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Why, why, WHY is it so hard to make decisions about getting rid of things?

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I'm come to realize that my house is so messy because of my inability to make decisions. I can't decide whether things should stay or go; I can't decide where to put things; I can't decide whether things should be filed or shredded (stupid bank statements).


Right now, I'm working on decluttering my kitchen, and I'm getting rid of a lot of my plasticware (working on replacing it with Pyrex storageware). I have plasticware all over my kitchen. Some lids don't have bowls, some bowls have no lids...I'm agonizing over just throwing the things away, because I'm afraid the corresponding piece will show up later. AND, I now have three piles of the matched items--one for my MIL, who always gives us food to take home in these things, one for my mother, who does the same, and one for us for "emergencies." But that means I have to hang on the stuff for the moms indefinitely. Gah!


How do you make yourself just get rid of things? I feel like I'm drowning in stuff, but I'm so afraid I'm going to need it someday :willy_nilly: Gah!


TIA :blink:

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I'm come to realize that my house is so messy because of my inability to make decisions. I can't decide whether things should stay or go; I can't decide where to put things; I can't decide whether things should be filed or shredded (stupid bank statements).


Right now, I'm working on decluttering my kitchen, and I'm getting rid of a lot of my plasticware (working on replacing it with Pyrex storageware). I have plasticware all over my kitchen. Some lids don't have bowls, some bowls have no lids...I'm agonizing over just throwing the things away, because I'm afraid the corresponding piece will show up later. AND, I now have three piles of the matched items--one for my MIL, who always gives us food to take home in these things, one for my mother, who does the same, and one for us for "emergencies." But that means I have to hang on the stuff for the moms indefinitely. Gah!


How do you make yourself just get rid of things? I feel like I'm drowning in stuff, but I'm so afraid I'm going to need it someday :willy_nilly: Gah!


TIA :blink:


Get rid of the durn things :thumbup:! What's the worst thing that could happen if you *gasp* get rid of a piece of plastic ware and you need to store something in it in a few months? You'll either improvise or if it turned out to be that important, you'll break down and buy another. But the chances of you needing a specific piece of plastic ware is slim :001_smile:. And say the missing lid or bowl shows up in a few weeks....if you get rid of it's mate now while you have a very good reason, you won't have to agonize about getting rid of it once it has it's match!


Anyway--this is what I ask myself when I'm trying to decide whether or not to part with something--what is the worst thing that will happen if I don't have this and I need it?

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This is funny. I sat down thinking these very same things, right now! I am looking around wishing I could wiggle my nose and have someone make the decisions for what we need and what we don't. And for what we don't to simply disappear!


I just did the buy the pyrex and get rid of plastic thing. Here's what I did. I kept a few Gladware things that were in good shape for when I take things to others. They won't have to worry about returning them. The truly horrid got thrown away. The decent ones, in a bin waiting for a trip to Goodwill. If it was something I needed, I'll just go out and buy it.


I am working on our living area/school room today. It has gotten to the point of bugging DH who never says anything about the condition of the house. So we are working on getting this area in order today.


Believe me, I get what you are saying! Good luck!

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Get rid of the durn things :thumbup:! What's the worst thing that could happen if you *gasp* get rid of a piece of plastic ware and you need to store something in it in a few months? You'll either improvise or if it turned out to be that important, you'll break down and buy another. But the chances of you needing a specific piece of plastic ware is slim :001_smile:. And say the missing lid or bowl shows up in a few weeks....if you get rid of it's mate now while you have a very good reason, you won't have to agonize about getting rid of it once it has it's match!


Anyway--this is what I ask myself when I'm trying to decide whether or not to part with something--what is the worst thing that will happen if I don't have this and I need it?


You know what is needling me about it? My environmental concerns!!! I can't recycle them here (we can only recycle 1s and 2s :glare:) I hate throwing this stuff in the garbage. I guess I have to suck it up, eh?

