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probably OCD

Guest SUZERS1234

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Guest SUZERS1234

My 5, almost 6 year old son suddenly began to show OCD symptoms. It seems that it began with a stress that began at school. He was very stressed about an upcoming field trip that he wasn't going to be attending.

The teacher and assistant bothered him everyday, making him feel guilty because he was not attending. The day before the field trip he started asking questions about dying, afraid he was going to die, etc. He had asked these questions before but not with the same anxiety and fear. Later in the day we noticed he started washing his hands every 30 minutes. He said he was afraid there were germs on his hands. He was hesitant to eat certain foods for fear of poison, etc..although he would eat them. He would also say his mind was saying not very good things like "shut up", "I hate my mom", "I hate myself", etc. He also began spitting out of fear that something bad was in his mouth and he would swallow it. Yesterday we talked about what was going on and for him not to be afraid that something was wrong with him and that everyone has thoughts about bad things but they are just thoughts, etc. We have tried to hold him back from frequent hand washing and having him tell his thoughts to go away or to answer back that "he's not stupid", or that "he doesn't hate himself". These symptoms occur about a 1/4 of the day. If he is busy playing at the playground, putt putting, etc they symptoms aren't as noticeable although I saw him spit a few times at the playground.


I have an appointment with the pediatrician today although not really sure what they can do to help and will probably cause him more anxiety to go there. He has always been a more passive and somewhat anxious child but it seems like he just snapped last week over this issue at school. Could this go away? He is the sweetest most awesome little boy in the world and I hate for him to be so afraid and to feel like something is wrong with himself. He even asked the other night in the middle of his extreme fear "what is wrong with me"? It broke my heart. We absolutely are against any type of medication for him as his brain is still very young and do not want to cause long term problems. He has 1 more month of Kindergarten to go but is extremely anxious about going back.


Anyone have any experience with this age and these anxiety, OCD symtoms..what steps did you take? Does it get better/worse/go away? Will he ever be the same boy he was just a week ago?

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Awwww...poor little boy. :sad:


This breaks my heart just reading you tell the story. I really feel for your son and the rest of your family. I really wish I had some advice for you.....but, I don't. I'm sorry.


I just wanted to post a comment to say that the teacher and assistant really need to be told that they can not be treating students like this. I don't care what they say.....this is harassment. Harassment doesn't have to be extreme......it can be constantly bothering a child about something and making him feel guilty. I don't even understand them.....do they think that bothering him about it every day and making him feel guilty was going to change his mind about the trip (or your mind about it)? I am just appalled at them....that is in no way acceptable. It might be hard to do, but they need to be told about this and I would also talk to the principal too. I strongly feel that this is not something you should just let go.


I'm assuming, and I could be wrong, that you are not homeschooling (he's in K public and under your name it says you are "just visiting")......so please understand that my next comment is coming from a homeschooler's viewpoint (and this may not be your view)....but I'm gonna say it anyway: I wouldn't even send him back. He only has a month left. I'd end it right here and now. K isn't even a required class (you may want to double check your own states laws).


I really feel bad for him that he has such anxiety about going back. I hope someone else can give you some good advice.

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I wouldn't even send him back. He only has a month left. I'd end it right here and now. K isn't even a required class (you may want to double check your own states laws).






My son seems to have some sort of (undiagnosed) generalized tic disorder. The "tics" come and go having to do with stress.


Based on my research on tics (not OCD) your son may or may not have an ongoing problem. Five and six year old boys often exhibit tics and obsessive behaviors not because of illness but because their brains are changing so quickly.



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My brother developed OCD as a college student. :grouphug: It can be very frightening to have in the family. While I don't have any advice, I can tell you, don't let anyone tell you that it is your fault. OCD has been found to have a biological component to it. There are many books about OCD in children that may be helpful to you; maybe your local library has some copies of them.

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I am so so sorry that you and your son are having to deal with this. I went through it with my daughter and it is not fun! My daughter started having severe OCD symptoms when she was eight. We took her to a child psychologist. She did not need medication and the OCD went away with therapy alone. However, the psychologist warned us that it could come back when she hit puberty and it did, with a vengeance. We get her back into therapy and at that point the therapist suggested that we see a psychiatrist. Things were really bad at that point. The OCD was interfering with her being able to eat and she was losing weight. She was reduced to tears over getting dressed in the morning/choosing what to wear. It was horrible! Anyhow, the psychiatrist put her on Luvox and it was like a miracle! I got my daughter back. She is still on the meds but doing fine.


So, that's our experience. Not all OCD responds so well to drugs...everyone is different. For a child as young as yours therapy should be enough. But I would definately get help from a counselor or psychologist that has experience with OCD.


Susan in TX

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:grouphug:It is so hard to see your children suffer. I hope that your little boy's stress is relieved soon.


My son was suffering anxiety because of school in K. We could not rule out physical problems until the end of April, but if I had known earlier I would have pulled him out immediately. We just didn't know all that was going on with him. Since pulling him out and homeschooling he has had a relief in stress. He still has tics, but is doing so much better overall, I can't even tell you what a good idea it was to bring him home. I hope you find what works for your little boy.:grouphug:

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The sudden onset does warrant looking into PANDAS. The definitive thing in my mind is if he's had mild symptoms and the stress made them flair or if this is really sudden onset severe OCD.


