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It's almost the weekend. Wanna play Doran, anyone?

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I must preface these (and all the ones I select) by saying that I am in NO WAY making fun of anyone -- I find the limited amount of space that we have to use for a THREAD TITLE is the MAJOR contributing factor to the way that we word things here. Please do not take any of these personally.



What did you use to teach your child to read?


Are you new here? :glare:


I'm a little dissapointed in Saxon..


I've heard that Saxon is disappointed in your spelling.


Bird identification book for kids


It's all feathers and wings to me.


Let's Play...


Well, we would, but we are way too busy switching curriculum to play.



For those about to start MCT, what is your second choice if it doesn't work out?


See previous title - I rest my case.




Which spelling program should I use?


One that teaches your child how to spell.



And why? Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm:leaving:

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Does anyone have to patch their childs eye?

Iron on or applique?




You knew it was coming...free condoms provided for elementary kids at school...

Well if we knew it was.... nevermind. :D


ADHD: Pesticides, Allergens?


No thank you.


if you're a Christian that doesn't wear pants...


Not only am I an Atheist, I also wear pants. :)


This sounds really bad....


Then don't listen to it.


Would you like to read an entertaining story?

Define 'entertaining'.




That's all I've got right now. :D

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California Gold Rush Fans


Wasn't that over a loooooong, loooooong time ago?


How Can I Get My Son to Play Outside?


:confused: Open the door, and send him 'outside.'


Anyone want to clean house with me again today?


Only if you will come over here and help me clean tomorrow.


Would you turn your child in?


Into what?


So, what would YOU think after reading this?


That I was finished reading it?

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Heh. Separated at birth, methinks.


y'all had fun last night, didn't you!


MariAnn - you are hereby commissioned to start or contribute to one of these threads weekly.


You've been warned.








You guys are KILLING me!!!

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standardized testing s/o..why do you do this?


Because I like to torment my children.



Where should I start WWE?


The beginning?


What are my other options?


Run and hide!


Wanting to incorporate Spanish in our school day... which program?


Start with a margarita...add a couple of enchiladas covered in queso.


firstnew.gif No Agenda U.S. History?


Honey, the US always has an agenda!


Let's talk Logic....please? :)


Well, ok...but only if you're logical about it.


I got mistaken for a homeschooler today


You say that like it's a bad thing.


How candid are you with your dc's teachers, and how is that working out for you?


Dr. Phil? Is that you?


planning to afterschool next year, How to do it?


I'm thinking after school might work.


Lost my kids to ps...


Hurry! Find them!


Prepubescent weight gain?


Don't know about you, but I'm a little old to use that excuse.

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standardized testing s/o..why do you do this?


Because I like to torment my children.



Where should I start WWE?


The beginning?


What are my other options?


Run and hide!


Wanting to incorporate Spanish in our school day... which program?


Start with a margarita...add a couple of enchiladas covered in queso.


firstnew.gif No Agenda U.S. History?


Honey, the US always has an agenda!


Let's talk Logic....please? :)


Well, ok...but only if you're logical about it.


I got mistaken for a homeschooler today


You say that like it's a bad thing.


How candid are you with your dc's teachers, and how is that working out for you?


Dr. Phil? Is that you?


planning to afterschool next year, How to do it?


I'm thinking after school might work.


Lost my kids to ps...


Hurry! Find them!


Prepubescent weight gain?


Don't know about you, but I'm a little old to use that excuse.


EXCELLENT! Every single one. :lol::lol::lol: Margarita, Dr. Phil, Weight gain - FAVORITES!!!!!!!!:lol::lol::lol:

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How sad is it that I am excited because one of mine made the cut?:tongue_smilie:


You should not be sad at all -- my threads are usually so boring that I am the only one who reads them.


If one of mine was worthy enough, I would turn cartwheels in the street. Cartwheels%20Girl%20jpg.JPG







Good job!

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I don't want to wean the baby, but....

He's 25 and, well, it's getting a little embarrassing.



Feminist Litmus Test?

When you start burning your neighbor's bras, you're well on your way.



Embarassing homeschoolers...

I know, right? Like, they can't even spell or nothing.



How do I cure ds of talking out of turn?

Staple his tongue to the floor.



Silly poll--Do you like raw bread dough?

Do I ever!! The way it swells up in my belly, and makes me look like a Telletubbie. Whoa! That's the greatest.



Guess what I found today?

Your marbles?!



If you borrow books from separate libraries, do you have a system...

Why yes, yes I do. First I go to one library. Then I go to the other one(s). Hope that helps.



May I scream for a minute?

A whole minute? Or, maybe more like half a minute, or a quarter? Because really, a minute is a very long time, and if you're going to stand there shrieking for an entire 60 seconds, I'm going to end up with a wicked headache. So, I'm going to insist that you clarify yourself before I answer.



Best tips for newlyweds...lay it on me.

Sweetie, I think we need to start with the *on* part.



Geography Birthday Party

Huh? What? I'm lost.



IF you are an evangelical Christian...

You're going to want to tell everyone you don't wear pants!

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I don't want to wean the baby, but....

He's 25 and, well, it's getting a little embarrassing.



Feminist Litmus Test?

When you start burning your neighbor's bras, you're well on your way.



Embarassing homeschoolers...

I know, right? Like, they can't even spell or nothing.



How do I cure ds of talking out of turn?

Staple his tongue to the floor.



Silly poll--Do you like raw bread dough?

Do I ever!! The way it swells up in my belly, and makes me look like a Telletubbie. Whoa! That's the greatest.



Guess what I found today?

Your marbles?!



If you borrow books from separate libraries, do you have a system...

Why yes, yes I do. First I go to one library. Then I go to the other one(s). Hope that helps.



May I scream for a minute?

A whole minute? Or, maybe more like half a minute, or a quarter? Because really, a minute is a very long time, and if you're going to stand there shrieking for an entire 60 seconds, I'm going to end up with a wicked headache. So, I'm going to insist that you clarify yourself before I answer.



Best tips for newlyweds...lay it on me.

Sweetie, I think we need to start with the *on* part.



Geography Birthday Party

Huh? What? I'm lost.



IF you are an evangelical Christian...

You're going to want to tell everyone you don't wear pants!



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Oney - now YOU'RE killing me.

Welcome to the fun Doran! We miss you when you're gone :)


coffeefreak: Your sig line is ready made for just about everything on the curric board, you know.;)


I know!:lol: I might as well keep it in the fall. If I listed everything we use or have ever used, there wouldn't be room, and I'd wind up changing it mid term anyway:lol:.

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