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Funny chirping cat thinks she is a bird.

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Yes, my black cat has Siamese in her. She also fetches like a dog. She is by far the smartest cat we've ever owned.


Ours goes for walks with us when we take the dogs walking. When I was a child I had a kitty that did that - he was part siamese too.


Also, this cat will scratch you (draw blood) if she thinks that you are making fun of her or laughing at her. Last year the child next door let his chihuahua out to chase our cat and our cat turned and chased the boy around his house because (I am assuming) she figured out he did it on purpose ... we are exploring the possibility of having her declawed ...

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Mine does the same thing and my daughter gave her the Himelech (sp?) maneuver when she first heard it because she thought she was choking. Poor kitty.


Oh, and mine thinks she is a dog like our Lab who gives us lots of kisses. She comes up and just gives us licks to say, "I love you!"

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