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Strange flavors kids like...

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I was working with sourdough starter today in prep for baking bread tomorrow. LLL loves sitting on the counter while I bake bread. After I was done with my kneading, she reached over and took a taste of the STARTER. She liked it and asked for more. :ack2: She also loves balsamic vinegar and red wine vinegar straight.


Anyone else's kids like crazy-strong flavors?

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Our youngest just turned 2 and LOVES pretty much anything that has a strong vinegar flavor to it. Pickles are a winner with her, but her all-time favorite is indeed pickled okra! Who would have thought???

Oh, and my dh is from the south and makes a delicious white sauce that you put on barbecued chicken (original recipe from here in AL) and it's a mixture of mayo, vinegar, and pepper. She'd eat it all day long if allowed!

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
I knew one little girl that would eat raw onion.


:lol: All three of my kids love raw onions. You can't chop an onion in my house without all 3 dc coming to ask if they can have some. Jalapenos too, actually. DC will eat pretty much anything. (In that way, they remind me of my dad, who always says he never met a food he didn't like.)


DS4's funniest food love is spicy radishes.


DS7 loves blue cheese and my spicy Texas chili. Mrs. Mungo, he loves the spicy okra too! My dad cans it.


DD5 has loved Szechuan Beef and raw garlic for as long as I can remember. She is definitely my spice girl. If you get Papa John's, you better move fast if you want a pepperoncini!

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DD11 loves fresh green onions. Just today we were at the Farmers market and the highlight of her trip wasn't the chocolate muffin we bought home, it was the fresh bundle of green onions and a cucumber.


As a baby, her favorite food was chili. She refused to eat baby food of any kind and moved onto spicy adult food at 6mths. At around 2 yo, she started dipping her pizza in red pepper flakes (so she could get more on each bite).


DD3 loves garlic pickles and yogurt for breakfast. Not stirred together, just side by side. She also loves spicy olives or kalamata olives. One of her favorite snack bars is the olive cart.

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My daughter got into the wasabi peas when she was 2. The eyes bulged, but she decided she liked them. My mum gave my little brother a sip of green ginger wine when he was about 3. He downed it and came back with a very hopeful look for some more! Funnily enough, as an adult, he barely drinks. Mum and Dad were worried he'd turn out to be a plonker! He used to try and scrounge those uber-strong coffee lollies that come in the square tins. Ew.



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dd13 - coffee beans (dh gave her one when she was 2 and she wouldn't believe that he wasn't making something yummy for a snack but was grinding coffee; she declared it yummy and asked for another)


dd11 - our only traditional eater


ds9 - honey on scrambled eggs; raw onions (he'll eat them like apples); black coffee (I see a trend starting)


ds6 - coffee (with sugar and milk and my insistence); otherwise he's rather normal

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When the children were younger (and we still went out to dinner, ) the cook was late and we waited 1.5 hours for our dinner. The only thing we had to entertain the children with was lemons. To this day they wait for the lemons.





I LOVE lemons! My grandpa used to bring them to me after work every day! I would (and still do) eat them like an orange!!!! My husband cringes if he eats something to "sour" I try it and its sweet to me :lol:

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When the children were younger (and we still went out to dinner, ) the cook was late and we waited 1.5 hours for our dinner. The only thing we had to entertain the children with was lemons. To this day they wait for the lemons.




When I was a kid, I used to eat ketchup on scrambled eggs. Now when I think of that :ack2:


My oldest dd drinks pickle juice :001_huh: and has actually been upset with me for forgetting and dumping it out. I have been told its actually very good for you, but when I think about it :ack2:

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