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staying home

How many days of the week do you stay all day/night?  

  1. 1. How many days of the week do you stay all day/night?

    • None, I'm always on the go.
    • One day
    • Two days
    • Three days
    • Four days
    • Five days
    • Six days
    • All week baby, if I can manage it.
    • It depends. Some weeks I'm home more than others.
    • 4 or 5 during the week, out on the weekends.

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I answered 6 days. I'm out for church on Sunday.


But I didn't count going to the grocery store because..well...that's not going out, LOL! And I only go to the grocery store every week and a half.


Now currently, I go to my OB appointments, but again, that doesn't count in my mind and they are almost over with!


I need to get out! :auto:

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We have Judo on Monday, Thursday, & Friday. Piano on Thursday. Co-op on Fridays. Church on Sunday and Wednesday. I usually run errands on Saturday.


Tuesday is my day home. Everything is close (anywhere from a 3-10 minute drive)(except for the errand-running), so considering we're out everyday we're not gone from the house that much, and only 1 morning a week for co-op.

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I answered 6 days. I'm out for church on Sunday.


But I didn't count going to the grocery store because..well...that's not going out, LOL! And I only go to the grocery store every week and a half.


Now currently, I go to my OB appointments, but again, that doesn't count in my mind and they are almost over with!


I need to get out! :auto:


:driving: Come out here! :thumbup:

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Oh, when will you women learn. You can't post a poll on a woman's board without providing "other" as an option, because most women consider themselves "others" and can't be confined by limited choices:)


I am out almost everyday, but I would never describe myself as "always on the go." For example, on Monday and Wednesday I drive kids home from tennis (another Mom takes them). It's 3 minutes from my house. Sometimes they actually just walk, but I like to pick them up after because they are tired. So does a six minute trip count as "out" that day? I'm certainly not "on the go" on those two days.


On Tuesday and Thursday I am often home all day because the swimming carpool is handled by another Mom. But if I run to the grocery, is that "out?"


I don't like being "on the go" and am home most of every day, though a couple days I have afternoon duties, Friday being the most onerous (I'm out from 3:00 until almost 6:00 that day.

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Oh, when will you women learn. You can't post a poll on a woman's board without providing "other" as an option, because most women consider themselves "others" and can't be confined by limited choices:)


LOL Grrrr. I did say you can pick more than one. You win, next time I put an other! grrrr :lol::lol::tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie:


Oh, when will you women learn. You can't post a poll on a woman's board without providing "other" as an option, because most women consider themselves "others" and can't be confined by limited choices:)


I am out almost everyday, but I would never describe myself as "always on the go." For example, on Monday and Wednesday I drive kids home from tennis (another Mom takes them). It's 3 minutes from my house. Sometimes they actually just walk, but I like to pick them up after because they are tired. So does a six minute trip count as "out" that day? I'm certainly not "on the go" on those two days.


On Tuesday and Thursday I am often home all day because the swimming carpool is handled by another Mom. But if I run to the grocery, is that "out?"


I don't like being "on the go" and am home most of every day, though a couple days I have afternoon duties, Friday being the most onerous (I'm out from 3:00 until almost 6:00 that day.

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So does a six minute trip count as "out" that day? I'm certainly not "on the go" on those two days.


Out means out. If you leave (in a vehicle) then you are out. You aren't home all day and night. Close, but no cigar. lol


Don't count running or taking walks. This was more of a transportation thing for me.

Oh, when will you women learn. You can't post a poll on a woman's board without providing "other" as an option, because most women consider themselves "others" and can't be confined by limited choices:)


I am out almost everyday, but I would never describe myself as "always on the go." For example, on Monday and Wednesday I drive kids home from tennis (another Mom takes them). It's 3 minutes from my house. Sometimes they actually just walk, but I like to pick them up after because they are tired. So does a six minute trip count as "out" that day? I'm certainly not "on the go" on those two days.


On Tuesday and Thursday I am often home all day because the swimming carpool is handled by another Mom. But if I run to the grocery, is that "out?"


I don't like being "on the go" and am home most of every day, though a couple days I have afternoon duties, Friday being the most onerous (I'm out from 3:00 until almost 6:00 that day.

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I used to be more of a homebody than I am now. But honestly, with 700 sq ft- we have to get out often, or we get on each other's nerves. :D(And often my husband is in the bedroom as a "home office"!!):willy_nilly:


So I am learning to be flexible- and go out much more!

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Yet another reason I love this board. I can't tell you how many times I've been pondering something and thought about posting it here, only to log on and find that someone else has been wondering the exact same thing? I was contemplating this just this morning.


I feel like I never get to leave the house these days. We're trying not to spend too much money, so the grocery store is one of the few places we actually go. Plus, I have DD2 who's recently given up naps, so if we go anywhere after noon, she'll fall asleep in the car, which wreaks havoc on our entire week. Thus, we are home A LOT. But I'm about to join our local co-op (I keep saying that, I really have to actually do it), and I'm hoping that will get us out and about more. My two social girls really need to make some good friends!

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ut now, I LOVE to be home and don't want to leave more than I have to. I am able to keep my act together so much more when I am home. When I have to leave a lot, it seems like the house, meals and sometimes even school, just fall apart!


Man, I know what you mean. It's just so expensive to go anywhere anymore. I am just more peaceful and things run more smoothly when we are home.

My dh has started doing the Sam's shopping every two weeks. God, I love that man! :D (he's mine ALL mine! Bwwa ha ha ha)


He'll even grocery shop. :D:D:D


Even shopping has lost its appeal. I used to chomp at the bit to go out and shop or window shop.


Don't get me wrong, I LIVE for date night and haven't had one in about a month. We are going out this Friday. Woo hoo! :party:


But during the school week, leave alone and let me be home. :tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie:


But now, I LOVE to be home and don't want to leave more than I have to. I am able to keep my act together so much more when I am home. When I have to leave a lot, it seems like the house, meals and sometimes even school, just fall apart!
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Mondays we're home

Tuesdays is Awanas

Wednesday is youth group (dh is youth pastor, our whole family is there)

Thursdays we're home

Fridays are park day

Saturday we're home, unless we do something fun with the kids

Sundays is church


This is our schedule after JUST moving here. We haven't even begun to add extra curricular activities. Eventually, I'm sure we'll have our sports teams back up and running.

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My sanity and peace depend on having some days at home. I probably literally only stay home on Thursdays, but on Tuesdays and Sundays, we dont have any homeschool or booked social activities. Wednesday is mostly home, but we have piano lesson and gym in the afternoon. I still get a nap though :)

Saturday I work, plus have band practice.

Monday and Friday we are out most of the days with homeschool classes.


I love Tuesdays and Thursdays and Sundays where we mostly can just be home.

i don't like being "busy",and I will cut back activities if I cant get enough time for just hanging out doing not much (i.e. time for computer, reading, housework, walks, painting, stuff that only gets done when theres time!).

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