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I have to share this pic of my dee-aitch

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OK, this reminds me of a game my dh and I play when we drive through rural Indiana - "There's yer house!" (you know, nastiest house you can find)


In this case. . .


"There's yer hubby!"




Oh man! We do that too. We do it with cars as well.

And then when we're in the store dh likes to find something that's really ugly or trampy looking and tell me that he wants me to wear it.



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Y'all are MEAN! That's my uncle, and you're hurting my feelings!!!!!!!!! I can't believe how rude some people are. Didn't you think that he's got to be related to SOMEbody, or looks like somebody else? How heartless and cruel.:mad::cursing::thumbdown::boxing_smiley: :glare:

I always like Jim Bob's hair, and he's great fun! My favorite uncle.

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Y'all are MEAN! That's my uncle, and you're hurting my feelings!!!!!!!!! I can't believe how rude some people are. Didn't you think that he's got to be related to SOMEbody, or looks like somebody else? How heartless and cruel.:mad::cursing::thumbdown::boxing_smiley: :glare:

I always like Jim Bob's hair, and he's great fun! My favorite uncle.

I was just coming here to say that j.griff. How dare ya'll pick on someone who looks like that. I mean c'mon, I don't pick on you denim jumper wearing ladies, in fact, I don't pick on any of you.


You know I was bullied all through middle and high school and it hurt me badly enough to make me grow up into someone who stands up for others. This is just flat out ridiculous seeing Christian ladies picking on someone just because of how they are dressed or they cut their hair.



humph!!!! I'm calling someone on this one. It's just so mean.




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13yod is really upset now. She just doesn't even understand WHY someone woul think that is a funny photo. It's just uncle Jim standing by his truck. (He sold that truck 2 years ago, BTW)

I can't stop crying (seriously, when have you all ever seen me cry??) this is so sad--perfectly wonderful women picking on someone. I can't believe they are doing this.


grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr sometimes I get so mad...

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Are you serious GG? Or are you making fun of ME now? I can't tell. I really, truly am upset by this thread. And you know, uncle Jim doesn't wear shirts because he has issues with them. My grandparents were really poor- pawpaw was a coal miner and they were frequently on long strikes. They couldn't always afford clothes- you know- no shoes in the summer, and so no shirts for the boys in the summer- they got a pair of shoes and a shirt in the winter time. He still doesn't like to wear shirts- he's just not "used to it", so he'll use a drive-thru instead of going into a restaurant. He says it was good enough for him growing up, so why should he have to change now?

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why would I be making fun of you? I'm sick of bullies, I'm sick of people picking on others who are different, so I just bucked up and piggy backed off your post.


Some people just can't help being who they are and I am appalled at the lack of compassion from this board.

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You know, you just have an odd sense of humor sometimes that makes me :tongue_smilie: or :confused:


ITU that you are upset about people picking on each other, maybe you should start another thread for that? That way you wouln't have to piggy back my replies to this specific situation, KWIM?

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You know, you just have an odd sense of humor sometimes that makes me :tongue_smilie: or :confused:


ITU that you are upset about people picking on each other, maybe you should start another thread for that? That way you wouln't have to piggy back my replies to this specific situation, KWIM?

That's board clutter and I'm not starting another thread about it. Deal with it. What I am saying applies to this thread, they shouldn't be picking on someone like this because it just is not right and couple that with the fact that he could be your Uncle, makes it all the sadder.


Why don't you buck up and tell them off too? That's the only way they'll get the point. It's not nice. And they shouldn't be doing it.

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Sheesh, why the hostility? You're such a witch sometimes. I was just making a suggestion, don't get your panties in a wad- and I didn't SAY that your post doesn't "apply" in this thread. Go back and re-read it. And what exactly would you say to them, if it were your uncle? I know it's not nice, and they shouldn't be doing it! That's why I replied to this thread in the first place!!!!!! And why are YOU telling ME off? Good grief. Take a :chillpill: or something. Oh, and since when were you worried about "board clutter"? Go start your own thread. :p

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Sheesh, why the hostility? You're such a witch sometimes. I was just making a suggestion, don't get your panties in a wad- and I didn't SAY that your post doesn't "apply" in this thread. Go back and re-read it. And what exactly would you say to them, if it were your uncle? I know it's not nice, and they shouldn't be doing it! That's why I replied to this thread in the first place!!!!!! And why are YOU telling ME off? Good grief. Take a :chillpill: or something. Oh, and since when were you worried about "board clutter"? Go start your own thread. :p

Let me tell you something, I don't care one whit what you say--if they were bad mouthing my uncle, they'd know how I feel about it right quick, that's for sure. When have I ever minced words?


And me, board clutter? HA! Why don't you quickly scan the "new posts" section--talk about "clutter"... Sheesh, back off of me missy, I am NOT someone to be triffled with.

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Well, now I'm confused. I already told them how I feel about it. I never accused you of mincing words Toni, jeez. And if you think the current subjects are "board clutter", then START YOUR OWN THREAD with a better subject line. And I ain't "triffling" with you, I'm serious. It's not like we disagree about this thread or anything, so what's the big deal? Grrrrrrr

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She's not one to be trilfed with either...

Yeah! Bad Spelling and all--don't mess with me. hehe


And listen Griff, you didn't tell them strongly enough. Grab the bull by the horns and tell them to Leave your Uncle alone! And I'm not starting my own thread, sheesh, how many more dunce capped threads do we need? The big deal is that you started with me and now I'm on fire and well, I'm going to keep misspelling words because it doesn't matter anyway, you get my point. So don't TRIFLE with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Alrighty then

LEAVE MY UNCLE ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I didn't START anything with you Toni, I just asked you a serious question and made a small suggestion.

And are you saying that your opinion about people picking on others because of their differences would be a "dunce cap thread"? That doesn't even make any sense- c'mon, you can do better than that you clawed fanged beastie.

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Well, I like your Uncle Jim. I remember meeting him when I came up to visit you last summer. The way he could open a bottle of beer with his eyebrow was totally cool. And his cousin Debra was so nice... there was something familiar about her...


Anyways, he's a great guy, and he deserves some respect.

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So, you didn't see the picture of my uncle then, did you?
And I didn't START anything with you Toni, I just asked you a serious question and made a small suggestion.

And are you saying that your opinion about people picking on others because of their differences would be a "dunce cap thread"? That doesn't even make any sense- c'mon, you can do better than that you clawed fanged beastie.


Well, I am disinclined to aquiesce to your request. I won't make another thread, there's too much clutter anyway. And don't you go insulting me lady. I am so not a "clawed fanged beastie"... I am a Fanged Danger to Society!! Get it right!!



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So, do you wear a long black cape to your Goth Clubs? I'm guessing you don't bother with fake fangs, since you're well equipped.

I am just a bit too disheartened by the light tone of others in this thread, even with the new photo the hurt of the first still stings. <sigh>. I'm just not "into" bickering with you any more Toni- give it a rest. And I just BET you insist on having "the last word"- we'll see. :(

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So, do you wear a long black cape to your Goth Clubs? I'm guessing you don't bother with fake fangs, since you're well equipped.

I am just a bit too disheartened by the light tone of others in this thread, even with the new photo the hurt of the first still stings. <sigh>. I'm just not "into" bickering with you any more Toni- give it a rest. And I just BET you insist on having "the last word"- we'll see. :(

OH WAAAAAH! Go on and do some Hammer Time would ya? And I don't have a cape, I have a motorized broom and yes, anyone with fake fangs just needs a good whippin' because that's stupid. Real Fangs are where it's at...




OH and................................


Last Word!!!!





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