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dejunking the house so much that dh asked if we are moving

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dd and I are spending from 3 to 6 hours almost every day dejunking the house, even threw out all the old carpet to reveal the old hardwood floors underneath. Dh asked last night if we are moving ? I told him yes, we are moving to the huge beachfront house that is 1/4 mile from us and listed at 4 million. He said to just let him know when we get the money to buy it lol.


I actually have stuff in my attic that has not been seen in 15 years so yes, I am sorta acting like we are moving, cause if we did move, we would throw out 90% of our stuff so I am throwing it out now so we can enjoy our house whithout so much stuff being in the way.


p.s. I wonder if they would take a lowball offer on the beachfront house lol.

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I've been trying to think this way. Where we are currently living is the longest we've been in one place so our "we're moving purge" is loooooong overdue!


When we bought this house, the previous owner had to stop by to pick up something. When he looked around at the cleared out house he was sad that they moved. The clutter is what made them feel like they needed to move. It's helpful for me to keep this in mind when I deal with stuff.

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That's funny, right after I posted a facebook status of:


Completely reorganizing the entire house! So far all the bedrooms and the living room are finished. Still have the kitchen, dining room, laundry room, entryway, hall/entryway closets, bathrooms, and garage left, and I'm tired! On the plus side, I've tossed a lot of junk. :)


I get on here and yours is the first thread I see! Looks like I'm not the only one!

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I think you should try it. The way the economy is going, what's the diff between 0.1 million and 4.0 million? :D


I also think it's worth a try. ;)

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dd and I are spending from 3 to 6 hours almost every day dejunking the house, even threw out all the old carpet to reveal the old hardwood floors underneath. Dh asked last night if we are moving ? I told him yes, we are moving to the huge beachfront house that is 1/4 mile from us and listed at 4 million. He said to just let him know when we get the money to buy it lol.


I actually have stuff in my attic that has not been seen in 15 years so yes, I am sorta acting like we are moving, cause if we did move, we would throw out 90% of our stuff so I am throwing it out now so we can enjoy our house whithout so much stuff being in the way.


p.s. I wonder if they would take a lowball offer on the beachfront house lol.



If they accept your offer I'll buy your house:D.

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I decided to do this, too. Calling it the 20 year purge. If I do it really well every 20 years (still do some all the time...), the kids shouldn't have to much to get rid of when we pass on. ;)

Edited by Tina
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I started doing that last week, too. The kids have reached that point in summer where they no longer get along and are starting to bicker constantly, so I have to find things for them to do to stay busy. So we started with their rooms. I threw out four bags of TOYS. Not clothes or items, just STUFF that they had. Three of those came from DS's room. Next, I think I'll tackle the kitchen. I have a HUGE kitchen, but it's completely overflowing with stuff. And do I really *NEED* a mandoline that I never use? Can I finally talk my husband into getting rid of the ice shaver and the flavorings that go with it since he hasn't used it in three years? How about the Brita pitcher that hasn't seen the light of day for approximately that long? I think he's going to have to be in on this or I'll never hear the end of it, but it'd be so nice to have a place for everything.

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That's great!


Decluttering started at my house last week! I took three carloads of stuff to the local thrift store and the library. I'll know I made a dent when I can open the passenger car door inside the garage to get in/out of the car when dh drives. Not there yet. We inherited my father's house (he passed away three years ago), and it has been the hardest thing for me to go through his stuff. Of the five siblings, it is my job to do it.

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Heree is how I got motivated. I hated looking around my house at all the stuff, it was driving me crazy. I decided that I want to like the way my house looks. So I started in one corner of one room with a trash bag and a recycle bag and ignored the rest of the room until I got that corner done and then moved to the next corner. Somedays I worked for 1 or 2 hours, other days I worked much longer. But every day, I tried to do at least one hour.


But one corner, one room at a time is how I am doing it.



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Purging our home of a lot of junk is the first thing on my to do list once I have my nerve ablated. I hurt way too much to do it now--and I don't want to be an overseer:D!! The guys in my household do not know what is in store for them once Mamma feels better!

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We'll be starting this once my dh comes home from deployment next month. We will actually be moving sometime next spring or early summer so I figure if we start this summer, we'll be all set once the move actually comes around.


It is such a great feeling to dekjunk.

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