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serious illness or a wait-it-out virus for 11 y/o?

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I'm taking him to the dr today. Since last night he's experienced several moments of delirium, and at various different incidences this morning, I think he may have had a few small febrile seizures, stiffening and rocking, then being afraid and crying, then laughing (out of confusion, not silliness). I don't think he's drinking enough fluids, but I'm trying to make him drink. He had some gatorade this morning and sips of water throughout the day, but otherwise he's listless and sleeping. I've been giving him tylenol which helps the fever, but he is very out of it. He said he has a sore throat, but his neck doesn't hurt. He started out with a sore throat and headache yesterday morning and his fever does not seem to be subsiding, except with Tylenol. My dad thinks I should just wait and watch, but I'm taking him in to the dr anyway. My son said his head doesn't hurt much, nor does his neck feel stiff. I'm a little scared. Does this seem like the flu? I guess I'm just looking for reassurance b/c my parents are the type to delay taking to the dr. You moms on this board are very knowledgeable, so I thought I'd vent a little here and maybe get some feedback. Normally my son is very healthy.

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I'm taking him to the dr today. Since last night he's experienced several moments of delirium, and at various different incidences this morning, I think he may have had a few small febrile seizures, stiffening and rocking, then being afraid and crying, then laughing (out of confusion, not silliness). I don't think he's drinking enough fluids, but I'm trying to make him drink. He had some gatorade this morning and sips of water throughout the day, but otherwise he's listless and sleeping. I've been giving him tylenol which helps the fever, but he is very out of it. He said he has a sore throat, but his neck doesn't hurt. He started out with a sore throat and headache yesterday morning and his fever does not seem to be subsiding, except with Tylenol. My dad thinks I should just wait and watch, but I'm taking him in to the dr anyway. My son said his head doesn't hurt much, nor does his neck feel stiff. I'm a little scared. Does this seem like the flu? I guess I'm just looking for reassurance b/c my parents are the type to delay taking to the dr. You moms on this board are very knowledgeable, so I thought I'd vent a little here and maybe get some feedback. Normally my son is very healthy.



With the symptoms you've described I would take him without a doubt. I usually treat very conservatively and hold off taking dc to the doctor, but the intermittent changes in mental status you've described would concern me. It sounds like probably viral, but why not air on the side of caution.


Please let us know how you make out.



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I'd take him in. I don't understand the 'wait and see' people when it's something that just isn't within the normal realm of sickness. I can handle a fever or cough or sniffling, but the symptoms you describe call for a visit to the doctor.


I'm sorry, it just reminds me of my mom telling me it was okay to let my infant daughter (my 1st child) ride on the floorboard of the car because nothing ever happened to me or my sister and she did that to us all the time. I told her she was bananas! Maybe it's a generational thing?


Please do update us!

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I hope you have taken him. That would scare the crap out of me. Delirium and mental status changes are VERY concerning. Febrile seizures in an 11 year old are very, very unusual. To be honest, if I couldn't get him into the dr, I would take him to the ER. :grouphug: Neurological stuff scares me. How high is his temp?


Please update us when you know. I hope he (and you) feel better soon.

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I'd go to the urgent care center or ER and not wait for the doctor to open or an appointment.


I would, too. Well, I would call the on-call doctor for my ped office first because they're very responsive and helpful, but i'd expect them to tell me to go in that night.

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I am currently out of town visiting my dad & step mom. When I told my dad I was taking my son to the dr, my dad acted so surprised, as though I was completely overreacting (but I had to let him know so he would know where we were). The doctor was also concerned about my son's condition because of his demeanor and the high fever. She determined that he has an ear and throat infection, but the high fever was her biggest concern. She didn't want us to leave until his fever went down. She hinted at putting him in the hospital if he wouldn't drink more fluids, but he agreed to be better about drinking. She gave him motrin and a Rocephin shot and prescribed an additional antibiotic, so by the evening he was so much better. He still has a fever, but has drastically improved. Yesterday my he told me he was afraid because he never felt so sick before, and he cried and held onto me tightly. He kept saying that he wants to go home b/c he's home-sick. Poor guy. Now my older son has the fever (102.2), which came on suddenly. I hope he doesn't react as badly as his brother. I've got him on Motrin & Tylenol and I'm taking him tomorrow morning to the dr. just to be safe. He has a cough, a sore throat, and a slight headache.


I really hate having to explain why I feel it's necessary to take them to the dr. I pretty much just repeated to my dad, "It is my judgement that he needs to be seen. {period}"


I hope that we don't end up making my dad and step mom sick!! Now I'm worried about that and want to disinfect the house the best that I can. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Both of them work, so they haven't been around the kids much this week, so that is good, but I know the germs are here.


I don't post here often, as I'm so busy with my day to day life, but I always find that you are a very supportive bunch of moms! Thank you so much!



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I'm glad to hear your son is doing better, but I'm sorry to hear that your other son seems to have caught it. I hope you don't get it, too! If you start to feel even the slightest bit sick, please don't be a hero -- get antibiotics right away!





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