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OK....who has had kidney stones?

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These stupid things are killing me!!!! I have had the pain off and on for 2 months and about 2 1/2 weeks ago the constant pain in my lower back. I drink a TON of water normally (like a gallon a day) and that is all I drink besides one cup of coffee...no soda, no kool aid.....water.


So I have upped my water intake and I am peeing like every 20 mins. I am freaking out that this thing is stuck and never coming out. My CT scan showed it small enough to pass, but 2 1/2 weeks???Come on........

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Cherry juice.


My DH had a 4 day episode that landed him in the hospital on morphine. It was horrific. He has since had back pain that he knew were kidney stones. Cherry juice concentrate does the trick. Can't hurt.


edited to ad: I'm not saying it help one pass, I don't know, but when my DH has the pain, a few days of cherry juice helps a lot and he trys to remember to take it several times a week for preventative measures.

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I've had kidney stones (complete with several ER visits for morphine IV :D) but some of mine were too big to pass & I had to have lithotripsy eventually .


Hope you get relief soon. If they've imaged them correctly, they can tell if it will pass or not. Remember you kidney is more like a sponge & not a sac so sometimes it takes a while to get into the ureter.

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I've had them. It took me about 3 weeks after one was in my bladder before it finally passed. Staying hydrated is the best thing, but don't push fluids excessively. That could lead to water intoxication and even worse problems. If you are having a lot of pain talk with your regular doctor, and don't take aspirin. It can cause bleeding and passing a stone can cause bleeding anyway.

Hope you feel better soon.

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I've had kidney stones (complete with several ER visits for morphine IV :D) but some of mine were too big to pass & I had to have lithotripsy eventually .


Hope you get relief soon. If they've imaged them correctly, they can tell if it will pass or not. Remember you kidney is more like a sponge & not a sac so sometimes it takes a while to get into the ureter.


My scan showed it was in the left ureter. My scan was about 5 days ago. I figured it would be out by now. :-(

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I've had them. It took me about 3 weeks after one was in my bladder before it finally passed. Staying hydrated is the best thing, but don't push fluids excessively. That could lead to water intoxication and even worse problems. If you are having a lot of pain talk with your regular doctor, and don't take aspirin. It can cause bleeding and passing a stone can cause bleeding anyway.

Hope you feel better soon.


My doc gave me Vicodin and told me to drink as much water as possible. I wonder how much too much water is?

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Stay clear of processed foods. They’re loaded with salt, a big cause of kidney stones.

Drink lots of water.

Eating more magnesium and potassium-rich foods – avocados, green veggies, whole grains, nuts, seeds, strawberries, turmeric, and apricots.

Cut back on alcohol, soda, and red meat.


Take these herbs to keep your kidneys healthy and prevent kidney stones and other problems:

Dandelion – take 500 mg twice a day or drink as a tea

Stinging Nettle – Taken in tea (1 tbsp steeped in 1 cup hot water) or supplement

Gravel Root – helps break down stones, making them easier to pass.

Add 1 tbsp of dried herb to 3 cups hot water. Let steep, covered for 10 minutes.

Drink ½ to 1 cup 3-5 times a day.

Marshmallow Root Tea – To soothe urinary tract and make passing stones less painful. Steep 1 tbsp of dried herb in 1 quart cool water overnight. Drink 2-4 cups a day.

Black Tea – reduces your chances of developing kidney stones.

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I've had kidney stones (complete with several ER visits for morphine IV :D) but some of mine were too big to pass & I had to have lithotripsy eventually .

Same here! First one on morphine (ahhhhhhh) then one lithotripsied, then one that took 10 days to pass and blocked my kidney and cost me a bundle in imaging and I know I have more coming. I don't mind them coming and going, I don't mind :D the morphine. I do mind the ones that take a long time with niggling pain because I'm neurotic about a blocked kidney. I have more forming, I know it's only a matter of time before the next one passes, my preference is fast and extremely painful, that way I can have morphine and feel nothing :D

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Me. Only I didn't know that's what it was. I toughed it out until dh pushed me out of the van in front of the ER and said, "Go get help."


