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Twilight Saga fans...I finally gave in and watch Twilight, and I'm hooked!

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I never wanted to watch it because I'm not into the whole science fiction thing, plus it was targeted towards teenagers so I really had no interest. Well, Twilight was on HBO one night so I decided, what they hey, let's see what all the talk is about. Wow! It wasn't even thing like I thought it would be. I totally feel in love with it and had to see New Moon. I Rented that last week and now I can't wait to see Eclipse!


So, are there any other closest fans out there? LOL

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Step away from the DVD player. Run fast to the book store.


The books are so much better. But be warned, once you start Twilight make sure you have nothing else to do for a few hours ---- b/c you won't want to stop until your done.



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Welcome to the dark side...:D


I agree with PP. Buy the books (all 4 right now so you don't have to make a midnight run)


The books are way better than the movies (although I do have a soft spot in my heart for the first movie...or at least for Robert Pattinson in that movie :lol:)



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Step away from the DVD player. Run fast to the book store.


The books are so much better. But be warned, once you start Twilight make sure you have nothing else to do for a few hours ---- b/c you won't want to stop until your done.







dd13 and I are watching New Moon tonight, as it happens. :D


Not for the first time, of course! We went four times at the theater and have watched it several times on the dvd -- but this will be the first time on our new Really Big TV, so that'll be fun.


I've read the series through several times, as has dd13 -- in fact, I'm pretty sure she's on her seventh read-through :laugh: ~ and that's awesome, because this is a kid who pretty near hated to read. She was capable, but she was just never interested in recreational reading - until she started reading Twilight and discovered what it was like to get completely drawn in to a story. Now she knows why I always my nose stuck in a book. ;)

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Oh and when you're done with the four books and feeling all sorts of down because the story is finished... go over to Stephenie Meyer's website and read the parts of Midnight Sun that she has there ~ it's from Edward's point of view. :D


(scroll down a bit and click on "Midnight Sun Partial Draft" in the middle there...it's a PDF)

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Welcome to the club! :D

I just started reading the saga for the fourth time in preparation for the Eclipse movie. The books really are much better than the movies.


I already have a ticket to the midnight show on the day it comes out. :blushing:

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I already have a ticket to the midnight show on the day it comes out. :blushing:






(didn't know they were available yet! Off to see if I can get them... :auto:)

Edited by LauraGB
forgot a word!
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(didn't know they were available yet! Off to see if I can them... :auto:)




I always said I would never be one of those people that went to a movie at midnight on the day it comes out....


I am so ashamed!! :svengo:


My friend bought the tickets a week or so ago. Now we're thinking about going early to see Twilight and New Moon before Eclipse... I'm tempted but not sure I can sit in a movie theater for that long.... we'll need A LOT of popcorn!!!

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I thought the 2nd movie was absolutely hilarious and I really enjoyed it. It was the slow motion scene of Edward looking like a movie star moving across the highschool cafateria that did it for me. That producer had a sense of humour!


I agree with the others. Read the books.


However, my dh is rather disgusted with me. He finally watched the first movie and was horrified that Bella was being seduced by someone so old! It disturbed his sensibilities.

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Step away from the DVD player. Run fast to the book store.


The books are so much better. But be warned, once you start Twilight make sure you have nothing else to do for a few hours ---- b/c you won't want to stop until your done.




:iagree: The books are easy, fast reads, but you won't be able to put them down so make sure your kiddos are occupied for awhile!


Oh and when you're done with the four books and feeling all sorts of down because the story is finished... go over to Stephenie Meyer's website and read the parts of Midnight Sun that she has there ~ it's from Edward's point of view. :D


(scroll down a bit and click on "Midnight Sun Partial Draft" in the middle there...it's a PDF)


I love Midnight Sun, of all the books, this partial draft is my hands down favorite!

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Ok, seriously, She wrote about Bree but refuses to finish MidNight Sun!!!!! :cursing: Who cares about Bree when I could be curled up with my hard copy edition of Mid-Night Sun!



Christina (whose frustration at discovering this information knows no bounds)


I know! What gives? I would love for Midnight Sun to be finished - very much loved that one, in spite of it's severe first-draft-ness. Made the movie make a lot more sense, that's for certain!