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This is funny. I sat down thinking these very same things, right now! I am looking around wishing I could wiggle my nose and have someone make the decisions for what we need and what we don't. And for what we don't to simply disappear!!


ROFL! Seriously. I'm taking next week off from work but still having our babysitter come. I hope to make a big dent in the junk around here.

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I put the lids on the corresponding pieces, so they were matched up. Then I gave away everything I could to people who wanted it. The misc. pieces were left in a box in the garage and what hadn't found a home in a month...went in the trash. If I threw away a piece that once had a lid..oh, well!


They point was to get rid of stuff. If the pieces didn't match up now, then I must not have needed them too bad to begin with. You will be so much happier with the Pyrex that you won't even miss the plastic. :001_smile:

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You know what is needling me about it? My environmental concerns!!! I can't recycle them here (we can only recycle 1s and 2s :glare:) I hate throwing this stuff in the garbage. I guess I have to suck it up, eh?


I have seen boxes of mis-matched plasticware sell at Goodwill. I wouldn't throw them in the trash if they're useable. When I am uncertain about the usefulness of things like that, I usually put them in a box for Goodwill or some other thrift charity and let them decide. They know exactly what can be re-used by someone and what needs to be put in the trash.

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until I got a set that **sensibly** has only two sizes of lids.


Start with those big contractor sized trash bags and put everything you haven't used in 2 years that isn't a keepsake (I've gotten stricter...now it is everything was wasn't a keepsake of my mother's as well) in them and then make a grand trip to the used donation place, even if it is a bit of a drive. It just doesn't feel like you are "throwing something out".


Amusing story:

Yesterday I went through all the VHS, DVD, CD, CDROM basically left over from my previous marriage. I put it into cardboard boxes and took them all down to Half Price Books to sell. They gave me over 200$ and said I had "a lot of great stuff" in it. I said, I'm so glad it is gone, I feel younger and thinner already. Then I commented it was all left over from my marriage and a total stranger standing next to me said "Were you married to TJ?" Evidently, when he moved out and left huge amounts of junk that now, 7.5 years later I am not going to store anymore, he had lamented it enough that a co-worker of his recognized it was his stuff! She was pleasant enough but I was slightly wordless from hysterical laughter. This in a town of over 200,000 that isn't even where we live or lived!!

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You can bring them here, and I'll get rid of them for you. I'm the Queen of Declutter; Goodwill knows me by name, and if I have a lot of stuff, I'll schedule a yard sale. If I haven't used or worn the item in the last 6 months (sometimes 12 months if it's seasonal clothing), then I generally get rid of it. We are very happy with our home, but if I kept everything that came into it, we would soon run out of room. I also try not get sentimentally attached to material possessions. If I give something away and need it later, I just save money and go buy it again, but to be honest, I've never had this happen.


This past winter there were a couple of things that I wasn't sure if I really wanted to get rid of. I boxed them up and put them in the garage. I never had to go and get them, and usually, I didn't even think about them unless I was passing by the boxes on the way to my van. So, I put them in a yard sale, and they quickly sold. I'm happy that someone else will now get use out of the items.

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You can bring them here, and I'll get rid of them for you. I'm the Queen of Declutter; Goodwill knows me by name, and if I have a lot of stuff, I'll schedule a yard sale. If I haven't used or worn the item in the last 6 months (sometimes 12 months if it's seasonal clothing), then I generally get rid of it. We are very happy with our home, but if I kept everything that came into it, we would soon run out of room. I also try not get sentimentally attached to material possessions. If I give something away and need it later, I just save money and go buy it again, but to be honest, I've never had this happen.


This past winter there were a couple of things that I wasn't sure if I really wanted to get rid of. I boxed them up and put them in the garage. I never had to go and get them, and usually, I didn't even think about them unless I was passing by the boxes on the way to my van. So, I put them in a yard sale, and they quickly sold. I'm happy that someone else will now get use out of the items.



