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AAS How long did it take you to complete series?


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This is just for discussion: How long did it take you to finish the entire series? What grade was your child in when he/she completed book 6? How many levels on average do you complete in a year? Do you feel that it is on grade level? (ie. level 3 is essentially 3rd grade work)


I know many people set a timer and teach spelling until the timer goes off and then begin again the next day. I totally get that. I'm just looking for broad generalizations. I've got the long term goals planning itch! :tongue_smilie:


Thanks so much to all who answer this!



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We started Level 1 in.. 2nd grade? We were consistent with it starting in 3rd grade, and dd has finished through Level 5. We didn't start Level 6 yet as it was released just a few weeks before the end of our school year. We'll probably take longer to get through it than the others simply because I'm not going to be giving it as high of a priority in our schedule this coming year, but I'm relatively certain we'll finish it within five months.

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My oldest finished books 1 and most of 2 last year but we kind of slacked toward the end of last year. I'm sure he'll finish the little bit of 2 we have left and level 3 and 4 next school year. In the end there will be 7 levels (level 6 would have gotten too big so Marie decided to split it into two books) the levels don't correspond to grade level at all, here's what the website says about it.


Do the levels in the All About Spelling program correspond with grade levels?

The levels and word lists in the All About Spelling program are arranged by concepts and spelling patterns rather than by grade levels. Though many of the words presented in Level One are found on typical first grade lists, other words in the same book can be found on typical fifth grade lists. The method we use defies normal grade level classification.


For example, another spelling program lists the words cross, off, and plant on their fourth grade list, but these words can easily be spelled by a child completing the Level One book. That same program includes the words school and yellow on its first grade list — but expecting kids to spell words like those before mastering more basic syllable types undermines their future spelling ability.


All About Spelling groups words in a logical manner based on similar rules or spelling patterns regardless of their supposed grade level, which allows students to progress quickly and confidently.



When a student completes all levels they should be at a high school level.

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We started Level 1 in.. 2nd grade? We were consistent with it starting in 3rd grade, and dd has finished through Level 5. We didn't start Level 6 yet as it was released just a few weeks before the end of our school year. We'll probably take longer to get through it than the others simply because I'm not going to be giving it as high of a priority in our schedule this coming year, but I'm relatively certain we'll finish it within five months.



So, by the end of 3rd grade you had finished Level 5?



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He-he, I just checked her blog because I was confused. It looks like finished Level 5 by the end of 4th.


Sorry! I was writing in a hurry. :) Yep, we finished level 5 by the end of 4th. I will add here that halfway through fourth we added vision therapy and I feel like that has made a tremendous difference. I also highly recommend, when finishing a book, spending three-five days on review, then letting spelling drop for about a week, and then resuming with the review in the first step of the next level for three-five days. For us, it's really given dd a chance to cement things. (Hence my not worrying about jumping directly into Level 6.)

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This is just for discussion: How long did it take you to finish the entire series? What grade was your child in when he/she completed book 6? How many levels on average do you complete in a year? Do you feel that it is on grade level? (ie. level 3 is essentially 3rd grade work)


I know many people set a timer and teach spelling until the timer goes off and then begin again the next day. I totally get that. I'm just looking for broad generalizations. I've got the long term goals planning itch! :tongue_smilie:


Thanks so much to all who answer this!







My oldest did 3 levels in one year. Though I think she will only get through 4 and 5 in the next year.


My 2nd dd got through 2 books the first year and I expect her to do 3 and 4 this year.




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We started AAS shortly after we started learning to read (exactly a year ago to this week), the AAS website assures that a preschooler can start if they are ready. I'm glad we did, it's been such a great program. She's 5 now and we're starting Level 3 next week.


So we did two books our first year and I can imagine we'll finish 3 & 4 this school year. I normally don't pay attention to grade level, we just do what we do and see how it goes.

Edited by Satori
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My 6th grader did 2.5 levels the first year & 1.5 the second (he's about to start level 5 in 8th grade). I'm hoping we can finish the last 3 (there is a 7th level coming out in January) by the end of 9th grade. We may bump up to 30 minutes since he is older (he does 20 right now). However, he's in vision therapy right now & I'll wait until he finishes before adding time to his plate!


My 4th grader did 2 levels + a bit of level 3 her first year, finished 3 & about a third of 4 the second year (her 5th grade year). She has done 15 minutes a day & we'll probably keep at that or may bump to 20 minutes in jr. high.


Here's the FAQ on "Do Levels equal Grade Levels?"


HTH! Merry :-)

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My rising 3rd grader finished Level 1 in Grade 2 (We started it at the end of the year & it took only a few weeks). For 3rd Grade, we'll do Levels 2 & 3. In 4th grade, she'll do levels 4 & 5 (but if she only completes level 4, that's fine too). With my son (entering grade 1), I only plan to do one level per year. If he exceeds that, great! But I'm not expecting it.:)



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My rising 3rd grader finished Level 1 in Grade 2 (We started it at the end of the year & it took only a few weeks). For 3rd Grade, we'll do Levels 2 & 3. In 4th grade, she'll do levels 4 & 5 (but if she only completes level 4, that's fine too). With my son (entering grade 1), I only plan to do one level per year. If he exceeds that, great! But I'm not expecting it.:)





Hey, Wait a minute! I was about to write that post!