A couple stones, one had passed. I was miserable. But that pain medication worked and in a couple days I was back to normal.


It felt like my usual ovulation pain so I didn't think it was anything unusual. Evidently lying in unusual positions to alleviate pain is a symptom of kidney stones. :D

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There are two kinds of kidney stones: calcium and uric acid. Once yours pass, you need to find out which kind you have so have it analyzed or have a blood test for uric acid. There is different protocol for preventing each one so it's important to know so you can do the right thing in the future. If your blood uric acid level is high, you have uric acid stones and you WILL get them again. My DH has uric acid stones and is on medication to reduce the level of uric acid in his blood. It is a genetic flaw in the way his body processes. If he goes off his meds, he gets gout and stones quickly. Cherry juice also helps but a change in diet did nothing. Just FYI.

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Stay clear of processed foods. They’re loaded with salt, a big cause of kidney stones.

Drink lots of water.

Eating more magnesium and potassium-rich foods – avocados, green veggies, whole grains, nuts, seeds, strawberries, turmeric, and apricots.

Cut back on alcohol, soda, and red meat.


Take these herbs to keep your kidneys healthy and prevent kidney stones and other problems:

Dandelion – take 500 mg twice a day or drink as a tea

Stinging Nettle – Taken in tea (1 tbsp steeped in 1 cup hot water) or supplement

Gravel Root – helps break down stones, making them easier to pass.

Add 1 tbsp of dried herb to 3 cups hot water. Let steep, covered for 10 minutes.

Drink ½ to 1 cup 3-5 times a day.

Marshmallow Root Tea – To soothe urinary tract and make passing stones less painful. Steep 1 tbsp of dried herb in 1 quart cool water overnight. Drink 2-4 cups a day.

Black Tea – reduces your chances of developing kidney stones.


I eat very little salt and rarely a processed food. I have been on a healthy eating plan for 1 year now. I eat mostly organic. I eat only whole grains, lots of nuts and green veggies. I drink about a gallon of water a day. I am healthier than I ever have been.


thanks for the herbs! My aunt just told me about dandelion, but i may try the gravel root right now.


I thnk it has nothing to do with my diet.

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I had a ureteroscopic stone removal when I was in college. I woke up in the middle of the night with the most excruciating pain ever.


I wound up staying 3 days in the hospital.


I've never had another one though.

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You may want to follow a low-protein diet for a while and see if that helps. Good luck.


ITA with this. I have also used herbs (many of the ones already listed in a preparation from Europe. Totally vile paste which you dissolve in water & drink.....) but I'm convinced the main reason I've been stone free for 10 years + is my reduction in protein intake, esp animal protein. Vegetarianism has been very good for my kidneys.


Too much protein creates a big strain on kidneys.

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My dd16 has kidney stones. She had surgery in Feb to remove one that was stuck. Her urologist said that most stones will pass within 48 hours if they're going to. They wait longer to do the surgery because they really want the stone to pass on its own. But sometimes a stone gets stuck (usually at the wall from the kidney to the ureter or from the ureter to the bladder) even if its small enough that it should pass.


If your stones show up on a ct scan, they're calcium stones; the uric acid (protein) stones don't show up. They will send it off to a lab for analysis anyway, but that's what two doctors told us (one internist and one urologist).


My dd16 has been told not to drink tea (this is a big deal in the south, lol, but the urologist said it's the biggest cause of kidney stones here), dark sodas, and any drink with caffeine. It was hard to get her to drink water before she had kidney stones; now she drinks it constantly. She was borderline dehydrated when she went to the ER, and the ER doctor gave her a stern talking-to about that.

Edited by LizzyBee
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I've had them twice, once for each kid. Seriously. While still bf'ing I got one each time. The doc figured between working out and bf'ing I wasn't hydrated enough. IMO the pain was worse than unmedicated labor pain. Yeouch!


