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Physics for 4th Grade?? Looking for recommendations PLEASE! :)


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We loved R.E.A.L. Science for life science, earth science and chemistry. Unfortunately the physics book isn't available.


Any recommendations? This would be for my 4th grader (w/ the 1st grader sitting in periodically)?


Thank you so much!


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My kids just finished the year of Physic Experiments for Children by Muriel Mandell. It's simple but fun because every experiment works. They get to research more at their own pace. There are no tests or fill in the blanks. My son was estatic to be lighting light bulbs with a battery and scrap wire. He wanted to try the vacuum too. I explained about watts and amps, how much it takes to power things. Then he wanted to go around and make a list of how much each appliance took. He's been explaining electricity properties to everyone since then. It's a simple book (only 5 dollars) but it's spring board to a lot of infomation. We did every single experiment in the book. You don't need anything that can't be found in the house or a dollar store.

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Maybe those characteristics you most appreciated about the previous 3 programs could lend to the choice. What did you dislike the most of the programs, if anything?


I've chosen Elemental Science Physics to use the 2 library books and Paige's notebook pages that are very organized and mobilize my science intstruction to this year's 3rd and 4th graders. I also ordered the gears kit from Rainbow Resources that was over the top fun!


Hope you enjoy and plow thru physics with gumption. You know, physics is your friend... ie. energy, friction, momentum etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Cristina! We're looking too of course. Let me know if you've picked something yet; I'd love to check it out. I've been looking at Bite-Size Physics, Mr. Q, or maybe just something that uses other books but has the lessons planned out, like Elemental Science or Noeo (although if you know who I am IRL, you know my issues with Noeo from Curriculum night).


I'd love something that is secular, with lots of experiments, and adaptable to different ages, ranging from 5-10. I'd love to hear more about Bite-Size Physics for those that use it. Do you do anything written, or just the lessons and experiments? That may be okay with us - my goal is for the kids to love science. Thanks!

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It nearly drove me crazy that there was still no R.E.A.L. physics, so for the first year I actually bought a packaged curriculum from Noeo. We are going to do Physics 1, and I added a Lego Simple Machines set. My daughter will be 3rd grade and my son will be Kindergarten and I am hoping it will be a good fit.

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Guest momk2000

We will be doing RS4K Physics 1 for grade 4. We have done the RS4K Pre-level 1 Chem. and Bio. dd really enjoyed both. We sort of strayed away from RS4K for grade 3 to try something different, but now have decided to go back to it. :)

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