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Can you tell me about Leading Little Ones to God?

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What specifically did you want to know? We loved it! It was a very conversational way to teach my children some of the deeper truths about the Bible. My children really enjoyed it at ages 4 and 6, and I think we will wait a year and read it again.

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My children really enjoyed it at ages 4 and 6, and I think we will wait a year and read it again.


:iagree: We used it when my boys were this age and plan to use it again this year. I really liked it. It does not get into areas where differ denominations disagree (for ex. it has one section on baptism. It never says if you should baptize as infants or not....nothing on sprinkling versus immersion). It leaves all this up to you as the parent to discuss, so I think most denominations would be pleased with it.

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We love it, too. We also love Devotions for the Childrens Hour. LLOTG doesn't really cover Bible stories (Daniel and the Lion's Den, Jonah and the Whale, etc...) so we use Bible Stories to Read/Bible Pictures to color for that.


We read the Bible and sing hymns daily, but don't really consider that part of school. For devotions, we alternate between LLOTG, DFTCH, and Spurgeon's Morning by Morning.

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When I read threads about LLOTG I pull mine out again and think maybe we should give it another go. But then I look through and I still don't "get" how it works so well for people. It didn't go well here. No activities, lots of (dry to them) reading, prayer with thee's and thou. One kid particularly completely spaced out and he was five and loves to be read to so it should have been ok. I don't know. It just wasn't engaging here. I may try it again...off to pull it out and see what we somehow missed...

Edited by sbgrace
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I've used it with my three older kids, now working through with my littles. I cut out the thees and thous, and I edit a lot because it's not written the way I talk. But, it gives us a good starting point for discussion. And my 6yo is eating it up.

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We just loved it, but we did not do a lot of what it includes--many of the hymns were not in our hymnal, and we did not memorize verses or even read from the bible during the time we used it.

I think my dd really liked the "snuggle" factor, and the little prayer. I think she picked up my attitude on it all.


Just fyi, we also really liked Little Visits With God, which we used in 2nd grade and part of 4th (it was really too young for us by then, but we adored it!).

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When my oldest was 2.5 to 4 years old, we read this several times a week. Sometimes I would rephrase a bit, especially the prayers, but it was a good resource to begin talking about God with a little one. My oldest daughter is sensitive to the Holy Spirit, she asks deep questions about spiritual things, she prays, she loves to worship. I believe that LLO played a part in her early spiritual growth -- perhaps it was taking the time to focus on it, more than the particular resource? But it is a good resource, if you use it flexibly.


With my twins (3.5 years old), I haven't used it yet. But I pulled it off the shelf last week, because I plan to begin using it with them when they are 4 years old. I think they would understand it now, but our year is already full! Next year will be soon enough for these two. :willy_nilly::willy_nilly: HTH.

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I cut out the thees and thous, and I edit a lot because it's not written the way I talk. But, it gives us a good starting point for discussion. And my 6yo is eating it up.


:iagree: I had started reading it last spring with my just turned 5ds and dd8. It went well, but then we got off track when summer came. We've started again at the beginning. My little guy seems to be getting more out of it now, and I can see repeating it with him again in another year or two. Maybe it's just my kids, but I can't imagine using it before K and think it would stick better a bit later.

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I bought it and wanted to love it, but as I was reading through it to preview, there were just too many things I wanted to edit. I found it too punitive in places and the rest felt forced.


So I'm going to be selling my copy if anyone wants it. :001_smile:

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We read through it during breakfasts year before last, and I'm planning on re-reading it again this year. I don't use the Thees and Thous either and will skip the hymn or read it as a poem if I'm not familiar with the melody.


I think LLOTG is wonderful ... I like to think of it as Systematic Theology for Children. There are plenty of other good resources (Catherine Vos's Children's Story Bible, for example) for Bible stories. I choose both!! ;)

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I think LLOTG is wonderful ... I like to think of it as Systematic Theology for Children. There are plenty of other good resources (Catherine Vos's Children's Story Bible, for example) for Bible stories.


We're reading through that one as well! It's really wonderful and written in a very engaging manner.

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I used it with dd#2 and loved it. I'm looking forward to using it with #3 when she's old enough, around 5 or so. We just did the reading, not the prayers or (as I remember) the memorization. It's an excellent introduction to Christian doctrine that is not dumbed down or cutesy.

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I didn't read most of the other posts, but here is my experience.


We did it for evening devotions when my children were 3, 5, and 7. I found that after that year, my children really knew soooo much more about God, who he was, salvation... It was wonderful!!:)


It may seem a little dry to some, or long, and does not have tons of pictures, but it is worth it's weight in gold!


My 3 year old boy told his church nursery worker, that he had learned that God knew everything. So God already knew that ...... and went on to tell her past events that God already knew about before they happened.


Sorry to ramble... It's a great book! :)

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What specifically did you want to know? We loved it! It was a very conversational way to teach my children some of the deeper truths about the Bible. My children really enjoyed it at ages 4 and 6, and I think we will wait a year and read it again.


Basically what everybody has already said! Sorry I was in a hurry when I posted that lol. Basically I was wondering about peoples experiences with it, the age range it was intended for and whether it was biased to a certain denomination!



It does not get into areas where differ denominations disagree (for ex. it has one section on baptism. It never says if you should baptize as infants or not....nothing on sprinkling versus immersion). It leaves all this up to you as the parent to discuss, so I think most denominations would be pleased with it.


Thank you! That REALLY helps! I was hoping that was the case!

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