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anyone been pre-diabetic and reversed it

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had blood test taken and dr. office called and said that the results show that I am pre-diabetec (no symptoms, the blood test was for cholestrol). I am seeing the dr. on Monday. But I was wondereing if anyone here has any personal experience with this? Diet, supplements?


I will get back into my exercising as that seems to be a key to lowering blood sugar.





p.s. no one is my family has ever had diabetes so I assume my case is not inherited.

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Dh has been going to Preventive Cardiology for quite a while due to high triglycerides. Last year, they were concerned because he blood levels were getting in the pre-diabetic range. After 3 visits with high-ish blood sugar, they sent him to a nutritionist. Dh has one of the worst diets known to man. I have been trying to get him to eat better since we met, but he is extremely picky and limited in what he eats. Well, long story short, by my forcing him to eat whole grains instead of white, processed grains, and by my packing him fruit and vegetables to snack on at work, he has lost weight and lowered his blood sugar. He started feeling better and started working out regularly this past December, and now his blood sugar is totally normal and his triglycerides are coming down. Prev. Cardiology told him if his levels continue to fall, he may even get to go off the triglyceride medication.

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My son in law changed his eating and exercise and was able to get a reversed diagnosis a few months later. I don't know much more than that - I do know that his eating habits had been poor and he did not exercise at all. He received the news right before my first grand-daughter was born (7 years ago) -- he was stunned, and he was also determined to reverse the diagnosis. Also, no one in his family was diabetic - in his case, it was a total lifestyle thing.


Well, he did - the take out foods, processed foods, bags of junk (and I am not saying that everyone who gets such a diagnosis eats the way he did - not at all) went away. He was focused on eating healthy and not having the diagnosis move forward at all. He began walking, they bought a treadmill and he continues to use it.


He totally did a lifestyle change (mind you, my dd is a twig, fit, healthy as a horse) and it worked for him.


You can do it -- good luck!:)

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I would make your doc do a blood sugar. My doc kept saying I was most likely pre-diabetic but my blood sugar levels have been fine and the rest of my blood work has come back normal. IMO, doctors seem to think that any person who isn't in the normal range on their BMI charts is pre-diabetic but after several years of normal blood work, my doc had to concede that he was wrong. He wanted me to go on Atkins a few years ago but on my recent visit he told me about his change in food philosophy. Now he suggest The Zone. All this to say again, get the blood sugar tests done first before you freak out.


This is not to say you wouldn't benefit from choosing different foods and a good exercise regime. I took up running and I feel better than I have in years. I'm slowly dropping extra pounds. Building muscle. My emotions have stabilized. It's a good thing!

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I would make your doc do a blood sugar. My doc kept saying I was most likely pre-diabetic but my blood sugar levels have been fine and the rest of my blood work has come back normal. IMO, doctors seem to think that any person who isn't in the normal range on their BMI charts is pre-diabetic but after several years of normal blood work, my doc had to concede that he was wrong. He wanted me to go on Atkins a few years ago but on my recent visit he told me about his change in food philosophy. Now he suggest The Zone. All this to say again, get the blood sugar tests done first before you freak out.


This is not to say you wouldn't benefit from choosing different foods and a good exercise regime. I took up running and I feel better than I have in years. I'm slowly dropping extra pounds. Building muscle. My emotions have stabilized. It's a good thing!


:iagree: My mom was recently diagosed as pre-diabetic. It was based on her blood sugar levels when she woke up in the morning. It was always high. She started taking some fish oil and it stabilized.

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My stepdad was diagnosed with type II and was able to reverse it, also. He did take a medication for a short time that helped him with the weight loss, but is now medication free and his Dr. removed the diagnosis. As long as he watches what he eats and keeps the weight off his numbers remain normal. It was tough for him at first because it meant learning a whole new way of eating and thinking about food, but he was determined to do it. His brother was also type II and it killed him because he refused to listen his Dr.

Edited by akmommy
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Along with the diet changes others have discussed, Noni juice and Goji juice are also both very good for helping your body better regulate it's sugar levels. Both are available in the supplement section at most grocery stores and pharmacies as well as online.

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Yes, I know several family members and friends who have reversed pre-diabetes and got their blood sugar down to within the healthy range- through diet and exercise mainly. It is just a wake up call- a warning- not a sentence to diabetes.

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Be sure the doc tests for Hemoglobin A1C - that gives an average blood sugar reading for the past 2-3 months. A normal value is around 4-6 (be sure to check the report for the precise range).


A fasting blood sugar is just a "snapshot" of that particular moment the blood was drawn. A normal value is around 100 (again, be sure to check the report for the precise range).


Many people can keep their sugar levels down through diet & exercise, so their is hope.


Best wishes.

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BTW, diet and exercise can lower cholesterol and triglycerides, also.


This was dh's experience also. He was always a jogger, but his pre-diabetes diagnosis caused him to step us his exercise a little and change his diet. He cut out all sugars, white flour, starchy foods like potatoes, corn, etc. Not only did his blood sugars go back down to normal, his cholesterol and triglyceride numbers went down, too.



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Eat to Live, a book by Dr. Joel Fuhrman, could be helpful.


Jay Robb's, The Fat-Burning Diet, may also be worth a look, but I might consult a diabetic couselor,too.


I think the Fat Flush Plan also might be useful.


You can definitely reverse this. Like another poster said, it's a wake-up call to make changes. You can do it!

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thanks everyone. I used to exercise 45 days a week but I have been very lax the last 2 or 3 years and gained 30 pounds. I am scared enough to now get these weight off so am researching what to eat (no more soda, sweet tea, cookies, french fries, etc). Dh and ds go swimming every day at our Aquatic center which has a 25 meter pool, I went with them yesterday and started with a few laps. Also this center is tied in with a fitness center (can use both of them for the same price). I am meeting with my doctor on Mon.


my blood sugar level is 120 and my hemoglobin is 6.5


cholestrol is 246

tric 177

hdl 49

ldl 162

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I am pre-diabetic. The following may help:


1. Exercise at least a half hour a day

2. Lose weight

3. Lower carb diet such as South Beach diet with doctor's approval

4. Take Metamucil daily or twice a day but not within 2 hours of taking meds or vitamins with a doctor's ok- helps modulate blood sugar

4. Fish oil- I take 4-6 caps a day with MD's ok- helps cardiac risk factors

5. Resveratrol daily- I take about 4-6 a day

6. Alpha Lipoic Acid daily with MD OK- does help lower blood sugar apparently

7. Consider vitamin d3 2000 units to 10,000 units max with MD approval and blood test for overall health

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My blood sugar sat around 100 for years. A couple years ago, I did the lemonade cleanse thing then ate raw then just ate well. Sugar has been fine since (though after 3 months of binging and gaining an incredible amout of weight back, I wouldn't be surprised if my sugar was back up also...I really need to do something about this!).

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I was told I was hyperglycemic and prediabetic a year ago. I can bring my blood sugars down to a normal range just so long as I eat right. However it will go right back up to bad numbers eating anything I shouldn't. So basically my pancreas is still shot. :/ But I'm glad I can control it as well as I can with diet. I exercise but it's diet that has the strongest effect for me.

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