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DH tapped for interview for 3-yr job in Naples, Italy!

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Here we are, in the final preparation stages for building a new home -- and my dh is told this morning that he is under consideration for a job in Naples, Italy.


It's a once in a lifetime opportunity. If he gets the job, I don't know how we could turn it down. I've always wanted to "see the world" - it would be incredible to be able to walk ancient streets of Pompeii, Rome -- visit places I've only dreamed about most of my life. Talk about living history!


Of course, it puts our lives here on hold!


I'm nervous & excited -- I have no idea what this means for my job (yet), or our land... but it would certainly change things!

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Here we are, in the final preparation stages for building a new home -- and my dh is told this morning that he is under consideration for a job in Naples, Italy.


It's a once in a lifetime opportunity. If he gets the job, I don't know how we could turn it down. I've always wanted to "see the world" - it would be incredible to be able to walk ancient streets of Pompeii, Rome -- visit places I've only dreamed about most of my life. Talk about living history!


Of course, it puts our lives here on hold!


I'm nervous & excited -- I have no idea what this means for my job (yet), or our land... but it would certainly change things!


Wow, that sounds great! I am very jealous.

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if he gets the job. We have done it (two years in Asia, a year in Europe and two years in South America) and I wouldn't trade the experience for the world.


I have also read studies that show that kids who have overseas experience do better in college and the marketplace. They seem to understand different cultures and point of view.

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be sure to rent a place with a guest room, as we will line up to visit you :D


OK - maybe not us - but you WILL become quite popular with friends and relatives looking for a free place to stay and a tour guide (just ask my hubby's college friend who married an Italian and lives outside Milan.)

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Well, if we move -- I have some things I need to sell/eliminate :D


I am interested in the Italian School option

I'd have to continue some of what we're doing at home, though.

I would want this to be an incredible experience for the whole family.


Hopefully, my boss will let me continue working from home!


Man, what an opportunity.


I'm overwhelmed, but I can't see how we could turn it down.


I've asked the bank what our options MIGHT be if dh gets the job(we've been approved for a construction loan -- which includes the land. I don't want to lose our land!).


This is like a dream come true for me...

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Things are moving fast...

DH had his interview 30 minutes ago. He has the job, if he wants it.


I've been on the phone with my boss -- before we were cut off, he was indicating I can still work for him while I'm there...


So, I guess we'll be leaving VA for Italy in 2-3 months!


I'm... in... shock. Excited. Stupified. Thrilled and Terrified all at once.


There's a good cooking school outside Naples too (I think that would be great for me!).


Man. Man.


I feel like I just won the lottery.



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That is awesome!!!!


I have some really good friends who have been living in Rome for the past year (almost.) Their kids are 10, 7, and 4. The younger two have totally flourished. The older one has had more problems, but partly due to her personality. The middle child is fluent now (she attends an Italian school). They took an intensive language course when they first got there last summer to get the basics down. So now they all speak, but they younger two are the most confident and have really assimilated well.


My friend (the mom) thought she'd spend the year seeing things and going around and whatever, but there has been more of a learning curve than she expected. It's taken her basically this long to feel super comfortable navigating everything, plus you know, she has 3 kids. So now she's homeschooling the oldest, so while the younger two are in school they're going around to museums and taking in a lot more of Rome and outlying areas.


Her dh teaches at a university and was fluent before they got there.


If you have any questions or whatever, I'm sure he'd let me give you his email address.


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We've gotten "go for it" from everyone -- my dad thinks its an incredible opportunity, my mom, my husband's folks, our friends...


When I initially began thinking about what we'd take, and how little we had -- I didn't realize how much I might need to buy :D


(My Scrapbook Stuff... I won't be able to shop at our store whenever... I'll actually have to "hoard" a bunch of supplies to take there!!!)



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