The reason I original asked is b/c I am trying to for the first time ever purchase everything I need before the start of our school year. DD8 is a going to be starting 3rd grade in August. We did AAS1 at the end of this last term. I already have AAS2, but was trying to decide what else I would need. (It looks like she will have no problems with AAS2). I believe I'm going to go ahead and get AAS3 to follow AAS2, and hold off on AAS4. That seems like a really doable spelling year.


Thanks so much for the great answers!


Keep them coming!



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Hey, Wait a minute! I was about to write that post!


The reason I original asked is b/c I am trying to for the first time ever purchase everything I need before the start of our school year. DD8 is a going to be starting 3rd grade in August. We did AAS1 at the end of this last term. I already have AAS2, but was trying to decide what else I would need. (It looks like she will have no problems with AAS2). I believe I'm going to go ahead and get AAS3 to follow AAS2, and hold off on AAS4. That seems like a really doable spelling year.


Thanks so much for the great answers!


Keep them coming!






That sounds about right to me. Level 2 has dictation sentences and word banks that aren't in Level 1, then Level 3 adds several more components: silent e book, homonym list, writing station. It isn't over the top more it is just more, so it takes a bit longer to get through the books as you move forward.



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That sounds about right to me. Level 2 has dictation sentences and word banks that aren't in Level 1, then Level 3 adds several more components: silent e book, homonym list, writing station. It isn't over the top more it is just more, so it takes a bit longer to get through the books as you move forward.




Thank you.

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My oldest (9.5... starting 4th grade) is on Step 4 of Level 5. I'm guessing he will complete both levels this year. I didn't know there would be a 7th level... my guess is he'll complete the series for sure by about 1/2 way through 5th grade. (We educate year round) He is a very good speller though.... of course different kids move at different paces. And.. when they finish one level we just move right into the next... the levels don't correspond to grade level...

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We did level 1 and most of level 2 in first grade. In second grade we finished through level 3. I'm expecting to finish level 4 and probably half of level 5 in third grade.


The grade levels do not correspond. I think at the beginning, each level might be a grade behind. I think level 1 mostly corresponds to K, level 2 to first grade, level 3 to second. Looking ahead it seems to step up, but for the first three levels, I think this is mostly accurate, looking at word lists from other programs.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for all this, I was wondering this myself! I'm starting both the older two on this this year. DS is 3rd grade, so it seems reasonable to expect to get through 1 & 2 this year then, right? And DD1 is 1st, so probably just level 1? Or since we are starting later do you think DS should get through level 3? He reads well above grade-level but spells right on grade level.

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Thanks for all this, I was wondering this myself! I'm starting both the older two on this this year. DS is 3rd grade, so it seems reasonable to expect to get through 1 & 2 this year then, right? And DD1 is 1st, so probably just level 1? Or since we are starting later do you think DS should get through level 3? He reads well above grade-level but spells right on grade level.


I would just take it at his pace and see how far he gets. I do think that getting through levels 1 and 2 is very possible, he may or may not get to level 3. Have fun with it! At his age there's no rush--if he gets through 1 and 2 as a third grader and a level per year after that, he'll get through all of the levels by the end of 8th grade, and be spelling on a highschool level at that point. If he goes faster, that's great too.


Merry :-)

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Thanks. I'm really not trying to rush things LOL just trying to shop and plan!!! ;) Do I really need a separate set of stuff for each kid?


Maybe. If you teach them together as a group, you can use one set. If you teach them separately, but wait until the older one is completely done with a pack before starting a younger one, you can use one set. (The first step of each level reviews the cards from all previous levels, so you would need to "borrow" the cards back for this step).


If you have a child with a learning disability, or who needs lots of review for another reason, you will likely want a set per child. You could always start out with one set, see how it goes & order another. Or you could order the extra but return it if you don't need it.


HTH! Merry :-)

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We just started this at Christmas time with our 2nd grader who was a TERRIBLE speller and a super wiggly boy. He finished the first level in that semester. I'm assuming we'll be able to do level 2 and 3 during 3rd grade and then level 4 and 5 in 4th (if we have to stretch it out, we will).

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Maybe. If you teach them together as a group, you can use one set. If you teach them separately, but wait until the older one is completely done with a pack before starting a younger one, you can use one set. (The first step of each level reviews the cards from all previous levels, so you would need to "borrow" the cards back for this step).


If you have a child with a learning disability, or who needs lots of review for another reason, you will likely want a set per child. You could always start out with one set, see how it goes & order another. Or you could order the extra but return it if you don't need it.


HTH! Merry :-)



We just started with level 1, thanks to this forum! I haven't opened the "extra" pack yet. I'm really tempted to return it now, but I have a feeling the girls are going to progress at different rates, and it's going to get too complicated trying to use one set of cards.

For now, I'm hanging on to it.

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