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s/o What does your weekly schedule look like?

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I have been thinking about this for the last little bit after reading Denise's thread. I think it's interesting how some people like to go, go, go and some others, like me, really love to stay home a lot. Most of my friends are the go, go, go type. Anyone want to share their weekly schedule?


Here's ours:

Monday: school (I try to reserve this day for staying home since I work 12 hours Saturday night and don't get to make up for the lost sleep time. Mondays are really hard!!)

Tuesday: school and swimming lessons (starting next week)

Wednesday: school, Praise and Worship practice, AWANA

Thursday: school, youngest has dance, swimming lessons (starting next week)

Friday: school, oldest has horseback riding lessons

Saturday: clean, work around the house and yard, I work Saturday nights 7p-7a

Sunday: church and rest


Next year we are starting a co-op on Thursdays from 9-12:30 and we will probably move horseback riding to Thursdays since they are in the same area of town.


I feel like we are busy enough. We do some field trips, usually once per month. My small photography business is starting to pick up with the spring weather, so that takes up a bit of time. And of course we have all our animals to play with and take care of. Also my parents and my husband's father all live in the same area as us, so we see them at least once a week. I just started running again, and I try to do that 2-3 times a week.


I don't want to argue about what is the right way to do it; I just think it might be interesting to share what we do.

Edited by Nakia
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I prefer to stay close to home; too much going-going-gone wipes me out. That said, though, we are knee-deep in baseball season here with our older two playing. Here's our basic week:


Sunday: baseball practice for two

Monday: school and baseball practice for one

Tuesday: school and baseball game for one

Wednesday: school*

Thursday: school*

Friday: school (and art class 1x a month with friends) and baseball practice for two

Saturday: baseball games for two


*Ds#1 has a baseball game on either Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday each week; once a month, ds#2 will have a weeknight game as well on one of those nights. Most weeks, we are only baseball free on two nights (T, W and/or Th). Once baseball season ends in June, we will resume swimming Tuesday and Thursday nights.


We used to do a homeschool PE class that met on Wednesdays at 11:30. But between getting ready for the class (packing lunch and getting everyone out the door) and then hanging out with friends afterward, we did not get any school done on Wednesdays, so we dropped the class (I needed the school time and a bit more relaxed schedule and the boys were getting more than enough physical activity w/out the class).


I try and go someplace field trip wise once a month. It doesn't always happen and I am working on making a stronger commitment to it. My mom also tends to come over Friday afternoons to play with the boys (they have a long-standing Friday afternoon Super Mario Bros. date with Gramma!).

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As I posted on the other thread, my schedule is insane and is not what I would choose, but I can't seem to figure out what to cut. :confused:


This schedule is for my youngest three. My almost 17yo can cart himself around now!


Monday - School, gym, dance, baseball game or practice

Tuesday - School, gym, dance, baseball game or practice

Wednesday - School, gym, laundry, grocery shopping

Thursday - School, gym, dance, guitar, baseball game or practice

Friday - School, gym, baseball game or practice

Saturday - laundry, yard work, sometimes gym/track (17yo) meets or baseball practice

Sunday - Church, rest


We have started doing our cleaning in the a.m. before school, a little a day.


I am a homebody at heart, so this schedule is hard on me. I am also not as young as I used to be - and feel it. I would love to cut our schedule back, but I don't see how it is possible. My 13yo dd is supposed to add dance to Wednesday afternoons next year, so it just keeps growing.

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Sunday: youngest dd has Sunday school from 9-10:15; I have to be at the church for setup for high school youth group at 3:30 or 4, then we go as a family to the 5:00 service; ds11 has middle school youth group from 6:45-8; I'm usually done with the wrap-up meeting for high school by 8:30.

Monday: school in the morning; homeschool playgroup at 3:00; taekwondo for the kids from 4:30-5:30;dd10 has guitar from 7-7:30 at the church -- elsewhere on campus, the rest of us are at Boy Scouts from 7-9 (including dh's wrap-up with the boys in leadership, other scoutmasters, etc.)