DH has had them 18 or 20 times. They are actually what caused him to be medically retired from the Army. There is some medical clause that says if you get them more than 3 times while on active duty, you are automatically out. Anyway, he was told to avoid dark colored sodas, tea, dark green veggies, excessive salt, caffeine... None of that has helped. He is at Cub Scout Resident Camp (several days and nights) with one right now.


The only thing that I found that really helped pass them was, at the advice of a Hungarian doctor, drinking a few beers (to increase the volume of urine and relax everything). I know alcohol is a no no but he firmly believed that that putting that volume of liquid behind the stone in a relaxed system pushed the stones through.


Take it or leave it. It's Hungarian medicine, lol!

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These stupid things are killing me!!!! I have had the pain off and on for 2 months and about 2 1/2 weeks ago the constant pain in my lower back. I drink a TON of water normally (like a gallon a day) and that is all I drink besides one cup of coffee...no soda, no kool aid.....water.


So I have upped my water intake and I am peeing like every 20 mins. I am freaking out that this thing is stuck and never coming out. My CT scan showed it small enough to pass, but 2 1/2 weeks???Come on........


I have one right now! It's my second...my first was 7 years ago and the pain was unbearable...I was hospitalized and given demerol for 3 days. At that time all my pain was in the front; this time it's all in my back. For the first week or so I thought I had done something to my back. Then I figured out it might be a kidney stone. The painkillers did NOTHING for the pain. I've been drinking lots of cranberry juice and V8 (which are both supposed to help) DH found some home remedies online Thursday evening. One was to drink a quarter cup of fresh lemon juice mixed with a quarter cup of olive oil l(yeah, gross, I know, but I did it). I believe the citric acid in the lemon juice is supposed to help break up the stone and the olive oil is to help lubricate its passage out. By last night I felt better, so I'm assuming it broke up a little. There is still pain though, so I know I haven't passed all of it. I will be doing another lemon/olive shot to see if it helps further.


In my recent research I read that it can take a month for these to pass :001_huh:


Hope you feel better soon.

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I just wanted to mention another (rare but often overlooked) cause of continued kidney stones. My sister had parathyroid disease. I believe these would be calcium stones. Blood calcium levels in the 10's and above are never normal and indicate parathyroid disease (which is entirely curable). The stones were her only known symptom though after treatment she felt better than she had in "forever" according to her.


Information: http://parathyroid.com/parathyroid-symptoms.htm

I think anyone with kidney stones needs a test (blood calcium and PTH I believe) as, even though this is not at all the most common cause, it's 100% treatable and has major impacts on health in general including reduced life expectancy if untreated.


People with hyperparathyroidism under the age of 40 have twice the risk of having kidney stones than people over the age of 40. If you have kidney stones you must check your blood calcium AND your PTH levels. You will continue to get stones if you don't remove the parathyroid tumor.
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I have had too many to count! Here's what I have found to help me:


concentrated cranberry pills to prevent infection

cranberry juice

magnesium supplements daily!

magnesium oil daily!

ORGANIC RAW apple cider vinegar 1 T to a quart of water 3x day


And here is the main thing:

Steam distilled water only! For years I drank our well water (filtered even) and lots of it and got kidney stones constantly. One day my husband said he thought it must be the water. Well, upon looking and researching, I found our well water to leave like a white film on our teapot, etc...which means lots of calcium is in our water. So, I quit drinking the well water and only drank steam distilled and the kidney stones went away after a few months. After a few years, I started drinking our well water again because we got it filtered and I was tired of buying water...guess what? The kidney stones came back again. So, I started drinking steam distilled and now they are gone!




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I have twice. The first time I didn't knwo what was going on, thought I had a really bad UTI.


The second one came on suddenly and landed me in the ER vomiting and peeing every 5 minutes, and put on morphine. That was about 4 years ago.


I passed it in the ER, but I didn't know it, so we never knew what kind of stone it was.


The CT Scan didn't show it after I passed it, but found an enlarged urethra so they knew that is waht happened.


I pray it never happens again.


I hope you feel better.:grouphug:

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