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9YO- will read Little Women, but not Phantom Tollbooth


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I use those two as comparison because it doesn't seem to be ABILITY but INTEREST. But I am running out of options and choices. She reads a book every day or two. She's read the Little House series 4 times through already. Caddie Woodlawn at least 3 times. Little Women twice independently. But she won't touch something like The Moffets. Turned her nose up at The Other Side of the Mountain. Quit Time Cat half way through. I spend an hour or so a week just looking for more books for her and I seem to get more misses than hits. I can't get her into any George McDonald books for the life of me. We don't do twaddle very often here. I need about 200 more quality historical fiction about girls. :glare: Books ideas or tips to help her widen her horizons...?

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The Little Princess, The Secret Garden, The "shoes" books... Ballet Shoes, Dancing Shoes.. there may be more in that series too. Those are just the two mine has read.


If she likes the Little House, there are some now that are the Caroline Years and the Rose Years. Don't know if they are as good, but she will learn more about life then and about the Ingalls family. The Rose ones are nice for homeschoolers, because she quit school to homeschool w/Laura.


That's all I have right now..

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Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, Pollyanna, Little Princess, Secret Garden...


All the Anne of Green Gables book could keep her busy for awhile.




:iagree: Did she read all of the Louisa May Alcott books? Little Men, Jo's Boys, Rose in Bloom, Eight Cousins

Jean Stratton Porter - Girl of the Limberlost, Freckles there are more...

Grandma's Attic Series

The Dear America Diaries

Elizabeth Prentiss- Stepping Heavenward, Aunt Jane's Hero

Rose Wilder Lane - Young Pioneers

L.M. Montgomery's other series- Emily of New Moon and sequels

Also Lamplighter books : The Hidden Hand, Ishmael many others

Mrs. Mike - one of my favorites


I've got all of these waiting for my 2nd set of girls. If these aren't enough I can go upstairs and look...;)


ETA: Elizabeth Enright books: The Four Story Mistake and others

E. Nesbit The Railway Children and others

Edited by Leanna
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Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, Pollyanna, Little Princess, Secret Garden...


All the Anne of Green Gables book could keep her busy for awhile.


I feel your pain.


She's done Pollyanna, Little Princess, Secret garden. Rebecca is on our read aloud list for the next couple months. I read (RA) the first Anne of Green Gables and we listen to the second one. She said she'd be willing to re-read Pollyanna (it was a RA last time) and she'd try reading Anne of Green Gables independently and see about the rest of the series. She doesn't want to re-read Secret Garden or Little Princess. "Just not my favorite" she says. :D


The Little Princess, The Secret Garden, The "shoes" books... Ballet Shoes, Dancing Shoes.. there may be more in that series too. Those are just the two mine has read.


If she likes the Little House, there are some now that are the Caroline Years and the Rose Years. Don't know if they are as good, but she will learn more about life then and about the Ingalls family. The Rose ones are nice for homeschoolers, because she quit school to homeschool w/Laura.


That's all I have right now..


I found a great wiki page of all the other Little House books and I'll start requesting those from the library, she'll be thrilled to work her way through the other series, even if they aren't the original Laura series. THANKS!

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Sounds like my son (with the pickiness, not the book selections)...what about the Dear America series? I haven't read any of them, so I don't know how good they are, but they're all historical fiction about girls, and there are a lot of them!

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OK - I walked upstairs:


Hitty, Her First Hundred Years

Ellies series by Borntrager (about the Amish)

The Ballad of Lucy Whipple -Cushman

Calico Captive Elizabeth George Speare

Mandy Julie Andrews Edwards

Bound for Oregon Van Leeuwen


One of my favorite authors as a child was Lillie Vanderveer Albrecht. She's OOP now, but I have found most of her titles used:

Susanna's Candlestick, The Grist Mill Secret, The Spinning Wheel Secret, Hannah's Hessian


When she's 12, hit me again...this was just off of the little girls' bookshelf. ;)

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OK - I walked upstairs:


Hitty, Her First Hundred Years

Ellies series by Borntrager (about the Amish)

The Ballad of Lucy Whipple -Cushman

Calico Captive Elizabeth George Speare

Mandy Julie Andrews Edwards

Bound for Oregon Van Leeuwen


One of my favorite authors as a child was Lillie Vanderveer Albrecht. She's OOP now, but I have found most of her titles used:

Susanna's Candlestick, The Grist Mill Secret, The Spinning Wheel Secret, Hannah's Hessian


When she's 12, hit me again...this was just off of the little girls' bookshelf. ;)



Nice- I haven't heard of hardly any of these! Thanks!

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The Birchbark House by Louise Erdrich might be a good choice:



(That website has some other choices that might be appealing)


Here's a list of historical fiction featuring girls:



This is an excellent site for anyone trying to find the next book in a series; the specific page I've linked to below is for historical fiction series:



Good luck on finding books! I love your blog!

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Not historical fiction, but she might like The Mennyms series by Sylvia Waugh. The premise may sound a bit silly, but we far prefer these to The Borrowers series, which is similar in theme. It's a crime that these books are no longer in print.

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You've rec'd a lot of good suggestions already, but may I recommend Elizabeth Enright as an author. Here's a link to my review of Thimble Summer--->



Also, Leaving Gee's Bend was a wonderful read which might be a little too old for your dd, but not for long--->



Last, one of my favorite recent books is Hattie Big Sky. The protagonist is 16 in this story, so again, it might be a little old for your dd right now--->



I primarily review books on my blog--you're welcome to look around! (The link in my siggy is to my old blog--here's the new one--> http://www.hopeisthewordblog.com/)

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There are tons of "shoes" books by Noel Streatfeild.


Lucy Maud Montgomery wrote a lot more than just Anne of Green Gables. I like Emily of New Moon, Jane of Lantern Hill, and Magic for Marigold best.


Has she tried other books by Louisa May Alcott? Eight Cousins springs to mind.


Betsy-Tacy series by Maud Hart Lovelace is another older series with girls in the lead.


It's a bit dated, but Cherry Ames got a lot of girls interested in nursing. I used to read them a lot :P

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Great thread - I'm in the same boat! My dd7 loved Secret Garden, but couldn't get into Little Princess. Loved the first two Little House books, but didn't want to go further. Now she's gone off on a biography tear instead. She loves the "Who is?" series and is particularly interested in the "girl" ones - Sacagawea, Maria Tallchief, Annie Oakley, etc. Had to get them from the library because she goes through them so fast!


I'll second the recommendations for Mandy and All of a Kind Family.

Also, didn't see Heidi, by Johanna Spyri anywhere. My DD's absolute favorite so far.



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