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Looking for posts from moms who are going crazy.

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I'm going nuts and need to know I'm not crazy. Just too overwhelmed with school, cooking, cleaning, eating well, wanting to get out of the house, wanting a job, but afraid it will be too much. When does one determine if it's all too much and big changes need to be made, or does one just keep slogging through and feeling miserable? I've been here before I know it will pass. I just hate sitting in it now. :(

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Hang in there! We all have those days. Can you take a week off and get the house back to where you want it? I have a hard time concentrating when I feel like things are too disorganized. If you do decide to make changes, I would make small ones until things seem to get better...big changes can bring whole new stress issues.

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I agree with Rosy that just getting the house in reasonable order can be a big help to clear your mind and settle a little. I find when I am distubed, that houswork helps order my outer environment so that I can feel more peaceful inside. Then again, so does a nap, quite often :)

Sometimes its a question of working out your priorities. I found Flylady helps me with that on a personal level and that ended up spreading out to other areas of my life (flylady.net). Setting up routines for myself helps me think so much more clearly.

I have also been itching to get work but not sure if I could handle it on top of homeschooling...yet my teens dont need me so much, dh's income has dropped lately (self employed)...its not a desperate situation but it seems practical to do something before it gets desperate, but I couldnt work out what to do. Then after this has been going on for months, I have helped start discussion groups for women with some friends that is acutally bringing me in a decent income and will only have me out of the house 2 evenings a week, plus a few hour during the week of phonecalls and paperwork. So...in other words, the perfect job came along. I didnt grab for something out of desperation.

I would focus on getting the home in order first- and if you need to get out of the house- do it, as much as you need to. Go to thepark, book yourself an evening class, meet with friends- prioritise something that will give you what you need, and make it happen. Or do you still have small children? That can make it harder, but not undoable.

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I totally agree w/ what the other ladies said. Another poster here once told me that sometimes it's worth it to take a 3-day weekend or even a whole week off to focus on getting things organized in a manner that can be kept up (for me, that meant making places for things b/c they can't be put away if they don't even have "homes"). It was well worth it.

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I'm going nuts and need to know I'm not crazy. Just too overwhelmed with school, cooking, cleaning, eating well, wanting to get out of the house, wanting a job, but afraid it will be too much. When does one determine if it's all too much and big changes need to be made, or does one just keep slogging through and feeling miserable? I've been here before I know it will pass. I just hate sitting in it now. :(


As long as you're not going out of the house to go scrapbooking, you'll be OK. :lol::lol::lol:


Really, I know what you mean!


I couldn't handle a job right now so I try to think of the tasks I have to do around my house as a job. It seems to help.


As for eating well --- pick out 1 healthy breakfast and 1 healthy lunch and eat it for a week. Less choice for me = less stress and more success.



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You are not crazy! You are a MOM. I agree with all the PPs...take a week-long break. Get some fresh air. Get your house back in shape so you don't feel defeated when you look at it or overwhelmed with all you have to do. Have a "cleaning" party! Play some music, dance, sing, clean...and then eat cupcakes! :001_smile: Mary Poppins had something when she said that in every job to be done there is an element of FUN...find the fun and the job's a GAME! My kids roll their eyes when I start with that. Oh well...I try! :grouphug: to you b/c we all feel or have felt like this before. And yes, I think you should probably do some thinking about priorities...perhaps you really do have too much on your plate? I know when I start feeling like this...I know I am taking on too much. It's a red flag. Dealing with depression, I have to be very, very careful about this b/c for me, this can quickly send me in a downward spiral to the PIT.

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Thank you for your support and your advice. I like the idea of focusing on the house for a few days or a week and get it in order. I know it makes a huge difference when the house is clean. I also know I hit slumps every once in awhile, it's just a rough one right now. Thank you for your help!

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You aren't alone. It's that time of year. Hang in there




yes! :grouphug: I had a breakdown last week and told dh I needed some alone time this past weekend, which was wonderful. Cleaned some, sat some, read some...utter silence. Priceless.:)

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Just chiming in to offer support (I'm right there with ya!!)... :bored:


I think the advice to take a few days off to get things in order is great. Something else that I've been focusing on lately (when I start feeling completely overwhelmed) is to give myself more grace. I've come to realize that most (if not all) of the pressure in my life is coming from me. So the best way for me to relieve pressure is to not be so hard on myself, to be more realistic and accepting of my limitations, and to relax more. That might mean just sitting down in the middle of a mess that is screaming out for me to clean it, and cuddling up with DS and DD to read a book. I've started doing this more and it's amazing how quickly that helps me regain my perspective. It doesn't help me get things done any quicker, but it helps me handle everything in my day in a more positive manner.

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I'm going nuts and need to know I'm not crazy. Just too overwhelmed with school, cooking, cleaning, eating well, wanting to get out of the house, wanting a job, but afraid it will be too much. When does one determine if it's all too much and big changes need to be made, or does one just keep slogging through and feeling miserable? I've been here before I know it will pass. I just hate sitting in it now. :(


I'm in my 12th year of homeschooling. One thing I've learned: I can NOT handle doing too much. If you're questioning if you are, then it's pretty certain you are doing too much.


I did do too much this year, but usually I'm VERY selective with what we sign up for, who we get together with for play dates, how often we see our friends. My youngest is only starting to recover today from doing too much this year, and the past few weeks it all came to a head. I'm glad I have at least one kid who NEEDS to be home more so I can use that as an excuse, rather than needing it to be for me.


Do your kids feel they're doing too much? Are they happy to be at home? If so, scale back. :001_smile:http://welltrainedmind.com/forums/images/smilies/001_smile.gif

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:iagree::iagree::iagree:I am going totally stark raving mad over here.




Here too!!!!!!!



:willy_nilly: :willy_nilly::willy_nilly: :eek: :svengo:



I have to say I am so thankful I am not the only one. I feel like I am losing my mind right now!!!

The house uggg!!!, laundry?! UGGG, did we get enough accomplished??, I can't keep up, I can't stand the thought of making supper lately!!

Thank you for starting this thread, I really needed to vent!

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I know just how you feel..... we moved to MN a year ago after a year of unemployment in GA...lost our GA house to foreclosure.......homeschooled through the whole ordeal..... have zero contact with homeschoolers here in Moorhead and are buying a house in Ulen.. closing in about 30 days. We've gone from 2 cars to 1....pay an incredibly high amount for rent....live very hand to mouth until we can get into the house........... I'M GOING NUTS!!!


.......but we have taken a fairly relaxed approach to homeschooling lately and just do what we can.......... it will get better and we all know it.


:grouphug: Hang in there.

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I am so in your shoes this week. My DH is working long, long hours. We just moved into a temporary 2 br house with only one car that DH takes with him. OMG. I am going stark raving mad. Last week I did not go to sleep until 3am most nights just to get some "me" time in. I was so desperate for 5 minutes without kids that I stayed up THAT late, mostly on the WTM and MUA boards just reading, taking notes, saving stuff as google docs, making curricula plans for Fall, making a summer plan, etc...


It's phases and stages I keep telling myself. I seem to go through this twice a year, one in January when the mid-year burnout starts to kick in and about this time of year when it's so nice out I want to be doing anything other than schoolwork. Homeschool teachers get Senioritis too.


HUGS from me. BTDT and know it well.

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