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My Grandma's is dying.

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My grandmother is like my mom, I have always been very close to her. I am her co guardians along with my aunt. My family is very fractured. We are bringing her home with hospice. She has Alzheimer’s and she is in stage five. Her organs have started to shut down. The doctor gives her ten days to two weeks; the doctor said a month at the most. My question is how do I make her comfortable, how do I make my family get along. I know my grandma would want to be home so we are bringing her home. Please give me any thoughts, tips, and ideas. Please keep us in your prayers. This is the hardest thing I have had to do. I feel like a piece of me is dying and I am heartbroken.

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My grandmother is like my mom, I have always been very close to her. I am her co guardians along with my aunt. My family is very fractured. We are bringing her home with hospice. She has Alzheimer’s and she is in stage five. Her organs have started to shut down. The doctor gives her ten days to two weeks; the doctor said a month at the most. My question is how do I make her comfortable, how do I make my family get along. I know my grandma would want to be home so we are bringing her home. Please give me any thoughts, tips, and ideas. Please keep us in your prayers. This is the hardest thing I have had to do. I feel like a piece of me is dying and I am heartbroken.


I have no advice, but you have my prayers. I'm so sorry :grouphug:.

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This is the hardest thing I have had to do.


I have always considered death to be a very intimate thing, and have felt overwhelmingly honored whenever I am asked to partake in the process. My mother's death is one of my very best memories, and the little delicate care, like my brother moving the birdfeeder so that she could see the birds out her bedroom window, or her cat, who parked herself on Mommy for a full day, and didn't empty her bladder or eat or drink the whole time, has been a balm of peace I will wear the rest of my life.

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Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers. I am going to speak with the doctor and get everything set up today. I have to get a hospital bed, go to the grocery store, and I am probably forgetting something. My aunt who is co-guardians with me just left for the beach for ten days so it will be just my mom and I along with another aunt who can only provide limited help. I hope we are doing the right thing. The doctor seemed to think we need to place her in a facility and just be there for her, but I am glad we are bringing her home. Thanks again for listening and letting me vent.

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