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5-htp, SAMe, or antidepressant-how did you decide?

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Tried Saint John's Wort for months and it's not helping-two different brands. The Kira was working a little but now it's not.


D3 levels are now good, we don't eat processed food, already exercise, etc-so there is not much area left to try to see if that would fix the depression!


Debating trying 5-htp or SAMe (natural antidepressants) but sounds like they are inconsistent if they work or not, plus they're expensive. We are all organic, etc., so it would be great to find something natural!


It's becoming a quality of life issue so antidepressants are under consideration. But isn't it hard to try to find the "right" one that works? Plus what about side effects, etc? We barely even take Tylenol here, so it is hard to reconcile to taking a drug. And having to fool around with finding the one that works makes it even worse!


Would you mind sharing how you figured out what route to take?

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Sorry I can't help with the SAMe and 5htp- when I did research into them I decided that they were not something I wanted to partake of because they are distilled so to speak. I tend to stick to whole products or things I could make myself and I can't make SAMe or 5-htp myself. However, you said "we don't eat processed food, already exercise, etc-so there is not much area left to try to see if that would fix the depression!" I disagree...


What ARE you eating? HOW is it prepared? WHEN are you eating? What are you NOT eating. Just because you make everything from scratch, doesn't mean that you are eating the best way to avoid depression KWIM?

For example, do you ever eat sugar? Do you eat lots of raw greens, preferably in a smoothie? Are you eating white flour or even whole wheat flour? Are you sprouting your grains? How are your bowels working? How is your liver working? How is your pituitary gland working? How much sleep do you get and WHEN (what time is bed time and what time is wake time?) How much daylight are you seeing? Did something trigger the depression or have you always been prone to the depression?

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Would you mind sharing how you figured out what route to take?
I tried prescriptions and natural things. They either didn't work or gave me terrible side effects.


Raw Cacao works for me!


I saw it on a show and looked it up. more information. "As well as antioxidants the beans are rich in feel good factor chemicals dopamine and tryptophan." I take Navitas Naturals, Cacao Power, Certified Organic, 16 oz (454 g) from iherb.com 1-1 1/2 t. per day. I put milk and sugar in the microwave and then mix it in with the cocoa, like making gravy. You can also mix it in with a smoothy, or in coffee. The recommended dose on the cocoa is 1-3 T. per day, but I found that after a while that was too much.


I also have a couple of things that help me sleep, if you want to know about them.

Edited by Lovedtodeath
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It's becoming a quality of life issue so antidepressants are under consideration.


Once I arrived at the point you describe--eating well, exercising, sleeping--and I was still teary, edgy, and angry--I went to the Dr. to discuss meds. I was in my mid-40's, so peri-menopause was also at play. The main reason I went, though, was that I could see the effect my issues were having on my family.



But isn't it hard to try to find the "right" one that works? Plus what about side effects, etc?


It takes awhile for anti-depressents to work into your system. The first one we tried was a winner for me. I began the lowest introductory dose, and within a week, the teariness was much better. After two weeks, the Dr. bumped me to the step-up dose (still 1/2 of the full dose). I found that dose to allow me to feel all the emotions, but I didn't get stuck in any of them. I never went to the full dose and have continued on this med for quite awhile. It has made an enormous difference for me, and I don't want to go back to where I was before meds. I now believe that I probably have suffered with chronic low level depression most of my adult life.


No side effects for me. I have gained weight over time, but I think it's because I'm 48 and lack self-control around food, rather than due to medicine.



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For me going on wasn't so much the problem. They all made the deppression better. Sometimes the different side effects that I didn't like...mainly sexual side effects are what made me switch. The interesting thing, was once I was on something and had stabilized, I wasn't so overwhelmed witht the notion of finding the right fit for me. A huge part of that anxiety was harboured in the original depression/anxiety issue.

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I was in my mid-40's, so peri-menopause was also at play. The main reason I went, though, was that I could see the effect my issues were having on my family.


Yes, I'm sure it is to do with peri-meno. I hate the effects on my life. I'm glad to know that a small or half-dose can work. What kind of doc did you go to? How can I find someone that is conservative like that-starting with a low dose?