Tuesday: school in the morning -- this also seems to be a popular day for doctor, dentist appointments; math team practice downtown for ds11 (next year dd10 will be on the team, too); religious education for the middles at 4:00, followed by choir practice at 5:30 (thankfully, it's in the same building, so no parent transfer involved), pick up at 6:30; when we're working with an engaged couple for marriage preparation, we usually meet with them from 7-10 on Tuesdays for 6-8 weeks.

Wednesday: school in the morning; art class for dd10, bagpipe for ds11, and TKD for the little ones at 1:00 -- these are all in the same strip mall, at different ends; Girl Scouts for dd from 3:00-4:30; church at 6:30 -- usually have to be there by 6:15 for dd10 to help

Thursday: school; TKD for everyone from 3:45-5:15

Friday: intentionally left blank. Sometimes field trips, usually school, sometimes nothing.

Saturday: TKD for me from 7-9 am -- sometimes a middle child or two will come with me. The rest of the day is usually filled with Scout and church obligations.

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don't get me wrong. I'd LOVE to be home and only have one co-op and one social day. Like Theresa, I can't figure out what to cut.


I do think I have a temporary solution and told dd that if I was running around so much next year, the one co-op would be going. She likes the idea of scheduling social time during weeks we don't sign up for co-op.


Weekends we are devoted to getting our house caught up. I've neglected my gardens for 4 years and need to start over (and I'm simplifying them!) and we're going to paint. I LOVE to be at home ALONE on weekends, enjoying the quiet country life, having my potbellies running around with the dogs, duck sitting at my feet, enjoying watching over the horses and llamas, while enjoying a cold drink with dh, and reflecting on the blessing of it all.


Now there was a time where weekends were spent cleaning, then entertaining, then cleaning after entertaining. We cut that out years ago. :tongue_smilie: We'll have friends over periodically for a bbq or potluck, but I want a QUIET summer this year!!!

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homeschool 9-12

afternoon science or art project

rest time from 2-3:30 or so: mom in her room ALONE with book, kids playing quietly with art supplies or reading



homeschool 9-11

11:30-12:30 homeschool sports

1-2 pm finish up homeschool

3-4:30 outside Art class

6:00 mom's yoga class



9-12 homeschool

afternoon science or art project

2:30-3:30 rest time

4:00 library meeting or we go to the YMCA for workout before basketball

6:00 YMCA Basketball



9-12 homeschool

2:00-3:30 rest time

4-5 gymnastics

5-6 quick dinner

6:30-7:30 boys' tennis lesson (if dad can get away from work, I go to yoga from 6-7:30)



9-12 homeschool

2-3:30 rest time

afternoon grocery shop or play date, or quiet afternoon at home



8 am yoga for mom

9 am ballet for youngest

11 am gymnastics free play for oldest

1 pm basketball game

2-3:30 rest time for mom, dad takes boys out fishing or some other activity



rest and cook/plan meals for upcoming week, clean house

Edited by Halcyon
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We still have lots of littles, so staying home is just easier! When by myself, I love to go go go.


Our Schedule:

Monday-School-Play/Nap-Dinner-Scouts for the oldest

Tuesday-Swim lessons for all-Play/Nap-Dinner

Wednesday-School-Play/Nap Dinner

Thursday-School-Play/Nap Dinner

Friday-School-Play/Nap Dinner

Sat-Oldest has Ballet-Every other week is grocery shopping-Home to relax

Sunday-Morning "Church at home"-Relax-Nap/Plan for the next school week


Things that change:

In June Scouts, Ballet, and Swim take a break for the summer

Homeschool group park days start up for the whole summer on Thursday Mornings

Oldest might start a Thursday Evening 14 week Beg Violin class that starts in May.


