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List of Rules


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1. Do not interrupt me when I'm giving a math lesson to your sibling.

2. Do not interrupt me when I'm teaching your sibling how to read.

3. Do not interrupt me when I'm trying to explain a concept to your sibling for the 100th time and one or the both of us are looking a little frustrated.


If that's too hard to remember...

Don't Interrupt

would work fine. ;)

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I am starting a list of rules myself. So far I have;


School starts at 8AM

No electronics until (haven't decided if they will be allowed at lunch or not until after schoolwork is finished)

No interupting mom when she is with a sibling. (I'm working on getting a "waiting area" set up for these times.)


I am going to get the kids' input on the rules so that they feel an ownership of them. In my perfect world that I have created in my mind, they will naturally feel an obligation to obey the rules that they help create. ;)

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I have 3 rules during lessons:


1. FOCUS (do not talk about something totally irrelevant to the subject matter right in the middle of the lesson)


2. NO FIDGETING (do not play with things on the table while I'm talking; try to sit still while listening to the lesson)


3. GOOD ATTITUDE (makes all the difference in our school day)



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1. Do not interrupt me when I'm giving a math lesson to your sibling.

2. Do not interrupt me when I'm teaching your sibling how to read.

3. Do not interrupt me when I'm trying to explain a concept to your sibling for the 100th time and one or the both of us are looking a little frustrated.


If that's too hard to remember...

Don't Interrupt

would work fine. ;)

:lol: At least I can laugh about it now. DD the Elder is usually pretty good about this, but sometimes she gets a bit preoccupied and just doesn't notice *anything* around her. Today was one of those days.


Our most challenged rule for the early years was "You must wear at least underwear during school time." Go figure.

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Other than the Golden Rule and the principles in Scripture...my kids have learned the 6 principles that our karate school teaches that seem to apply in a wide variety of circumstances:


Be polite

Be patient

Be alert

Be brave

Do your best

Respect yourself and others

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We tend to be fairly relaxed about some rules:


1. come to school with hair combed, teeth brushed, and breakfast eaten.

2. do not continue to bounce up and down on the exercise ball while I'm reading to you, it makes mommy dizzy.

3. if a critter shows up on the front porch, at the door, in the fireplace, we take a break to enjoy nature (no kidding we've had it all, some opportunities are too good to pass up)

4. Mommy sometimes needs a time out too. ;) We call it a break

5. Don't answer the phone during school, unless it's dh. I'm "working".

6. Remember: Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape

7. The cat may lay on the table sometimes. However, he can not lay on the work you are supposed to be doing.

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