So, when might I expect you? ;) I am getting a bit better at purging, but it is a slow process. And it has to hit me in the right mood. I cleaned off a good bit in the school area today. DH helped with the muscle power to move all those heavy things around. New set up sometimes leads to new perspective!

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So, when might I expect you? ;) I am getting a bit better at purging, but it is a slow process. And it has to hit me in the right mood. I cleaned off a good bit in the school area today. DH helped with the muscle power to move all those heavy things around. New set up sometimes leads to new perspective!


ROFL! Seriously. Melissa, if you live close enough to me, it might be worth paying for her to fly out here and whip us into shape :D


I got the kitchen put back together today after I tore it apart looking for things to get rid of, whew! Tomorrow, I tackle the office and the stacks of paper that need to be filed, tossed, or shredded. I'm going to have to be brutal--I have so many things in there I intend to do something with--recipes, greeting cards, etc. It's going to be a HUGE job, but I really want to be able to use my office again, and as it is now, I feel immense pressure if I even go near that room :001_unsure: My reward is that I get to watch junky TV all day while I do it, because my mom will be here to watch the girls, woohoo!


And I don't know why I didn't think of Goodwill for those lids! Thank you both for the suggestion. I used to work for a non-profit and I remember hearing the Salvation Army staff complaining about how much actual garbage they hauled away in the guise of donations, so I'm kind of paranoid, but considering some of the junk I've seen at my local Goodwill, they'll totally put out a box of random lids! AND, my mom says she doesn't want any of the plasticware, so now I can just give the whole big bag to DH to put in the back of his car to take to his mom's the next time he goes. It has now become HIS problem :smilielol5:


Thank you all. I needed a good decluttering day, for sure. Beth, I'll keep your words in mind over the next few days.

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I hear you! We did well. Dh and I worked together and got the living room/school area in much better shape. He cleaned out the stereo/game cabinet that had gotten to be a wreck. We pitched a few things. And I de-cluttered the bookshelves in the school area. Now I have a pile to take for resell! I look around and see all the stuff and I feel my head spinning. Don't even know where to begin sometimes. Once I get going, it seems to be ok. But GAH, getting going is the kicker, isn't it?


Now, one of my cats is walking around sniffing everything like he hasn't ever seen any of it before. All the same stuff, just in a different configuration silly boy!

Good luck with yours this week. I intended to do a lot of that over a spring break but it didn't happen. Then I spent a week in bed with the flu and am still a bit tired from that. Now, I really need to get this place in shape. I did get the checkbook balanced after a few months neglect! WHEW! It's Chinese takeout tonight though. No cooking. YAH!

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I love to declutter. There must be something therapeutic about it. A friend of mine is a realtor and has informed me on more than one occassion that I don't really have anything in my house:glare:. My dh is a packrat so I need to be careful about not throwing anything he may be attached to. I figure that if it has been in a box for more than a year and I have not missed it, then don't open the box just give it to goodwill:001_smile:.

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I've been on a big decluttering binge for the last few months. (More stuff always comes in, thanks to 2 sets of nearby grandparents & doting aunts. Ack.)


I used to keep lots & lots of stuff, but I'm reforming my ways. I don't want to end up w/ an overfull house that you can't walk through (something I'm seeing starting at some relatives' homes). Dh is not a packrat & is happy to help declutter/toss/tote things for donation. That's a big help.


One thing that has helped me is checking out various decluttering books from the library. They're all quick (skim them) type books, but that usually puts me in the mood to tackle another few piles. And, the good thing is that the books go back to the library. LOL.


My biggest challenge is my desk/office area. Yikes. It's always bad. I keep telling myself that if I get it in good enough shape, I'm going to treat myself to a new (smaller) desk from Ikea. (Right now, I have a really huge desk that I've had for years. Because it's huge, every surface on it is always filled w/ piles & piles of things. I think there's a black hole in there somewhere, sucking everything toward it.)


I'm learning that less really is more. And it feels good.

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