It is going to be a stretch for me to add the Violin class with the Scouts, Swimming, and Ballet, but it is a really great opportunity for her and it is a limited time, so I might just do it anyway.

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Kids are: 15, 13, 11

Additional students: 15, 11 and 6 (I only teach the 6 year old on M and F)


Monday: Meet @ library 10 - 12:15

YMCA PE, arts/crafts 1 - 3

Evening: Tae Kwon Do, Piano, Baseball :lol::auto:


Tuesday: 15 year old 9th grade students go to client family home for biology @ 9.

Teach all students except kindergartener 9 - 12.

Teach my children students at home or library where 15 year old volunteers. 1 - 3.

Work outside home: 6pm - 1 am.


Wednesday: I am at school 8:30 - 12: 40. Typically I have a child with me; they do indepent work. DH (unemployed right now) supervises school with my children only @ home. I'm there now. :001_huh::lol:


YMCA @ 1:00 - 3:00 PE and theater arts


Work outside home: 6 pm - 1 am.


Kids have Youth Group


Thursday: School 9 - 12 and 1 - 2


I have classes Thursday evening: 5 - 7:30 and 7:45 - 10:15. I usually have one, sometimes 2 kids with me. They do independent school work, skateboard around the building, snack and play on the computers in the library.


One child has Tae Kwon Do


Fri: School 8:30 - 12:00.

YMCA 1:00 - 3:00 for PE and arts/crafts

Piano for dd 4:30 - 6:30

Every 1st, 3rd and 5th weekend, kids leave for their Dads

Work outside the home 6pm - 1 am.

Sparring class for TKD child (when not at his Dad's)


Sat: I have class 9:00 - 11:30.

Work outside the home 1:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Baseball games


Sun: Church

Yell too much about the mess in the house

Enjoy family dinner :D

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It looks like we are definitely homebodies. :D


Our current schedule:


Sun - school, 9 hours

Mon - school, 9 hours

Tue - school, 9 hours

Wed - school, 9 hours

Thur - school 6 hours, dd6 gymnastics - evening, family night -- movies and games

Fri - canoeing, boating, family time, all errands, housecleaning

Sat - morning sports/activities (baseball, swimming, guitar, etc.) afternoons - school, 3 hours



That basically covers our week. Saturday school varies between 3 and 6 hours depending on how many morning activities we have. Spring is a heavy activity time so I'm happy to get three hours in the late afternoon.

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This is our schedule for now although it will be changing in the fall to ensure more time at home.


Sunday - Church and family

Monday- School (occasionally have a friend over in the afternoon)

Tuesday- biweekly - dd6 has physical therapy. Otherwise, at home.

Wednesday- biweekly- girl scouts and weekly, dance for dd6.

Thursday - monthly homeschool science class at local science museum and weekly science club at same museum.

Friday - Home or with my sister

Saturday - Home, play, family, etc.


I also work nights 28 hours per week so we are not able to start terribly early in the morning. Next year, girl scouts and at least for now, physical therapy will be constant. We will also continue with the monthly homeschool science classes but will drop the science club. Dance is also gone. We do need one physical activity per child and that will be filled with gymnastics for dd6 and swimming for dd8 but I am planning to get those at a local place where I can get both classes at the same time. I could personally stay home most of the time but it's just unavoidable.

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We have little kiddos but the schedules are starting to fill!


Mondays: School in the am, relax in the pm

Tuesdays: Enrichment classes for dd in am, gymnastics for ds in am, park play for lunch time, irish dance for dd in pm

Wednesdays: school, church activities in pm

Thursdays: school in am, then I teach an enrichment class at church in the afternoons both kiddos come along, gymnastics for dd in early pm

Friday: school, playdate, scouts every other fri for dd

Saturdays: ballet for dd, family time

Sundays: church all morning (I teach SS so I get there early then family meets me for the 11 service), sun. night programs for the kiddos in the evening.


