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Brown recluse spider bite.. HELP!!!

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Okay, I'm sort of in a panic, but not yet really as I'm not sure if I've been bitten or not.. My daughter and I were moving a loveseat to another room and I guess a spider fell off of it and onto my head because a few minutes later I felt something tickling the side of my head, just in front of my ear.. I reached up and swiped it, thinking it was my hair.. Then I swiped it again and a freakin brown recluse fell onto my arm and then onto the floor. It was small, not quite dime size. And I am certain it was a brown recluse before I killed it.. I am an expert at identifying those darn things.. We live in the country in the midwest and I know a fiddleback when I see one!


Anyway, does anyone have experience with these bites? What is a good home remedy? I will definitely see the doctor for some antibiotics if a bite appears and I will definitely order that brown recluse first aid kit from http://www.brown-recluse.com .. But in the meantime, what can I use as soon as I see a bite mark? It's been about 3 hours and so far I do not notice anything..


Pray it didn't get me this time!!! I'm bombing my house with a fogger tomorrow!!! I can't imagine if one bit one of my children!! :crying:

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I would go to the dr. to be on the safe side. My mom was bitten by one and it was difficult. Her problem was that she waited until there was an obvious problem. You should have a dr. check it out if you think it did bite you.

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I would go to the dr. to be on the safe side. My mom was bitten by one and it was difficult. Her problem was that she waited until there was an obvious problem. You should have a dr. check it out if you think it did bite you.


I will definitely go as soon as I know for sure I have been bitten.. Still not sure though.. It was a small spider so I have no idea if it got me or not!:confused:

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My dad felt what he described as a pin prick (so he reached back thinking he had stuck himself with something). His bite got very painful and obvious (swollen etc.) quickly.


My point: I think if you were bitten you're going to know it pretty quickly though perhaps not immediately. How long ago was this?


He was told there was nothing to do but prevent infection. A colleague of mine was bitten and was told the same thing. We have recluses too and it terrifies me. But realize that how a person responds to a recluse bite really varies. The stories you hear are worse case scenarious. My father's bite was nasty but resolved (lost fingernail/lots of skin damage/no scars). My colleague had more damage. Some people have almost nothing.


I was told that bombing will not kill spiders. It will kill other bugs (that the spiders eat). I was told the best thing for spiders are glue traps. This is from two different pest control services who wanted my business but were honest with me re: spiders. Those glue traps (behind furniture/along walls) really do work.

Edited by sbgrace
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My daughter got bit by one of those and it was SO difficult! She got bit on her knee and it swelled and she could NOT walk. She was about 4 years old. One thing we did was use magnet therapy... we took a strong medical magnet and applied it directly to the area and it increased circulation and relieved pain. But, that was just one thing we did to help manage it. Get it checked out if you have a bite!!!

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My DH knew immediately when he was bitten by a brown recluse. He felt a sharp pain and the area swelled and turned hot to the touch within minutes. It happened at work and the company wanted to send him to the hospital in an ambulance. He declined the ambulance and drove himself. By the time he arrived at the clinic he had a fever.


Based on DH's reaction time I think you would know if you had been bitten.

Edited by The Dragon Academy
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We have lots of these in our area, and I know several people who have been bit. I think you would know if you were bit.


I was bit by a spider a few years ago, and went to the Dr. My Dr. was able to determine it was not a brown recluse. She went ahead and prescribed Prednisone (I have no idea how to spell that). I don't know what they give for brown recluses bites, but I know if you wait to long, you will regret it.

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Dd was bit by one 4 weeks ago (we are still dealing with these horrible things in our house). It bit her on the arm while she was sleeping, and woke her up. She said it only felt like an ant bite. No pain at all for 48 hours! We were able to find the spider in her bed and bring it with us. It was confirmed as a brown recluse from the doctor and our pest control folks.


Here's what we've had to go through:


Mon: Got her into the doctor less than 4 hours after bite. They gave her a steroid shot and told us to come back if it got worse.


Thu: Arm completely swelled up. Doctor gave antibiotics and referred us to a hyberbaric chamber specialist.


Fri: 2 hours in the hyperbaric chamber. We were told to come back for 14 more treatments everyday for 2 hours (excluding weekends).


Sat: Arm swelling completely reduced.


Mon-Wed: After the 4th day, doctor says she can stop treatment. Arm looks great.


Now: Scar on arm, no pain.


Our lives have changed very much. We won't walk around the house without some kind of shoes on. We shake all sheets, clothes, shoes, etc. before using. Sealed up all cracks and crevices leading into our home. Dh checks the entire house every night for spiders; traps everywhere. We're on a regular pest control program now. It's been tough.

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Reactions do vary, from what I researched after moving to the Midwest and finding one in my new house. I believe I was bitten by a small one on a camping trip, and researched some more! Apparently it is akin to the way allergic folks react to other insect bites, some more (and more quickly) than others.


Keep an eye on the suspected site. If you feel pain or see any sign of browning, definitely follow up.


I also recommend you skip the bomb and go with glue traps. Not only are they more effective, what you catch in the traps will give you an idea of the recluse population in your home. That way you will know if you have a true infestation and need to seek pest control help.


A few years ago a regular poster on these boards (Catherine in TX, i think) had a terrible time with recluse spiders in her home, maybe some of her posts are still accessible.


I have gone to great effort to reduce clutter, not store things in cardboard boxes, not leave clothes and bedding on the floor, regularly vacuum sofa cushions and place glue traps underneath sofas and beds. I have yet to see a recluse in my current home with these measures. Oh, with kids playing dress up, I regularly shake out that stash of play clothes.


HTH and that your bite turns out to be nothing!

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Thanks for all your input ladies!! It's the next day and I do not see any blisters or redness so I guess I didn't get bit! Wow!! Talk about a close call!


Thanks for the info on the glue traps.. I think I will skip the fogger and do the glue traps.. I will just have to make sure my ferrets stay put up and don't go snooping behind furniture, etc. for a while...


Thanks again!!!!

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