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If you were GIVEN the curriculum, would you sell it?


Would you sell curriculum given to you? Please explain your reasoning.  

  1. 1. Would you sell curriculum given to you? Please explain your reasoning.

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I think it also depends on how it came to me. I recently had someone give me some books because she was moving. I didn't ask for them, didn't need them, didn't want them, didn't know anyone that wanted them. I put them on paperbackswap.

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Yes, if she has given you the curriculum without attachment, then feel free to sell. I have given curriculum to others, what they do with it when it is out of my hands is up to them. If it works better to sell and use the proceeds to buy something else, great.


... and I thank you.. ;)

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If she stated that she is okay with you selling it, then I'd say do what you need to do. I'm sure that she gave it to you to help educate your children. If it cannot be used outright, then her gift is essentially useless. If, by selling it, you can purchase something to educate your children that you could not get otherwise, then the purpose and spirit of her gift have been fulfilled.


ETA: I replied before reading the entire thread.

Edited by rockermom
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If she gave her blessing, then I would do what I needed to do.




I have always felt that when I give something to someone (either as a gift or a giveaway) that the item is their's to do what they want with it. Obviously I'd prefer that my gifts bring them joy, but if I chose wrong, then I'll settle for them exchanging it for something that WILL bring joy.


Now...had she had these things in a pile and offered you to take what you want and you took them with the sole intention of selling them, that's wrong. I sadly see this happening quite often where people aren't taking things to use and then decide against it, they know they're going to sell it from the get go.


Your friend will probably also feel wonderful that her gift is able to help you more in the form of money you need....as I'm sure she'd feel awkward trying to help you in your current situation with a handout.


Soooo....what ya got to sell? LOL

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Ok, another thought occured to me.


What if you HAD used the curriculum and you were now finished with it.


You have said that you often give away things when you're done with them, or sell them if you have the time. Had you actually used this item....and knowing your current finances.....would you still feel the same weirdness about selling it? In other words, is your discomfort with the fact that she gave it to you to use with your children and you did not? If you would have given/sold it after your child finished with it, I would treat it the same. And it sounds like you finances are needing you to sell instead of give away this time....and that's ok, as you've given before. THe fact that you have kept it for so long shows that your intent was never to profit from her discards. How many of us have bought things that sit for a year or two (or three) and then we turn around and resell it. We certainly didn't buy it with that intent, but that's how life turned around.

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If someone gives something as a blessing, and that person needs money, I don't see anything wrong with selling it. I see that as another form of being able to bless someone.


Exactly! We're sometimes so wrapped up in what we have to do to gift others we completely ignore that letting someone else fully gift us is a wonderful thing to do as well. It's not just about giving to others, it's about giving others the space and opportunity to express their own gifts. Otherwise, in the end, it can become all about you and a denial of the others around you.


I've both been the person who gives to much and been hurt by someone who does that.

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I have actually seen and heard more friendships go sour over curriculum. UGH! WHY?!?! :banghead:

There is a saying we have in Italy, which says patti chiari, amicizia lunga. The rough equivalent would be something like "clear agreements make a long friendship". Many friendships really do go sour when the agreements are less than clear, and when money comes into the play. For that reason, I actively avoid money or other forms of "debt" in friendships, because it creates an unequal situation and those subtle tensions.


That being said, I also dislike disproportional gifts and favors because they also create a "debt" of the kind. If I received a disproportional gift (something I did not or can not "give back" in some form), I really would not feel alright with selling it and profiting from it.


I voted that it's okay because, if we're to speak as "formalists", what's given is yours now and you may treat it however you please - from giving away to selling to burning; but I still believe that in some situations I might feel at unease about the financial profit from it.

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If she gave her blessing and truly does not care if you sell them I would sell them!


I am sure she would much rather see you sell them and buy something you will love and use....then have it sit on your shelf collecting dust.


Sell it and buy something useful! :)

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She gave it to you to bless you in whatever way it can. If you need to sell it so you can buy something you'd prefer to use I think she'd approve.



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