It'll get a bit crazier in the fall when we add piano and t-ball! :) I am a person who loves to go and so are my kiddos. The first question I get from both kids each morning is "Where are we going today?" If the answer is no- where they hate it. :D

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Wednesday-school, Scouts for one/playdate for the others


Friday-Mass, errands, some school, playdate at the park

Saturday-working or playing as a family

Sunday-Mass, rest, family time


I feel like an underachiever.:blush:

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I'm a homebody.


For most of the year, we "do school" M,T,Th,F with light school and homeschool group on W.


Sometimes the girls are involved in a once-a-week activity together. Sometimes ds is involved in weekly piano lessons.


Right now, ds's baseball practices are supposed to be M,W,Th (6-7:30), but we just got a game schedule that covers nearly every T,Th,Sat, so I have no idea how that's going to work out. It may very well kill me. :tongue_smilie:

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Keep in mind that on school days, I do have to get up and going to get DD to school by 8 a.m., so our days start fairly early. I am done with teaching DS most days by 10; 10:30 at the latest. Sometimes, like today, we are able to do events with my mom's group, and on the first Wednesday of each month my homeschool group has an event, but other than those aberrations, my schedule pretty much looks like this:


Monday: School, do laundry.

Tuesday: School, errands.

Wednesday: School, wait till DD gets out of school then pick her up, hit the library, and then take her to violin lesson.

Thursday: School, DS swimming lesson, sometimes Scouts in the evening (den meetings are at our house; pack meetings are monthly at DD's school where DS used to attend)

Friday: School, do laundry, clean house for any weekend visitors

Weekends: Whatever we feel like doing :D


MUCH less stress than there was in December. I cut a lot of mom's group and/or homeschool group events because everyone was tired of running so much. We may cut Scouts in the fall, and I would like to get DS into an autism/Asperger's social group instead. I think he'd get a lot more out of it, and we can cover the Scout stuff anyway, if we like, but without having to worry about timing. Plus DD wants to take art or dance. I'd rather her take art through the school but she seems to think she'd prefer dance. We are discussing.

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Let's see. This year...


Monday: Botany co-op or Chess club ~ Swim Team in the evening

Tuesday: at-home school day. :)

Wednesday: P.E. every week ~ Writing Club every other week

Thursday: Girl Scouts once or twice a month, otherwise - it's an at-home school day

Friday: Art Class, Zoology co-op meet-up at the zoo ~ every other month, we have American Girl Book Club meetings ~ Swim Team in the evening



We're not nearly as busy as some of the other families we know, but it's more than enough for me!


A few of the above-mentioned things happen here, at our house. So instead of rushing out the door, we're rushing vacuuming the floor before everyone gets here! :)


Next year, we've coordinated with our groups and we only have pre-planned activities on Wednesday and Friday. That will be really nice!

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Our schedule is really light right now and I'm having a hard time making any new commitments. I love it!


Monday - school, guitar lessons


Tuesday - Ladies' bible class, school


Wednesday - school, violin lessons, church in evenings


Thursday - school, guitar, starting gymnastics next month


Friday - school, art co-op


Saturday - sleep as late as possible, family outing of some sort


Sunday - church, sleep, church


Of course, there are errands and appts. that mess up my nice, calm schedule, but overall it is very peaceful and quiet. The guitar and violin teachers come to us, so there's no rushing to get out the door. Gymnastics is going to be a little harder, but I'm hoping dh can bring dd home if I get her there. We'll also be starting swim lessons soon, but I'm trying not to think about it yet.

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M-F: meals, chores, time with Daddy, play/relax/read, school

Sat: household projects, play/relax/read, family time, grocery shopping/errands, hosting or visits with friends, occasional fun outing

Sun: church, play/relax/read, hosting or visits with friends


I take the kids out sometimes during M-F to the library, to visit friends, or to do necessary errands or thrift store hunting or dental/doctor appointments.

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