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What did you do for your 30th (or 40th) birthday?

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My 30th birthday is quickly approaching (July 9th). I feel like this one should be special or something. You know, entering into my 30's, more established, have my own opinions and don't conform to others opinions as when I was younger....just more of my own person, ya know. So I wanted to do more than just go out to eat in the evening.


What did you do for a milestone birthday? 30th or 40th....or even 50th?


My birthay falls on a Friday so I thought about asking my mom if I can leave the kids with her for the entire day and have the day to do whatever I please. Eat wherever I want, browse any store that I want, possibly see a movie all by myself. I know that for some people, being by themselves does not sound fun....but I'm pretty much an introvert and I'd love to have a day to myself. My husband would be at work so he wouldn't be able to join me.


Or....should I take the weekend and go on a weekend trip to somewhere? With hubby and the kids? We love Disney and I would do that in a heartbeat, but I just don't do Disney when it's nearly 100 degrees outside. That's not fun to me LOL. Same for camping....I love camping but it's going to be hot and all the packing is always on me, so that doesn't sound like fun for my birthday LOL. We could go elsewhere though, but I'm not sure where.


Or I could go to a local water park. We might could do that on Saturday and I could still have my day to myself on Friday. A day with the family at the water park sounds fun....we haven't been there in a while. And then my whole family (parents, sisters, us, aunts, grandparents) would go out to dinner that evening (we always do that for birthdays) somewhere.


Or....something completely different that I haven't thought of yet! I need ideas LOL!

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Two completely different thoughts - my husband planned a surprise party for my 40th with friends at, of all places, Chuck E. Cheese. I am an older mother and my kids were little. We actually had a great time and, as he promised, it is a 40th I will never forget:001_smile:


Since then, I have celebrated at an adventure spa for long weekends, once with girlfriends and once completely by myself - each enjoyable for different reasons. There is nothing like getting pampered and taking time for yourself when we all so rarely do so - it is very refreshing. With my 50th this summer, this option appeals to me the most.





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I didn't figure out what I wanted to do for my 30th birthday until a few months after it! So I did it for my 31st. I'm very big into including children, we homeschool and the children are always there. When my friends and I got together, we all always had all our dc with us. So I had an adults only party, complete with mixed drinks! It was so much fun, and the only time I've ever done something like that.


Dh is turning 40 later this year and I've got to figure out something for him!

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Well....I'm very shy and quiet, so honestly, I don't really have any friends. I'm very close with my family so they are the ones usually invited to things. However, having a fun party with games, food (we don't drink), and such is just not quite as fun with grandparents as it would be with friends LOL.


Thanks for the suggestions!!

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We took the whole family (including the kids and oldest dd's boyfriend) to the Melting Pot for my 40th. They surprised me with presents to open there, my husband brought a bouquet of balloons, and it felt like a real party. Fondue felt more relaxed and festive than a regular dinner out and the kids still talk about it and I have great memories.



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Well my 30th came and went - with no fanfare, except a parking ticket. :glare: DH thought about planning a surprise party for me... Both his mom and my mom laid into him for that year.


For 35, dd9 and I went horseback riding while my folks took the youngers to a children's museum. We met for lunch at a favorite restaurant, then went back home for dinner and cake, which my mom and dad each helped cook with help of the kids. Dh took the night off work and we had a game night after the kids went to bed.

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Well my 30th came and went - with no fanfare, except a parking ticket. :glare:


Add a two hour drive each way to the zoo, carrying around the one year old in 38C weather because he wouldn't stay in the pram and crappy food (I am a foodie. Food is important,) and you have my 30th birthday :glare:


I recommend your plan of leaving the kids with your mum while you wander off and do whatever you feel like. There's nothing like spending your day pretending to have a great time while you chase kids around in less comfortable circumstances than usual. Watch "Roman Holiday" with Audrey Hepburn the night before to inspire you :)



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I decided, well in advance, that I wanted my 40th to include my closest friends for more than an evening. I wanted time to BE with my community. I decided to go camping. The stars were most definitely aligned, because all of the people most important to me were willing and able to be there (I think we had about 8 families). We spent the weekend enjoying communal cooking, singing, laughing, swimming, talking. I will turn 50 in 2011, and in the decade since my 40th, while all of my birthday celebrations have been satisfying, nothing has compared to that trip. It was perfect! :D

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For my 30th, my DS was just under one month old and I was a raving lunatic (colicky baby). My best friend flew down from Alaska and we went to Wrestlemania. IT. WAS. AWESOME.


Last year was DH's 40th and it passed with little pomp or circumstance. This year, however, we are taking the kids to Charleston, SC, for a week for his birthday.

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30th, what did I do on my 30th? Oh yeah! I had a 3 month old colicky baby, my marriage was miserable because of it, we didn't have money and so dh didn't get me anything. At all. Not even my favorite box of candy. (he also didn't get me anything for Christmas or mother's day, either.) It was a miserable year.


Now that I'm older and wiser, I realize that if I want a special birthday (or Christmas or Mother's day) I will have to make that happen on my own. (And the marriage troubles are all worked out. We just both hadn't slept in so long...)


You'll need to find some quiet time and picture the best things that could happen to you. Even crazy stuff like, "Eat lunch in Paris", until you narrow down what it is that YOU want and that you can make happen.

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What about doing something different than usual... a white water rafting trip, zip lining in the forest, hiking a trail that is either kid friendly or one that is not (!) ...


A great place for ideas is the Chamber of Commerce or even the ad space with fliers in hotel lobbies or restaurants.


There are so many local attractions that locals miss due to the, 'next year' mentality.



That being said...I love to spend days all by myself. Shopping at the Rack, Penzy's Spices, TJ Maxx, Farmers Market etc. With the purpose of avoiding the kid areas, and focusing on just myself. The last time I did this, I got a great pair of Kate Spade sunglasses at the Rack. I never would have taken the time with my kids to shop for them so they were a real treat. I also like to hit stores that are not so much fun with kids like Restoration Hardware, Home Goods, Victoria's Secret, etc. Sometimes I will go shopping with a particular date in mind, spending the time looking for the perfect outfit and shoes, others I come home with a total mishmash of items.

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We just decided on camping for my 50th next month but if you are the one packing and it is hot I can understand why that may not be the best option for you. I saw someone suggested doing something different like zip-lining. I don't know if you are the adventurous type who would like to do something completely unique for your big birthday but if you are talking about Disney I am guessing you might live near Orlando. When we were there we went to Wallaby Ranch outside Orlando where you can go hang gliding. My boys thought it was the most fun they had ever had. Just a thought!



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