Hugs to you and your child.

OCD is a monster. The faster a person gets help the less ingrained (and severe) it gets in general. So try to get him into a therapist fast. You only want one who does CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) with kids with OCD. This is not a talk therapist type issue so you need one who does OCD. The OCD foundation http://www.ocfoundation.org/ will have a list on their website of therapists who treat OCD in your area.


There are some good books on pediatric OCD. Freeing Your Child from OCD by Tamar Chamsky would be a good start. There is a yahoo group for parents with kids with OCD too. I can't remember the name but several authors on pediatric OCD will answer questions there and there is lots of good support from other parents as well. Try to read up on OCD and get into a therapist fast because some of what you might do to try to help him will actually make it worse. (Example: telling his thoughts to go away or answering them reinforces it. It's about impossible for a parent though to not try to help their suffering kid. You just need the information so you can do it in a way that's really going to help him (which won't feel great for anyone unfortunately). :grouphug:


If my son shows signs I plan to try inositol with him (along with CBT) to see if that can kick it before moving to SSRI type drugs but I would do them in a child if needed for OCD. You might go ahead and look into Inositol use in pediatric OCD now and see if you're comfortable trying that with him. I would in a heartbeat if it was my son. It might be hard w/him in school as it needs to be dosed three times per day and is in powder form. But it can really help dramatically.

Edited by sbgrace
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Guest SUZERS1234

Thanks for all the replies. The pediatrician today looked at all his symptoms compared with the stress at school and with the teachers. Not to mention that his "best friend" at school bullies him (has actually punched him in his face and when he spills anything and asks my son to clean it up or he won't be his friend). She said that she considers what he's going through now as anxiety. She thinks he is just very anxious and therefore letting a lot of things bother him. His fear of germs, etc is just a manifestation of the anxiety. She said to watch it, if it continues or would get worse she might consider OCD but with the short period of time anyone at any given short period could be diagnosed OCD, depressed, etc. She suggested we confront the issues at school head on so that he is able to conquer these fears. She also told my son that when he has thoughts he doesn't like in his head to start doing something else to keep him busy. He seemed a bit relieved hearing everything was ok. After the appointment I went to the school and talked to his teacher about how her actions have affected him and that not all kids are the same. He is an anxious boy as it is, eager to please, etc and that he was devastated by the pressure she put on him. He is going to school tomorrow but will probably go on an adjusted schedule for the rest of the month, maybe 2-3 days/week just so he can say he finished and graduated. This is as long as there are no more issues and seeing how he adjusts tomorrow.


It is amazing what goes on in schools now, that teachers can actually contribute to anxiety in kids this young. I'm sure she didn't do it intentionally but after having him as a student for 8 months she should have known his personality. I think a lot of teachers just have "jobs" and lose sight that they are the 2nd or 3rd most influential person in kids life.

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Guest SUZERS1234

He is in a private school now and definitely switching to a different school next year for 1st Grade....already enrolled in another district that my daughter went to that was much more supportive.


Thanks everyone for all the support!


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I'm glad things are working out for your son and for your family. My daughter issues with 1st grade caused by similar things. I pulled her out to homeschool her and it has been a blessing for her and our family. It has been hard because she is still emotionally sensitive and if she feels like I'm pressuring her with a worksheet or lesson she crumbles into despair and spends the day crying and telling me bits and pieces of the horrible things that went on at school. Its taken us months to get through and try to undo what 6 weeks of problems caused.


I'm very proud of you for sticking to your guns and taking care of your son.

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...his eyelashes, then when they were gone he started on the eyebrows and hair on his arms.


He was 14yo at the time and playing basketball at his private christian school. LOADS of preesure...some he put on himself, some from coaches and some from peers on the team. Anyway, he fnally decided to get off the team. He stopped pulling his hair out almost immediately! We were amazed.


Just this spring he's started playing tennis for his school's tennis team. Not as much pressure from coaches and peers, so he is THRIVING. He's like a new boy!


It's amazing at how stress can totally mess up our lives, even our kid's lives.

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Guest RockHead

My son first showed OCD symptoms (evening out sensations) in 2nd grade. By the end of 3rd grade he was saying he can't leave the house b4 noon on weekends (school days were fine, thank goodness), he can't do homework (but he understood the material, as evidenced by the quizzes and tests). It turned out he had thoughts that something really, really, terrible would happen to the world if he did these things. Those were the biggies; there were littler things, like you can't say certain words. Anyway, we found a cognitive behavioral therapist (CBT) who specializes in OCD. First, my son was fearful of trying to "fight the OCD" but we did it in little steps, each thing at a time, and built up to the biggies. It's a process, but as they mature they can see better that logic dictates they can fight it and that they are scary thoughts, not fact. It's important that you see someone who has treated several OCD cases so that he/she can anticipate other situations in your every day routine which are troublesome. Our therapist had me sit in every session and coached me on the what not to say, how to support him--you have to learn to not feed into the negative behavior and not give in to anger either. A college medical center in your area may have a child study group who should be able to recommend a therapist or two. Prepare yourself for a marathon, but don't give up. It can get better. Good luck!

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