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Is this too strange to consider?

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Since my DD was in parochial school K this year, I've been volunteering as a math tutor at a local charter school. We had our final party today, and I told the coordinator that I wouldn't be able to tutor next year since I'd be homeschooling my DD.


She suggested that I bring my DD along-that DD could just "help" with one of the tutoring groups at her level (there are at least a half dozen going on during the time I'm there), and that she'd probably enjoy the group activities. One of the other tutors pointed out that she always can use someone to read out loud to her Kindergarten students or play games with them, and she'd be glad to have DD help her if my math level wasn't right for her.


And you know, I'm wondering if it would work. DD will be a 1st grader next year, and would probably benefit from the math facts games as much as my 3rd grade remedial math students would, and she LOVES reading to other kids-in fact, that's been what her K teacher has had her do quite a bit this year. Furthermore, we tutor in the school library, so even if she didn't want to be part of a group, I'd imagine she could keep herself busy reading, playing games on a computer, or doing HER schoolwork.


Another thought is that DD really doesn't have a lot of contact with the more urban side of our community. We live in a suburb, and our church, homeschool group, her dance class, music class, and so on all are pretty WASPy-or, at minimum, middle class, educated professional parents, and probably some variety of Christian. This would be a very different population from what she's used to, but also still really great kids.



Do you think it would actually be reasonable to take my elementary school aged homeschooled child into a charter elementary school, as a volunteer? Can you think of any drawbacks to doing so?

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Do you do this everyday? How much time do you spend there tutoring? I wouldn't do it every day, especially not all day everyday. But Once a week would be doable. I wouldn't want my child's homeschool experience to be sitting and entertaining herself all week while mommy teaches other children, KWIM?

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My kids come along to my classes, and help show the students how to play the phonics games. They also pass out pencils and papers. When my daughter is a bit taller, she will help out with students younger than her. (She looks about 6.)


I taught a class in Arkansas and have some kids I am working with now here.


It works out fine, they like helping and meeting the kids. Here, it is a long drive, sometimes bad traffic, so since it is only once a week for 2 months, my husband takes off work early to watch them.

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Sounds wonderful! I don't know if you would want to put her on the spot right away as a "volunteer", but tagging along, momma's helper, whatever. Once she gets her bearings she can feel free to help where she feels comfortable, or participate as a student if she wants. Sounds like a great enrichment activity!

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