Lighthouse acad- I think we're doing everything nutritionally. We avoid refined sugar as much as possible (use raw agave or raw local honey, stevia or maple syrup), every morning we have a green smoothie with TONS of spinach and kale (the blender packed full) with some lemon and pineapple and blueberries and banana and stevia, plus we have another fruit or veg or both with every meal-all organic. Lunch is usually a big salad with home-sprouted raw seeds or nuts, avocado, broccoli, etc. We take flaxseed oil and fish oil. I do mill my own wheat-we tried doing without but it was too hard. We try to eat lots of different grains such as quinoa, millet, etc. and we do soak but not always-usually the oats for oatmeal. When we have dairy, it is raw milk. We have most of our dairy as homemade kefir or yogurt. I also ferment some of our veggies-saurkraut, ginger carrots, etc. I"m not perfect by any means but this is how we usually try to eat. I get eight or nine hours sleep most nights-from about 11-7:30. Move bowels about twice per day. Not sure on liver or pituitary-how can I find out? Always have low to moderate level of dep-runs HEAVILY on the maternal side of the family. Dh got laid off three wks ago so it is worse right now. I don't know what else to do to support myself naturally-I would LOVE to learn more and you sound like you are very knowledgeable. Do you want to pm me? :)



Can't hurt to try the cacao for now til I can figure things out-thanks! :)

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The interesting thing, was once I was on something and had stabilized, I wasn't so overwhelmed witht the notion of finding the right fit for me. A huge part of that anxiety was harboured in the original depression/anxiety issue.


Same for me, although trying different meds wasn't my issue. I could deal with everything so much better, and as a result, I was able to address other life issues that were contributing to the depression. After I had stabilized, I couldn't figure out why it had been hard for me to go get help!


What kind of doc did you go to? How can I find someone that is conservative like that-starting with a low dose?


I went to my family doc, since it had been awhile since I'd been there. She did the usual bloodwork--thyroid especially affects depression, and I have subsequently added testing for vitamin D. My D levels run low, and supplementing that vitamin is the only natural approach I've used that gives me a noticeable difference (especially in winter). I think a lot of the anti-depressants have lower initial and step-up doses to begin with. My Dr. prescribed the medicine, and I checked in with her after a couple of weeks and then a month later. She adjusted doses based on my descriptions of my emotional well being, let me know that a full dose was double what I was using, and had no trouble with my desire to stay on a lower dose. Because I'm also on thyroid medicine, I have brief check-ups to adjust meds every 6 months or so.


The whole process was really very easy--I think depression is pretty common in women our age. Dang those hormones! Getting over my own emotional barrier to becoming a cliche (mid-life anti-depressants), and getting over my own spiritual hurdles (recognizing that my depression wasn't being caused by bad life choices/ as a result of sin), was much tougher than getting the medicine. Before the anti-depressants, I was also afraid my Dr. would send me for talk therapy (she didn't), and that really scared me. My thoughts were probably too jumbled for therapy to have done any good. Now that I'm "normal", I've sought out some occasional counseling to help me learn more about myself and establish some life coping mechanisms. Everything is so much easier when your brain chemicals are behaving!

Edited by Beth in OH
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Not sure on liver or pituitary-how can I find out? Always have low to moderate level of dep-runs HEAVILY on the maternal side of the family. Dh got laid off three wks ago so it is worse right now. I don't know what else to do to support myself naturally-I would LOVE to learn more and you sound like you are very knowledgeable. Do you want to pm me? :)
I was going to mention that. My ND had me on both liver and pituitary supplements... the pituitary making as big a difference as the cacao. I use electrodermal scans to tell me what I need and how much. I need to go back, as the pituitary supplement was giving me hot flashes and I was supposed to be rescanned months ago.


I have also had resonance repatterning. I would have never gotten over PTSD caused by my sons health as a newborn if I didn't have that done. I keep up on the energetic therapy myself with EFT, which you can find at tapping.com. My ND then tests me to see if I need more.

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I have only recently started lurking here...and I think this is my first post...but anyway. :)


I am on an anti-depressant. I have tried most of the things you've suggested too...what are the natural antidepressants that you mentioned?


I tried St. John's Wort, evening primrose, 5-HTP, and one other thing I can't remember.


I was desperate, my depression was getting worse and definitely affecting our lives. So, the antidepressant has been a life saver for me!! For me, I knew that when I could not handle my own family and household, when I was falling apart on a regular basis, and it was affecting my children that I had to do *something.* It definitely is a very personal thing as well as a hard decision to make. :grouphug:


The one other thing that worked for me for awhile was going off sugar...since you already eat pretty healthy, you may already do it...just thought i'd throw that out there.


I'm so sorry you are struggling...depression is a very hard place to be. I write about it a lot on my blog if you're interested. :)

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Yes, I'm sure it is to do with peri-meno. I hate the effects on my life. I'm glad to know that a small or half-dose can work. What kind of doc did you go to? How can I find someone that is conservative like that-starting with a low dose?


