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Voyages in English: how does it compare with R&S or CLE?

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I was all set to buy CLE for my son (going into 6th grade next year.) I showed him an example of a Light Unit this morning and explained how we would use it. He didn't just hate it, but he responded with, "I would like more color."


I showed him Voyages in English which I looked at during research for a LA curriculum. He loves history, and VIE 6th grade has lots of historical pictures and content that he loved! Now I need to find out more about VIE to see if it's something we want to consider.


Please offer ANY help.





I'm more interested in the grammar, but would certainly welcome comments about the writing.


Is it on grade-level? He's going into 6th grade. Is there a placement test?


How does it compare in rigor with R&S or CLE?


I don't think it includes diagramming....? What would you use to add in diagramming?


We are not catholic. Does it avoid catholic doctrine?


Schedule? Mon-Friday? How long for each lesson?


How independent is it? (This was a big pro with CLE.)


What are the tests like?


I've read that it is expensive. Where could I purchase it for a reasonable cost?



I would be most grateful to learn from your experience. I feel like I've taken two steps back and am researching again when I thought I had come to a conclusion. We'll keep CLE as a second choice. If not VIE, can you ladies recommend a reputable LA that has color? My kids don't really like Abeka, so it's out.



Thanks so much!!!!!

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I haven't used either but I know that the later editions are secular not Catholic anymore. Sorry, that is all I know.



Thank you, Jenni!!!!:001_smile:


This just isn't a popular curriculum. I would love to know why. Everything else we are doing is colorful. I might just impose this one thing (CLE LA) on him which is good but not colorful because it's a great fit in all other respects. I'm a little apprehensive to try something that gets little to no attention/reviews.


Anyone else???:confused:

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I haven't seen much of CLE's LA, it's too religious for me to use with my DC. I use Voyages in English by Loyola Press with my younger kids and just use WWE in place of the writing. I use MCT with my older DD so I haven't seen the higher books, I only have through 4th. VE is in the newest edition of WTM if that helps any.


You can get them usually the end of summer from www.homeschoolbuyersco-op.org at savings when they do their annual group buy. I am debating buying one of the higher level books to have for reference beyond MCT.


Feel free to PM if I can help.

Edited by melmichigan
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I have been looking at VIE for next year. It is secular, and to me it seems like what I would expect a public school text to look like. It seems thorough, and I thought diagramming was covered at some point. I know it is mentioned in the teachers edition. They have samples of the 2011 sixth grade text here:



They also have a GUM practice book called Exercises in English, but I don't know if that would be overkill...


I believe the Homeschool Buyers Coop did a group buy on it a while ago, so maybe they will do one again in the future.


I would love to hear from anyone using it also.


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My son's Catholic school uses VIE through 5th grade.


IMO, R&S is better. The material covers unusual examples that a student is bound to encounter eventually and is also more thorough than VIE. In ds's earlier grades, I would refer to R&S to help cement and flesh out the ideas he was learning at school. VIE is not horrible, but it's also not great.


Btw, we are still using R&S at home. Ds is in seventh grade. HTH.

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We used it in a lower level. It was fine for a workbook. The writing is very good, but typical PS content. (we did not use it) I think it's a strong program from my limited knowledge. But the TMs are very, very expensive; that could be why many people do not buy from them.

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  • 1 month later...

I just thought I'd clarify my earlier post. I used VE this year with my DD's. I just got back the results from their testing. I will not be using it next year, they are not retaining the information. I was hoping to use it since I already own some of the upper level books and I will reserve judgement, maybe it's a fluke thing but I had them do the placement tests for CLE and we are going to try it over the summer. They tested into CLE 100 so will start from the beginning.;) I thought the original samples looked to religious but I'm willing to give it a chance if they will retain the information. Best of luck with your decision.

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  • 2 months later...

We use Voyages in English and LOVE it! We don't use the older Catholic versions though, although we are Catholic. They are way too boring, even for me. We use the new versions put out by Loyola Press and they are just awesome. We have used first grade and are doing second grade now. They are right on grade level and perhaps just a tad more advanced as well. We work on one page a day for four days a week. Our school week runs Mon-Thurs and on Friday I give him a quick quiz to see if he's retaining what he's learning. I've tried Shurley English, Easy Grammar, Abeka Language, Winston Grammar and this is the BEST English program out there that I have found. I hope that helps some, and I hope more people give these books a try. I would hate for such a valuable curriculum to go out of print.

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