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Am I crazy for having ds13 do Apologia Biology this year?

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This is his 8th grade year.


He has already taken Apologia General Science and Physical Science in previous grades. He got a A- in both classes.


In Math, he's taken Singapore up through 6th grade and then Jacobs Mathematics: A Human Endeavor. He got grades from B+ to A in his math all along. He will be taking Jacobs Algebra I this year.


He loves both math and science. I wasn't questioning it before but my dh is a bit freaked out that he's taking Biology so early.

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This is his 8th grade year.


He has already taken Apologia General Science and Physical Science in previous grades. He got a A- in both classes.


In Math, he's taken Singapore up through 6th grade and then Jacobs Mathematics: A Human Endeavor. He got grades from B+ to A in his math all along. He will be taking Jacobs Algebra I this year.


He loves both math and science. I wasn't questioning it before but my dh is a bit freaked out that he's taking Biology so early.


Not crazy...My son did bio in 8th and advanced bio (Apologia) in 9th. I counted it as Biology and he too and did fair (650) on the SAT 2. I figured he was only 14 and didn't study for the exam...we just did it for experience....He really enjoyed both books and I am not sorry we did it this way. Just be sure your ds learnes the vocabulary from each module. Bio is very Vocabulary focused (at least imo.)




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Did your son take adv bio without chem first? Apologia says chem is a prerequisite to adv bio. Did you feel like it was fine without chem first? I am thinking about doing this with one of my kids and would love to hear what your experience was.


Yes, against all the other advice we went ahead and did the advanced Bio before Chem. It just made more sense to me to do one topic thoroughly than to go through Chem and Physics and THEN to the Adv. bio.

It worked out beautifully for my ds. I also did it this way with my older ds and older dd (#2) with good results. I didn't think the Adv. Bio needed math the way Chem did, so by the time we did Chem, my kids were where they needed to be math wise...same for Physics.




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Glad to hear you're okay with doing that now. :) It's the next logical step and will allow him time in high school to pursue whatever science he really enjoys with further depth - as in AP or marine biology, ecology, etc.. If he does well, you may even want to consider doing the Advanced Biology - human anatomy - in 9th and he could prep for the SAT II and/or AP test as well.


After posting the above, I read the other replies. lol I could have just said that I agree with what's been said already. : )

Edited by Teachin'Mine
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My ds who is 12 (he will be 13 the end of Sept) has worked through the first six chapters of Apologia Biology this summer. He LOVES science, and I am planning on doing science with him year round to allow him to take as many courses as possible (he wants to do this, BTW). I you have a science loving kid, and it sounds like you do, he will be fine:). Have a great year!!

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Thanks, Faithe! I have a daughter that is supposed to take chemistry this year but she would much rather take adv bio. I just really feel like she would do better with the chem if she waited till next year, but I kept hearing she needed chem first. I might just go ahead and let her do adv biology then :)

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My son did Biology in 8th and then Chemistry as a 9th grader last year and is doing Physics this year as a 10th grader. As long as they are strong in math, they should be fine. Biology was a definite step up from physical science and my son didn't enjoy it much. He LOVED Chemistry and is enjoying Physics so far and will do AP in those classes. He loves all the math and their is tons of it. In fact, he said so far physics feels like a math class to him.



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Both my dd & ds had bio at age 13 and did very well. My only caution is to make sure your ds does a good job on the labs. My son transitioned to public school for a year of high school. They initally wanted him to retake bio, until I brought in the notebook with his work. The quality of the lab write-ups - narrative, no fill in the blank work sheets - won the day! Pray your new school year is off to a great start!!

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Both my dd & ds had bio at age 13 and did very well. My only caution is to make sure your ds does a good job on the labs. My son transitioned to public school for a year of high school. They initally wanted him to retake bio, until I brought in the notebook with his work. The quality of the lab write-ups - narrative, no fill in the blank work sheets - won the day! Pray your new school year is off to a great start!!


Thank you. Yes, I do want our labs to be "real labs" since that is often called into question for homeschoolers.

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D.A. - It looks like your son and my son will be Biology buddies:)!


Too bad they can't get together for the labs. Dragonrider would love to have someone share his interest in the 'fun' stuff.


It looks like Bio may be pushed back another couple of weeks. DS has taken an interest in the reflection and refraction of light waves so we are going down another rabbit trail. This is why we homeschool, though, right? To foster his interest and allow him to go where he wants?

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Too bad they can't get together for the labs. Dragonrider would love to have someone share his interest in the 'fun' stuff.


It looks like Bio may be pushed back another couple of weeks. DS has taken an interest in the reflection and refraction of light waves so we are going down another rabbit trail. This is why we homeschool, though, right? To foster his interest and allow him to go where he wants?




We start school, including Biology, tomorrow. Of course that means that dd8 threw up all last night and today. . . Ds13 is fine though - so far.

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