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How often do you teach each subject?


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How many days a week do you teach....



Phonics/Language Arts/Spelling/Handwriting








Does anyone take Fridays off for fieldtrips or other activities?


We do bible, math,english/writing, science, history, reading, spelling and vocabulary every day- then we do geography monday, wednesday and friday and we do health tuesday and thursday. We do fieldtrips- but not as often as I would like-- hopefully that will change now that dh has a good job and we will be able to afford more!! :001_smile:



ETA:: Right now (while the weather is nice for a few short months) we do go to the local high school's track and walk/run and do different *checkpoint* exercises (at the 4 *corners* of the track-- you know, where the bends are) but we have to decide on something good for the winter months. I am thinking to get us all a membership at the weight room at the high school since we are way to small and rural for any YMCA or something similar.

Edited by wy_kid_wrangler04
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Math--5 days/wk

Phonics/Language Arts/Spelling/Handwriting--5days/wk

Science--2-3 days/wk

History--2-3 days/wk

Art--as it occurs with science and history, probably 2-3 days/wk

P.E.--5 days/wk




Latin--4-5 days/wk

Geography--with history

Health--with PE


I am considering making Friday our "fun day" to play learning games, go on field trips, watch movies related to History or Science or readalouds. I would still expect short history, LA and reading lessons on those days but 15-20 mins each vs. our typical 40-60 min lessons.

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Math, grammar, writing, spelling (or phonics for newbie readers), reading, and Latin are done daily. History is done three times a week, with science staggering those other two days. Art appreciation is done about three times a week, with an art project on the fourth day. Logic is 2-3 days a week.

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How many days a week do you teach....


Math 4 days a week in the summer/ 3 days per week in the fall, winter & spring

Phonics dc are beyond this /Language Arts/Spelling 3 days per week in the summer & will probably have it 1 or 2xs in the fall/winter /Handwriting only did some worksheets last year whenever we could fit it in but, bought a workbook this year so we'll do it at least once a week

We also do grammar 3xs per week, writing 4xs per week in the summer/3xs in the fall/winter, vocabulary 4xs in summer/3xs fall & winter

Science reading/narration 3xs per week and experiments 1x per week fall & winter

History reading every day, curriculum with maps (SOTW) 2xs per week fall & winter

Art 4xs per week in the summer, 1x per week fall/winter

P.E. karate 1x per week in summer, 2x per week fall/winter: swimming 2-4xs per week in summer

We do Bible 4xs in summer 3xs fall/winter, Latin 3xs per week year-round, geography review 4xs, health 1x per week and I'm hoping to start Spanish but not sure how often we'll do that.


We are also a part of a homeschool group that meets 1x per week for 24 weeks between September and April/May.



Does anyone take Fridays off for fieldtrips or other activities?

We only do review work on Fridays and if we want to do a field trip Friday is the day because my dh has off on Fridays. It's REALLY difficult to do hs with him home...everyone wants to be off, so we just do it!

I also give dc piano lessons and we try to listen to music cds like Beethoven Lives Upstairs, Song of the Unicorn and the Beethoven's Wig Sing-Along-Symphonies.

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Depends on the age. For the early elementary years, I teach phonics, reading, spelling, and math each day. I also read books from history or science topics a few times a week.


Art has always been one day a week, as they take lessons. Basic P.E. happens every day (they have a "work out" that dh created for them,) with ballet, sports, tennis and/or swimming one to thee days a week, depending on time of year.


We school 6 days a week year round, taking off random days for field trips when they happen or are convenient. I've never taken off a specific day.

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This fall we will hold school M-Th and Friday he will attend a partnership school.


Math x4

Language/Writing/Spelling x4

Phonics When he needs a refresher

Science x2

Typing x1

History x4

Latin x4

Bible x1

Piano Lessons x1

P.E. x1 ymca

Chess/Art x1 Friday classes

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Last year, we did math and language arts pretty much every day.


We did social studies 3X a week,

science 2X a week,

art 2-3X a week,

health and music were usually 1X a week

PE was not scheduled, she got physical activity of various kinds on a regular basis anyway.


We went on several field trips a month, and we'd just plan our days around that. Sometimes we'd do some school on the early side, go on a field trip, then come back and finish school stuff; other times we consolidated some of the school stuff into the next day's work, we always figured it out and caught up. I loved having the freedom to go on a lot of outings and field trips and to just get outside, do things hands on, etc.

