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Is this a healthy weight for ds?

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My ds just turned 9 ~2wks ago and he weighs 53lbs and is 4'3", maybe 4'4" now. Last year he weighed 52lbs, so that's just a 1lb weight gain in a year.


Last month I noticed his legs are more skinny. His knobby knees and shin bones show sort of shrink-wrapped under his skin. You can also see his entire sternum with ribs attached. This is on top of most of the rest of his bones we've always been able to see.


He seems to have had a growth spurt up but not out first. I don't see how he can afford to get any taller without gaining weight! I am worried because he is starting tackle football again at the end of the month. Because of his birthday, he will be the absolute youngest with 9, 10, and even turning-11 year old boys. He literally looks like he'll snap in two!


What can I do? I'm afraid he'll lose that pound and more when he starts practice after his pretty sedentary summer.

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I wouldn't worry. My son is the same way. He was he world's chubbiest toddler but sprouted up in the last few years. I KNOW he'll be one of those awkward, spidery-limbed teenagers.


But he's strong and active. Perfectly healthy.


Who knows? With the increased activity he might start eating more and put on some weight?


Or he might be destined for spidery-teenage hood. :)

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My DS will be 9 late December. He is 4'4" and around 54 pounds.

Some days I am amazed at how thin he is. Like yesterday... I went in to wake him up and his pajama top had ridden up and his hip bones were sticking way out. :001_huh: But his doctor has always said he is a healthy weight.

He eats like a horse and goes non-stop. Literally - non-stop. He is even active in his sleep. Right now, he is fluttering around the house playing with little Lego pieces. Even as a baby, he never sat in one spot and played. He would drag a toy over to the couch or coffee table and stand to play!

The past year, his lower body has become muscular from biking, but he still hasn't put on any weight. Oh, to have that problem...

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Is he active and healthy? I checked his BMI and it came out underweight, just like Calvin. I had C checked out a few years ago because I was a bit worried. The doctor ran some blood tests, but couldn't find anything. He was a roly-poly 9 month old, but thinned shortly afterwards and has been extremely thin ever since. One of my older brothers is very tall and thin too, so I think he just has those genes.


I do make sure that Calvin has energy-rich foods - protein shakes, peanuts, etc. He's eating more than he did, and has a varied diet, but he just doesn't have a big appetite.





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Can't he wait a year for tackle football? I'd be concerned about him being the youngest let alone his low weight. 11 yo boys are a lot bigger than just turned 9 boys. I'd ask his doctor about his weight and would encourage him to eat more often than just at meals to try to gain a bit. Hopefully he just hasn't caught up with his last growth spurt. :)

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Can't he wait a year for tackle football? I'd be concerned about him being the youngest let alone his low weight. 11 yo boys are a lot bigger than just turned 9 boys. I'd ask his doctor about his weight and would encourage him to eat more often than just at meals to try to gain a bit. Hopefully he just hasn't caught up with his last growth spurt. :)


Does his league not go by weight? I would be really concerned about his playing with boys much larger than he. My 9yo (and 5 months) is 4'11" and 100 pounds and I would worry about *him* playing football with 11 yo's!

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My kids are the same and I feed them calorie dense foods. They just are super active*. I wouldn't worry too much, they won't starve themselves is what my Dr says.


*they have been in the pool all day, ate dinner, and now are out playing basketball and football in the backyard. Yes, there are TV days, but they are far and few between. (And, none of them have adhd)

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My son will be 9 later this month and is almost exactly the same size. He's skinny, but I've never considered him underweight. My son is very active too. My dad and grandfathers were very skinny until they entered late middle age and I am petite so he seems normal to me. Compared to other boys his age he is among the smaller ones but he doesn't stick out. He's never been higher than 20th percentile in height or weight and his growth is consistent. I would only worry if he fell off his growth curve or seemed sickly. My friends' sons are involved in competitive swimming and they really became muscular with all the practice this summer. If I wanted my son to bulk up and had the money for it, that would be my choice. I'm amazed at how muscular they have become and they are only 5 and 7!

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My father wore waist size 32 inseam 36 pants when he and my mother married. When he died (in a freak motorcyle accident) his waist size was still around 38. Some people are just slender. He was raised as a teen by an aunt and uncle who had race horses. He was several inches over six feet and still light enough to excercise the racehorses. I have pictures of him as a teen and he does look "too skinny" but he turned out fine.

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Ds is very thin also. I have to make sure to increase his calorie and protein intake during sports seasons or he gets physically sick after practice. I think that since he doesn't have any fat on him, that he starts to burn muscle instead. He eats bean/cheese burritos often before sports. He will also drink a protein smoothie. These are two of the best things for him before intense exercise.

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Thanks for the replies everyone!:001_smile: My husband doesn't share my worry because he has always been small, but he never played sports.

Can't he wait a year for tackle football? I'd be concerned about him being the youngest let alone his low weight.
This is his second year' date=' but last year he was 8 with 7 and 8yos and was pretty average in height...once they put all that gear on I had no idea how heavy anyone was! He then did homeschool flag football this Spring. He's in love with football and it'd devastate him to skip it. I will talk to the rec coordinator and see what he thinks. He also does wrestling in Winter, but that's by weight so it works out great for him.
My friends' sons are involved in competitive swimming and they really became muscular with all the practice this summer. If I wanted my son to bulk up and had the money for it, that would be my choice.
Oh, I've been worried that he'd never eat enough calories to keep up with swimming. It's good to hear it could benefit him because he's been interested in swimming on a team.
Ds is very thin also. I have to make sure to increase his calorie and protein intake during sports seasons or he gets physically sick after practice. I think that since he doesn't have any fat on him, that he starts to burn muscle instead. He eats bean/cheese burritos often before sports. He will also drink a protein smoothie. These are two of the best things for him before intense exercise.
I'm writing this down! I think if we plan like this, he'll get through the caloric needs this sports season. I've also heard having something on hand for immediately afterward is important. Last year was our first sports experience and I was all about getting water into them...this year I'm going to have to step it up!:D
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