or so to check, and another day or so to come back to respond.


Another thing that has been recommended to help with fluency is echo readings. So I choose something below ds reading level that I have selected from the DIEBELS (register, the website it is a bit of mess-- but the readings are leveled and word counted). I print out 2 copies of the material. I have ds follow along with his eyes as I read for 1 minute. Then I have ds read with me for 1 min. I aim to read at the speed that would be appropriate for the grade (http://www.readinga-z.com/fluency/standard.html). Then I have ds read to me for 1 minute (calculating rate)...having him repeat until he is at the appropriate grade level rate. Sometimes the next day, I have him re-read the same passage to me. I have found this to be very effective, as I have timed ds before doing this and his rate on the passage is much slower. We only do this for 5-10 minute/ day.


Also, I just have ds read aloud books he is interested in. Again, I try to do this daily for about 15 minutes.

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I will give it another go. Hope it is OK to leave it in this thread.


DS diagnosed with NLD, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, ADHD combined type, poor processing speed, poor working memory, low IQ


Ok, from a parent of a child who has ASD, dysgraphia, ADD, and poor processing speed... or at least did when he was younger.


Dysgraphia means start typing now! By 7 my ds was typing 30wpm and now types around 60. It is lifesaving. Writing is slow and laborious. While we practice it, he will never find it comfortable or easy. Work around it. Let him give answers to you verbally, be a scribe for him and let him learn to type so he can get his thoughts out without struggling with pencil & paper.


NLD, ADHD, poor processing and working memory all say to me, work with consistency. Hit all subjects every day. They won't stick without lots of repetition. If he can learn by listening, read to him LOTS. If possible, give him a copy and have him follow along. Ds used to like to sit next to me and read over my shoulder. The combination of hearing and seeing is powerful and can help him with some of the other issues.


Most kids with learning disabilities test with a low IQ. It means nothing. It means they haven't picked up the information they need for the test or can't relate it back quickly enough, etc. My ds has tested with IQs ranging from 100-150. The lower ones were while he was most severely autistic. He has holes. As you said, it takes very specific instruction for him to learn what my NT dd never had to be taught at all. He still learns it. If you believe his IQ is higher, treat him that way and continue until you are proven wrong :001_smile:


As far as math curriculum, I think Singapore would move WAY too fast for him. MUS without manipulative, just watching the video might be possible. I'm sure there are other good choices, but I haven't tried them so I can't recommend them.


Heidi gave you some good suggestions. Hang in there. Don't let anyone tell you to give up on your child!


and don't forget to stop by for a :grouphug: now and then. The road is long and sometimes painful, but we are all at different points on the journey. There is help and it is worth waiting for. Done with the sermon... shutting up now.:leaving:

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I have 3 of these very hard to figure out kids.


My 22 year old has fetal alcohol and an IQ of 55 but in some areas does very very well and in other areas struggles greatly.


One positive, if you want to look at it this way, is that the low scores can be a open door for future services---disability, medicaid, job training programs, housing help, etc. My son qualified for disability within a few DAYS due to the paperwork trail we had on him.


Now, just because the paper says he should not be able to ............. doesn't mean he won't be able to do it or that you still shouldn't strive towards a goal.


For math, I really liked Christian Light Education. Not sure if it would work for your son but it is taught in small steps, reviewed often, and there are 10 workbooks each year so it doesn't look as overwhelming. Also, the booklets are numbered in the 100s so that it isn't as obvious if you need to start with book 300 (1st book in 3rd grade) vs. 600.


For reading, I really like the books from http://www.3rsplus.com or http://www.iseesam.com if he isn't fluent at a late 3rd grade level.


Meds might be a huge help. It can be trial and error but might be helpful. The omega 3s are also important for fetal alcohol kids as the alcohol messes with the fat in the growing brain as the baby is developing. We use County Life Omega 3 mood because it is a high quality, higher strength one.


I really like ACE paces for science and social studies. They would at least cover the basics for him in shorter, easier to understand lessons.


I would also see where his interests and talents are and do some vocational type stuff in those areas. My son is very good with tools and building. He helps builders as a go-fer, helper, holder, etc. and really enjoys that.

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My son has language based learning disabilities as well as some OT issues.


SRA's direct instruction programs are designed for children with learning issues. Their programs are fully scripted and everything is taught explicitly. There is also tons of repetition. I would take a look at their website and maybe try out their math program, Connecting Math Concepts https://www.mheonline.com/program/view/4/4/222/0076020193/. If that works for you, you could consider adding in some of the others -- Reasoning and Writing https://www.mheonline.com/program/view/4/2/205/0076020800/ and Spelling Mastery https://www.mheonline.com/program/view/4/2/213/0076021017/. These programs are expensive, but I have bought them on ebay in the past for a fraction of the cost. You just have to be patient in order to find them.


While I think SRA programs are wonderful for the struggling learner, they are very time consuming and you have to be a patient person to use them. I wound up dropping the math and writing programs, but kept the spelling because it was just too much for me to do them all. (Sadly, I am not a patient person.) I have switched to just using IEW for writing and R&S for Math, which are both known to work well for children who struggle.


My child doesn't have ADHD, but that is something I think I would address first if he did, because it will be difficult to accomplish anything if he is unable to focus.


Another thing I have done is really limited breaks, especially from math to no more than a week. We do math and some reading and writing all summer long or there would be a big price to pay in the fall.


It is very overwhelming at first, but try to focus on finding one thing that works at a time and just keep plowing ahead.



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A few suggestions:


NVLD kids are auditory learners. You need to teach him to talk himself through things. I would use manipulatives--real life is manipulative--but teach him that he needs to talk to himself as his way of learning. YOu don't have to go looking for an "auditory curriculum"; in fact, in most cases, you won't find one. You just use that as a strategy yourself. Rod and Staff math is very good. It is concrete and real-life based (though there are too many agriculture problems, imo!) It is not visually busy at all and there are both enough problems for mastery and a good section of review each time.


I totally agree with pp who said keyboarding is a very important subject. All his writing should be done on the keyboard. There is almost no need for handwriting in modern culture, so don't spend unnecessary time on that--except for writing numbers. I don't know of any keyboarded math that is easy to use. Use graph paper or lined paper turned sideways for math so that he can line up his numbers when doing problems.


You don't say what level he is working on, so it's hard to say what to recommend.

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I teach many struggling students, some with low IQs, most with ADHD. If your child is like my students, they can't memorize basic math facts so need to be taught differently. For example, when teaching subtraction use the math ladder, magic nine, etc. Reading should be taught by decoding. Writing can be improved by using a simple formula: introduction, 3-5 fact sentences and a concluding sentence that refers back to the first sentence.


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Hi There!


I'm new here to going online and looking for answers myself for my profoundly dyslexic son who is age 9 and still can not read. I feel your pain and can totally relate!!! I feel so behind and I feel that their is no help for him. My PS told me that they didn't recognize dyslexia, so I'm homeschooling.


I feel my kids learn from hearing and I am looking at buying Teaching Textbooks Math for them. The CD's only. My son is NOT into workbooks as the poor little guy can't read what they are asking of him.


I've been using Rightstart Math and it is very scripted and very good! He has done really well with it, however between that and all the other subjects it was a lot of one on one.


This school year so far we have not started Math, as I am totally focused on getting him reading.


I've also heard that Saxon Math is great.

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You might want to google "repeated readings" to help him with his reading fluency. There are specific programs you can buy to do this (Six Minute Solutions, Natural Reader), but you can do it without a program if you read up on it.


Another resource you might be interestered in is Rewards Intermediate Reading. It specifically helps with decoding multisyllable words.



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