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endometrial ablation or Novasure??

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Anyone had this done? Know anything?? My periods are absolutely ridiculous now that they have returned after my 3rd (and last) child. I have to wear a pad and a super plus tampon the first 2 days and still need to change every 1.5 hr. Nuts. I'm considering it. Thoughts? Experience?



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Anyone had this done? Know anything?? My periods are absolutely ridiculous now that they have returned after my 3rd (and last) child. I have to wear a pad and a super plus tampon the first 2 days and still need to change every 1.5 hr. Nuts. I'm considering it. Thoughts? Experience?




Welcome to my world. I am so jealous that you get a whole hour and a half before changing! LOL


Note: Post following contains way TMI. Just a head's up incase you don't want to read such thing.:001_smile:


Actually, these were my options as well. I opted for the non-listed option 3 and went with progesterone. I take Prometrium 100mg days 12-26 of my cycle. I have been on it two cycles now and I have noticed a difference already (it takes 3 cycles before you notice the full effects). While I am not back to wearing a light days tampon for the whole period like i once was (*sigh*), the prometrium has cut out the spotting between cycles as well as cutting down the really heavy bleeding. This cycle I had NO huge clots, NO "gushes" 10 minutes after putting in a clean tampon, and I never used bigger than a "super" the whole time.

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what are the risks of doing the progesterone? If you go off it, will your periods return to their previous *level?*


I guess it really just depends. Sometimes, the supplement can help you regulate yourself and then, when you go off of it, things are fine. Other times, it is something you have to take in order to control it.


I have a high risk of heart attacks, strokes, and embolism due to a genetic clotting disorder and my hematologist signed off on me taking Prometrium. It is really pretty safe and usually well tolerated. The only complaint I have is that it causes me to have more acne than I am used to. The doctor said this would subside as my body got used to the hormone change each month. you can't take prometrium if you are allergic to nuts.


ETA: Lots of people here use the progesterone creams without a prescription and have good success too! :)

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Sigh...count me in. I'm presently trying to decide about ablation. I've upgraded to tampax Ultra which holds more than a Super-plus. That still lasts me sometimes only 15minutes....yes, you read that right, 15min. The first 48hrs, I have to wake up every 1.5-2hrs with an Ultra tampon and overnight pad and sleep on a towel. I'm chronically anemic even w/ 2 iron tablets per day....I get chills, light headed, can't bend over w/out almost passing out, can't make it up the stairs w/out gasping for air. I'm on the edge of being a candidate for ablation b/c my uterus is about 12-15week pregnancy size.


I'm going to look into Prometrium!



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I had the Novasure ablation done last August. So far it has been one of the best decisions in my life. For a few months I had some periodic light spotting and lately I have had nothing. I feel so free. My periods weren't as heavy as some have described but I am anemic and was starting to faint. The doctor wasn't sure it would work because I have a fibroid in my uterus but so far so good. I was nervous about the procedure but it really was not a big deal.


DH had a vasect. a few years ago so non-implantation is not an issue with us anyway.

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tampax Ultra which holds more than a Super-plus. That still lasts me sometimes only 15minutes


The first 48hrs, I have to wake up every 1.5-2hrs with an Ultra tampon and overnight pad and sleep on a towel.


I'm chronically anemic


That was me, except that my periods were lasting 3 weeks and stopping for 1.


The megadose of Prometrium that my doc put me on made me sleep for two hours every afternoon, and that was it. I'd been adamant about bioidentical progesterone, but he wouldn't listen.


Progesterone cream helped, but I still had no semblance of "normal."


I suffered two years of ruined vacations, baggy pants, no swimming, the humiliation of begging a male FAA airport screener to let my P-cream through, (and let's not talk about sex life here). After moving to a house with a septic tank, I went to the Novasure website to find a local doctor to do the procedure. It was a breeze.


I've had NO periods in the last 2+ years. I have my life back.


(On the flip side, my insurance covered only 80%, so the surgery cost me ~$600. But I can only imagine what I'd spent on sanitary supplies. It was worth every cent.)

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Sigh...count me in. I'm presently trying to decide about ablation. I've upgraded to tampax Ultra which holds more than a Super-plus. That still lasts me sometimes only 15minutes....yes, you read that right, 15min. The first 48hrs, I have to wake up every 1.5-2hrs with an Ultra tampon and overnight pad and sleep on a towel. I'm chronically anemic even w/ 2 iron tablets per day....I get chills, light headed, can't bend over w/out almost passing out, can't make it up the stairs w/out gasping for air. I'm on the edge of being a candidate for ablation b/c my uterus is about 12-15week pregnancy size.


You just described my situation exactly, except I could even get that bad while on continuous birth control, and while it would calm down it might only be one week off before starting up again. I can't tell you how much better I feel since I've had the hysterectomy. I can actually sleep through the night!

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One of my best friends had an ablation last summer. It has literally changed her life. I am going to the doctor for my yearly exam in a couple of months, and I am planning to talk to him about it. My husband had a vasectomy, so I don't have to worry about implantation. My periods cause me to be pretty much bed bound for several days and house bound for several more. I can't take it anymore. It makes me crazy!

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thanks everyone! Dh has been snipped so there's no issue there. I just realized ultra existed and actually my first $50 shipment arrived today lol. Question for those of you who had successful ablation--do you have problems with varicose veins? THe reason I ask is that my mom had the same issue, followed by a hysterectomy. The doc said that he'd never seen so many varicosities on a uterus before. Anyhow, I wonder if that is part of my problem?

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Watching this thread with great interest, because at almost 41 I am having very similar symptoms. My periods last only 3 days or so, but I literally can't go out because I go through a Tampax Ultra ever 45 mins or so, gush, and huge clots come out. (Sorry for the TMI). My mom had premature menopause and ended up with a hysterectomy in her 40's. Progesterone (or any hormonal treatment at all) is not something I can tolerate at all.


What is an ablation and how does it work? (For the uninformed).

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I highly recommend it unless there would be a fertilized egg that couldn't implant. The first months my period became like a "normal" period. Sometimes it would disappear for a few months, but come back. After a couple of years it pretty much disappeared.


What a difference it makes in life!


My doctor was going to do something other than Novasure, but then he was able to do the Novasure after all.

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  • 2 months later...

So can relate .. After my 3rd dc I usually had my period for Approx. 3wks out of the month. I was also having UTI's and cramping (while worse than I'd ever had before, I wouldnt say severe).


My docs tried me on a few different births controls to no avail. So, I was left with the option of ablasion or partial hysterctomy (just the uterus). I chose the hyster. (my husband already had a vasectomy) and the dr. explained, at my age the body can repair itself and I could possibly develop periods and such later in life again after an ablasion.


WELL...best choice I ever made! I no longer have cramps, no longer have UTI's, no more periods, and I am oh so much happier. I am going on four years after my hyster. and I've had no problems.


BTW-my Mother had the ablasion years ago and she has started having her period again, so make sure you take all pros/cons into consideration.


Good Luck:grouphug:

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I just had the Novasure done last week. I was nervous about it but it was really very easy, some medium cramping the first day, and a little spotting.


I didn't have super heavy periods, but they would last a full week - I hated it. I am hoping my periods go away completely. We are done having children so I don't have any of that worry with implantation, etc.


Gee, I didn't realize this thread was a few months old - how are you doing, kathkath?

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I had to stop the progesterone mid cycle last month because it was causing me to bleed mid-cycle. This cycle has been laughable...I mean a light-days tampon and a panty liner for about 3 days. Weird. I will keep you posted on whether or not they go back to "bad." The dr said it may have just "reset" everything. I sure hope so!!!

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