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Those of you who really enjoyed the Twilight books - check out the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris. :D


*FYI: This series is NOT "young adult" fiction. (Just explaining because I know there are a lot of mom/daughter pairs who enjoy Twilight together.)


*FYI2: There's a tv show called True Blood that is based on the books. This is definitely 18+...very, very 18+.

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I know! What gives? I would love for Midnight Sun to be finished - very much loved that one, in spite of it's severe first-draft-ness. Made the movie make a lot more sense, that's for certain!


Isn't it weird how you 'see' so much more in the movies once you read the books? (I saw the 1st movie before I'd read them) :laugh:

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And hey, while we're recommending the extras, did you all see the Twilight Graphic Novel that just came out? It's a beautiful drawn book, I really liked how they gave new life to the characters. It's only volume 1, and goes through about 1/3 of Twilight, the book. I liked it.

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And hey, while we're recommending the extras, did you all see the Twilight Graphic Novel that just came out? It's a beautiful drawn book, I really liked how they gave new life to the characters. It's only volume 1, and goes through about 1/3 of Twilight, the book. I liked it.


Yep - dd13 bought it as soon as she spotted it at Walmart. :)

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I definitely want to read the books! I've always preferred to read the book first before watching the movie. Books are always much better and I think you learn so much more about the character, plot, setting, etc. in a book then watching the movie. When I watched Twilight, and New Moon I kept feeling like I was missing a few details about certain things. I bet if I had read the books first those gaps would be filled in. I fear know, that I won't be able to enjoy the books as much since I've watched the movies. I always had trouble getting into a book after I've watched the movie version of it. Some movie versions of books are good about keeping the integrity of the book while others are not.


I have to say after watching both movies, I do prefer Twilight. I didn't think New Moon was as good and for me, I had trouble believing that Bella was actually falling for Jake. Like I said before, it seemed like I was missing some pieces.

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Those of you who really enjoyed the Twilight books - check out the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris.


I really enjoyed those books, too! I haven't watched the TV show though. It is on my list of shows to rent from Netflix, though :D


Might I also recommend the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter series, by Laurel K. Hamilton?


And the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J.R. Ward?


(However I will say that they both have a lot more graphic sex than Twilight or Sookie Stackhouse books do. Consider yourself warned.) :)

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Those of you who really enjoyed the Twilight books - check out the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris.


I really enjoyed those books, too! I haven't watched the TV show though. It is on my list of shows to rent from Netflix, though :D


Might I also recommend the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter series, by Laurel K. Hamilton?


And the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J.R. Ward?


(However I will say that they both have a lot more graphic sex than Twilight or Sookie Stackhouse books do. Consider yourself warned.) :)


I just finished reading Guilty Pleasures & The Laughing Corpse (Anita Blake) not too long ago ~ another friend had suggested that series to me a little while back. I like them :D but I'm not sure if I like them enough to buy them - these are from the library...I have to go get the third book and read it...


I've heard of the Black Dagger Brotherhood, but haven't read any of them - adding it to my list!


And one for you then - The Blood Books by Tanya Huff. I'm in the middle of Blood Trail right now - they actually made a tv series based off these, called Blood Ties - a Canadian show, at that.. which explains why nobody ever knows about it. :laugh: It only ran for two seasons and stopped, but you can get it on dvd now. I wasn't sure if I was gonna like it - but I did, and now I'm really enjoying the books.


Your adult content warning...haha...did you see my FYI for True Blood? ;)


(truthfully - i think they could have taken it down a notch..or five. they really went in for the shock value and in some cases it actually takes away from a great story line)

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It's a long weekend. I say you need to take today off of school and get reading so we can all have a Jacob/ Edward debate.


LOL I will do my best to read them as fast as I can but it might not be done in one weekend! I do have a newborn and no way of getting any book until tomorrow! Right now, I'm leaning towards Edward. ;)

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I just finished reading Guilty Pleasures & The Laughing Corpse (Anita Blake) not too long ago ~ another friend had suggested that series to me a little while back. I like them :D but I'm not sure if I like them enough to buy them - these are from the library...I have to go get the third book and read it...


...And one for you then - The Blood Books by Tanya Huff.


Thanks, I'll check those out!


The Anita Blake books get better as you go!

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