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What activities symbolize a fulfilling lifestyle to you?

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I've had a wonderful week. My health isn't noticeably better. My kids aren't doing anything different in their schooling. But I realized that we have done some activities that I somehow associate with "fulfillment": baking home-made cookies with my daughter, starting to teach my dc to knit, gardening together, having a cheap date night with my dh (with kids in tow!) as we went to every thrift and dollar store that was open in one section in town! It was more than togetherness, there is a cozy feeling associated with these kinds of activities (I say this because we can be together for a game night and as fun as it is, I don't get the same sense of fulfillment!) When I think of things that I might add to our life that give me a cozy feeling just thinking about them - family worship comes to mind. So does hiking. I think I will add those to our lives this year. How about you? What symbolizes fulfillment?

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Besides traveling as a family, which doesn't happen as often as we'd like, our passion is enjoying our home and watching the chickens on a leisurely Saturday morning such as this. :001_smile: Dee-aitch makes strong coffee and a hearty breakfast (today it's Mexican style); we talk and reflect upon the week and our blessings. I'm enjoying it so much that I had to share. :)


We can enjoy most anything together as a family, and that makes even the most mundane things fulfilling to me.

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Once I was hanging clothes on the line with my dd. We were working together, the sun was shining, the sky was blue, small white clouds drifted by, the air was sweet and fresh. I felt young and strong. I wanted to hang clothes all day with her.


It is odd....when those little moments happen at the oddest of times.

Gardening with dd also does it for me.


And once we were at a friend's house - making dinner......crab legs, salad, corn on the cob, the best iced tea ever..... We still to this day - years later - talk about the best dinner we ever had. All of the kids remember it.

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Definately waking up every day and having it to do what we want. Being home with my children to see wonder and excitement in their eyes. Of course at this age every new discovery to them is amazing and I cannot get enough of watching it. Plus, they say the cutest things, I go to bed happy every night when I think of getting to spend all day with my family.

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I think some of my favorite times are sitting by the fire down at our pond. All the family together, sharing stories of past times, laughing, just being together. One of my kids favorite stories to tell is when they dared me to swing on the rope out over the pond. I fell in. It was November; cold. I had on my winter coat, boots, and gloves. They always get a big kick out of that one.

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Working together toward a common goal, and working hard. Like today... dd11 cleaned out the car, dh and dd9 and ds4 raked the leaves off the front lawn, and ds7 and I hauled the equivalent of two trees out of the backyard (the results of 'wind pruning' during winter storms and a downed tree).


I also love the times we hang out together during family worship, read-alouds and meals and just talk and talk. I love watching and listening to my children grow and mature before my eyes.


I also like the quiet, unexpected moments one-on-one with dh or one of the kids. Usually when one runs up or falls back to walk along side me and hold hands and chat. You can't plan those moments, but those are the most precious to me.

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Dinner together every night, playing card, dice or board games most nights and reading together before bed.


Life can be crazy sometimes, but if we can sit down to dinner, play a game together and pile on the bed to read our books before we turn in, it has been a great day.

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Cooking homemade meals

Baking homemade deserts

Baking bread

Cleaning the house (yes, it's so refreshing to see a clean floor and dust free shelves)

Brushing the horses

Watching the chickens

Petting the cats

Playing catch with ds

Playing fetch with the dog

Having long talks with dh about nothing in particular


These are in no particular order

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For us... it's working together and making progress in any area... school, housekeeping, gardening, crafts, horses...


Also learning new things together.


For relaxing, we enjoy the small, local, low key amusement park, nature walks, beautiful gardens, museums, and of course horse activities. Or taking a trip to the library or book store; listening to audio books together in the evenings.

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  • Family meals
  • Reading aloud
  • Praying the rosary
  • Kayaking on the river
  • Walks on summer evenings
  • Reading or doing crafts on a winter evening
  • Going to the farmers market or our CSA farm
  • "Ur-New England" events like contra dances, apple-picking, or sugar house visits


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