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Math - Daily

Language Arts (literature/grammar/speeling/etc,)- Daily

Science 2-3x per week-I rotate with History, so some weeks twice and some three times.

History - 2-3x per week

Art/Music - Art appreciation 1x

P.E. - homeschool Gym class 1x, assorted other activities throughout the week.

Latin/Spanish -2x per week


My kids take a Philosophy class every other week and that alternates with their discussion group.


In the fall I think we will add an official Geography program but I have not decided yet.


I try to keep Friday afternoons free for field trips but I have found the need to be flexible with my field trip days.

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Math - Daily

Phonics/Reading - Daily

Writing - Daily

Grammar - Daily (unless we decide to use FLL3, then it will be 3x weekly)

Spelling - Daily

Science - 2x weekly

History/Geography - 2x weekly

Art - 1x weekly

Co-op - Every other Monday

PE - varies: Tae Kwon Do, Soccer, Horseback riding, 4-H

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Math... 4 days a week. Sometimes I only "teach" it 3 days, and the 4th day she does the lesson w/out any "teaching" from me, if it is a concept she has down, and has practiced the skills the 3 other days.


Phonics/Language Arts/Spelling/Handwriting

Phonics... 4 days a week for my 2nd grader last year. 2 days a week for my Ker (she alternated between a phonics and reading) so reading 2 days a week for my Ker also. English 4 days a week for my 2nd grader. Spelling..didn't do formal spelling last year for my 2nd grader, my Ker did it maybe once a week. Handwriting.. My 2nd grader did a cursive worksheet twice a week, my ker began daily handwriting the last mo. of school.


Science Once a week for 1-2nd. We will be moving to twice a week in 3rd.

History 2-3 days. Usually 2 days of "teaching" and the 3rd would be a project that we didnt' have time for earlier.

Art The goal here is once a week. Sometimes it got skipped. Sometimes it is not a subject on its own, but integrated into the others.

P.E. I rarely teach P.E at home. My children attend outside sports activities during different seasons of the year. So this can range from one dance class a week to 2 soccer practices and 1 game a week, to swimming 4 days a week depending on the time of year. I keep them active at home other days. We take scooter rides, go to the park, play indoor games working on fine motor skills, do stretches and exercises, etc. Sometimes when they are getting ready for a meet of some kind we will work on specific skills in the backyard, etc.


And yes, 1 day a week is other. In the past we have used it for field trips, extra projects and fun learning or just a day off. This year, we attended a co-op of outside classes one day a week.

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How many days a week do you teach....



for Pre-K/K'ers - no formal math program. We do "living math" every day: counting, sorting (i.e. laundry), arranging, baking, et al

Phonics/Language Arts/Spelling/Handwriting

I only worry about phonics at your eldest's age and even then we only go for maybe 5 or so minutes at a time.





All of the above are not formally done at the Pre-K/K level. My kids who are that age (i.e., 4-5 or younger) listen in, color, play quietly, etc.



Does anyone take Fridays off for fieldtrips or other activities?

Again, with your kids' ages you can take off as much as you like and they still won't "be behind" according to any standard.



All these answers were for Pre-K/K levels. I have older kids and, of course, they do more work for longer periods of time. We school year round and are not worried about keeping to a PS time schedule. My best advice to you is to relax and have fun with your kiddos right now. There's plenty of time for academics. Of course, if you have a true genius on your hands then none of this may apply. :D


Also, I read that you live in CA. I don't and don't know the regulations regarding Pre-K. I can't imagine a state having such strict regulations for 4 yo's; but, one thing about life, it never ceases to amaze (and sometimes appall) me.

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I have a ds12 and he's finishing 6th grade:


Math - 5 days a week

Vocabulary, Grammar, Daily Grams, Spelling - 5 days a week

Science - 5 days a week

American History - 5 days a week

Online Writing Class - 3-4 days a week, including class time

Piano - one 1-hour lesson a week, practice 5 days a week

Art (drawing) - one 3-hour class per month

Spanish - one 1-hour class a week, homework 2-3 days a week



I have a ds7 and he's finishing 1st grade:


Math - 5 days a week

Phonics, Spelling, FLL - 5 days a week

Reading Pathway Readers - 5 days a week

WWE, Journal - 3 days a week

SOTW - 3 days a week

Apologia Science - 2-3 days a week

Piano - one 1-hour lesson a week, practice 5 days a week

Art (drawing) - one 3-hour class per month



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