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Hey ya'll! It's been a long time...

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Haven't posted in an eternity, but so many of you have not been absent from my thoughts.


Our homelife is about to change immensely this fall. We will be sending 4 of our children to the area Catholic schools (our 7 yob, 9 yog, 11 yob, and 13 yob). Funny though, we are keeping our 16 yo twin boys home for the next year due to state recruiting rules (for athletics). If they homeschool consecutively for over 200 days (they did attend the area ps part time last year), then they will be eligible to play football next fall. We will be homeschooling them full-time this-coming year.


I've been a diehard homeschooler for many years, and this is quite a surprise to many that we know. Honestly, "I" am ready for our children to go to school. Maybe it's my age, I am not sure, but it seems like I just don't have the passion and drive to homeschool the whole gang anymore. The past 5 years were difficult for our family (due to my health issues), and changes were on the move back then. They have merely manifested gradually, and come to a point where we have no reservations.


Though we are not Catholic, we have been welcomed warmly by the school here. We like the atmosphere and the expectation that the Catholic school has established. The community is also quite wonderful, and we know many of the parents there.


So, I will still be hanging around here, due to the fact that I still have my preschooler and high schoolers at home.


I am able to post again due to my dear husband's generosity in giving me a laptop w/ wireless here at home. It feels good to be here again.


Phew....I sure am looking forward to a lighter load coming in the fall.




Camy (who is thankful to have good health back again/ How I thank God for getting me through the rough times!)

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Hi Camy!

Your little lady is 9yo! That simply cannot be true! Wow. I remember when you were starting a newsletter. How long ago was that? 10 years? I remember wondering how on earth you could do a newsletter with five little kids, including a baby, at home! (I was barely functioning with two at the time). :)


Anyway, after homeschooling for 9 years, we are putting our eldest in school next year as well. It seems very strange, but only slightly lightening, since our littler lady will be starting K. :)


Anyway, I'm glad you got a computer, and that you can hang out here a bit. It has changed a lot from the old days, but it's still fun (most of the time). :)


Welcome home!

Suzanne in ABQ (who used to be "in CA", but moved" ;)

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I hope all goes well w/ putting your oldest in school. We were pleased with our experience (the twins). I don't know about you, but it was a process to work through all of those feelings (for my dh and me!) as we went through the process. A lot of prayer helped.


LOL....about the newsletter, yes, your thoughts were right, about being overwhelmed. I'm learning to keep my life very simple. I say "no" to a lot of things that pull me away from my dh and children now. However, I am trying to keep writing by using the blog format. My dh got this laptop as a surprise for me, because he likes me to write.


Well, thanks for chiming in, Suzanne!





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Hi Camy. I've missed you. I haven't been a homeschooling mom for 3 years, but I cannot shake my WTM board addiction. I guess I just did it too long. My youngest will be a senior at Virginia Tech next year. He turns 19 this month :-) We did homeschool him all the way, but his last 2 years of high school were done at community college. This Well Trained Mind stuff really worked for us.

I have FOUR grandsons now!!!! I get to keep 3 of them twice a week while my daughter teaches part time at a local college. The babies are twins. I have decided that I wish all babies were twins (but I don't have to do it full time, do I?)

Like Suzanne, I remember when you started out by adding another boybarian every once in a while until FINALLY there was Rachel Grace:-) I used to so look forward to your newsletters.

Welcome back. God bless your husband for making it possible.

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Camy!!! Hi :001_smile:


Like Suzanne, I remember when you started out by adding another boybarian every once in a while until FINALLY there was Rachel Grace:-) I used to so look forward to your newsletters.

Welcome back. God bless your husband for making it possible.



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Hi Camy!

I've graduated two and am putting dd in 5th grade at the local ps (no good cath schools around here, and the Epis one is too $$).

I like your blog name! Maybe you will post more now?

Looking forward to hearing how things go this year.

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Good to see you here! I miss some of the old-timers. And your boybarian handle always makes me think of dear StaceyL in Canada. She usually pops in during the summer, but I know she's had many changes as well. Best wishes as you navigate transitions for your family this year!



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Haven't posted in an eternity, but so many of you have not been absent from my thoughts.




Camy (who is thankful to have good health back again/ How I thank God for getting me through the rough times!)


Camy, I can't believe the little lady is nine, either. When we started hsing, you had just had her! Glad to "see" you. :)



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I just want to hug you all! I wasn't sure how many of you were still here.



Funny, though we basically communicated for years simply through this board, I felt such a bond. Do you remember Janie? She said wouldn't it be nice for us all just to spend some time together...sigh...


I guess this is just the best we can do for now!


Thanks so much for saying "hi."





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Hi Camy!


So good to see you back here again, though I pop in only once in a while. Life often takes us in some unplanned directions sometimes. And in your case, it's okay! I, too, can't believe your little lady is nine! Wow! This decade has flown by. And I still like the idea of a WTM board convention! Can you imagine how much fun that would be?

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