Lighthouse acad- I think we're doing everything nutritionally. We avoid refined sugar as much as possible (use raw agave or raw local honey, stevia or maple syrup), every morning we have a green smoothie with TONS of spinach and kale (the blender packed full) with some lemon and pineapple and blueberries and banana and stevia, plus we have another fruit or veg or both with every meal-all organic. Lunch is usually a big salad with home-sprouted raw seeds or nuts, avocado, broccoli, etc. We take flaxseed oil and fish oil. I do mill my own wheat-we tried doing without but it was too hard. We try to eat lots of different grains such as quinoa, millet, etc. and we do soak but not always-usually the oats for oatmeal. When we have dairy, it is raw milk. We have most of our dairy as homemade kefir or yogurt. I also ferment some of our veggies-saurkraut, ginger carrots, etc. I"m not perfect by any means but this is how we usually try to eat. I get eight or nine hours sleep most nights-from about 11-7:30. Move bowels about twice per day. Not sure on liver or pituitary-how can I find out? Always have low to moderate level of dep-runs HEAVILY on the maternal side of the family. Dh got laid off three wks ago so it is worse right now. I don't know what else to do to support myself naturally-I would LOVE to learn more and you sound like you are very knowledgeable. Do you want to pm me? :)



Can't hurt to try the cacao for now til I can figure things out-thanks! :)


It sounds like you have a generally good diet. What are you eating for dinner? What percentage of raw vs. cooked foods? Too much cooked can make you sluggish and feel off kilter. How much water are you drinking and what kind? How much fat are you eating (percentage of calories from fat)? Sometimes too much makes you sluggish and down. Also, in sensitive individuals, all forms of concentrated sweetener can affect them poorly. Are you eating chocolate (not cacao but chcolate)? Sometimes that can send a person into a tailspin. How about how much daylight/sunshine you get? I know you said your vitamin D levels are fine, but that doesn't mean you don't need more sunshine/daylight. Some people seem to need more than others. Also, when I was pregnant, my acupuncturist told me that the most important sleep is before midnight- so going to bed before 10 if possible is really important. Personally I struggle with that (I have never really been able to get to sleep before 11 since I was in junior high even when I want to) but I still try. Do you notice a pattern to depression? Or rather if it weren't for your husbands layoff (I am so sorry to hear that he was laid off- that stinks) would there be a noticeable cycle of up and down time? (Trying to help you see if it is related to your monthly cycle). Again, if it is, liver and pituitary could be playing a major role. There are some herbal supplements like Dr. Christopher's Master Gland formula that is excellent for pituitary support as well as his extended herbal cleanse to help with the bowels and then the liver and blood and kidneys. I personally really like the Master Gland formula. I also will occassionally add organic carrot tops to my green smoothies (1 or 2 tops of carrots in a pitcher-full) because it is full of calcium as well as pituitary specific. As for grains, I can't tell you how important it is to sprout your wheat. You might pop over to my blog and read about my experiences with wheat and sprouting. You can always dehydrate it and grind it to be used later.


As for liver and pituitary, have you ever had a hormone panel done? The pituitary is responsible for regulating most hormones in the body. As for the liver, it is responsible for breaking down hormones. You might read on Herbal Legacy for some more information on depression.

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:lurk5: I've only recently come to the conclusion that I need to be proactive and do something definitive to deal with my depression. At this point, I'm taking a heavy-duty vitamin supplement (which helps) while I work on figuring out what to do with my diet. I'm scared of RX anti-depressants (though I wouldn't rule it out completely)......


anyway, :bigear: !

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How about contacting Maile Pouls? She's can help with testing to see if you're dealing with adrenal stress, thyroid issues, etc., and can recommend supplements as appropriate.


I've had several friends get good results with the supplements she suggested, and she's not terribly expensive. Here's her website: http://www.advancednutritionalconsulting.com/therapeutic.php





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I've never been depressed before but 6 months ago I got crushing postpartum depression.


My midwife prescribed progesterone cream, but I could not take it because it dried my milk.


DHA helped some, but I did not start to feel better until I tried 5-HTP. It made me feel good enough that this week I started to exercise again.


I'm hopeful that the worst is behind me.

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I reached my decision by working with my psychiatrist, a professional who was on the same page with me. We both understood that "natural substances" are drugs just the same are "big-pharm" products, and that no substance should be trusted -- never mind swallowed ! -- without researching and reflecting on potential side effects and interactions.


St. John's Wort does nothing for major depression, but can be effective for mild-to-moderate cases.


SAM-e, at that time, had the greatest number of reputable scientific studies to support its use, with most of the studies carried out in Italy. SAM-e was regarded as an alternative for particular antidepressants. I built up to the recommended dosage for major depression, but landed in a hospital for testing, fearing stomach ulcers. I could not tolerate the therapeutic dosage, so quit the drug.


5-HTP was helpful for a while.


As may be detected, I am not a big fan of isolated self-diagnosis, nor of self-treatment without careful research and consulting solid references. Psychiatrists have a valid role to play in effective treatment, too.


Sincerest of best wishes to OP. :grouphug: . . . Major depression is not a happy situation. I have dealt with it since I was not long out of toddlerdom.

Edited by Orthodox6
correct typo
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