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BLUE ICE ROYAL by Green Pasture's (Our experience)

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Someone here mentioned Green Pasture's non-gelatin capsules and I went to their website. The quality of their products is......well......incomparable. If you don't agree, that's fine, it's not my intention to start a debate.

Anyway, twins are on ADHD meds and have been for almost three years -- we have supplemented with different brands of high quality DHEAs etc.


THIS PRODUCT: Green Pasture's Blue Ice Royal Butter Oil/Fermented, Cod Liver Oil Blend Capsules is the ONLY supplement EVER that has effected a positive change in their behavior.


I'm not imagining this -- my dh is not imagining this -- for me to post it here, trust me, I am not imagining it. We have tried many products over the past four years........this one has had a positive effect on the behavior of both.


The side of the bottle has a little 'blurb' about Weston Price Foundation and that this supplement has been called 'sacred food.' So, when dd9 read this, she nicknamed the capsules 'sacred food.' Now, that's what we call it: 'Has everyone taken their sacred food?'


It's worth a visit to their website if you are still searching -- I personally think that their efficacy is a combination of things, the fact that the Butter Oil is fermented a huge component in the combination and why these are working for us.


Edited by MariannNOVA
correct website link
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Mariann, I believe you gave the wrong website link. Can you check that and send another. I have heard good things about this product as well. I think I am going to go ahead and order it and try it for my son.






OOPS - I certainly will - sorry! Yes, you are correct - the 'pasture' is singular - my mistake. I have also made the correction in my original post.

here is the link -- copied it from the website page - it should be correct.



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Would you mind sharing some more specifics? How long did they take these supplements in addition to their regular meds before you noticed a difference?

Can you give some more specific examples of the differences you are seeing?


thanks. You can pm me, if you would rather do that. Thanks again!

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Are your twins taking medicine along with the Blue Ice?


I have tried fish oil with my son and didn't see any positive results--how long were you using it before you saw results? (I am willing to try again!)


Are you using other supplements as well?


Thanks for the info.

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Are your twins taking medicine along with the Blue Ice? Yes, Adderall (not extended release ) - lowest dosage possible (10mg)


I have tried fish oil with my son and didn't see any positive results--how long were you using it before you saw results? (I am willing to try again!) Probably saw positive results in 10 days. We stopped using it after about a month, and it took about 5 days for me to realize what a positive result we had been having with it so we began again. Things had become hectic and taking it had just slipped our mind - won't do that again. The positive is subtle, but there -- less of a behavior change when their adderall wears off at approx 4pm or so. Fewer or no outbursts over silly little things. They are sleeping much much better at night - seems like they are able to let themselves relax and fall asleep instead of collapsing in an exhausted heap.


Are you using other supplements as well? -- We take probiotics religiously -- we had been taking 'Udo's Choice' or something like that, but I learned that they have magnesium stearate (we don't want to take anything with ms) so I am searching for something that doesn't have magnesium stearate. But, that's it. We do try to eat the cleanest diet possible -- but we've been doing that for two years now, and have tried Omega Brites, Nordic NAturals - everything out there - this is the first supplement that has provided any kind of visible positive effect.


Thanks for the info.


And, btw, I am SUCH a skeptic.........- so the fact that I see results, means that I really do see results.

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Thank you for your response. My son isn't hyperactive but he does have attention problems. We tried most of the stimulants but the side effects made us quit. I've tried a host of supplements and have quit them, too, after not seeing much improvement. We eat fairly well although we are not gluten free; I do limit processed foods. Every once in a while I start looking around again for something since he is getting nearer and nearer to driving age and I worry about the consequences of inattention.


Thanks again for your input!



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I'd love to hear specifics! I've been searching the web all week for something new to try. Omegabrites, EFA Focus, another cod liver oil (highly rated but can't remember the name right now)...no changes or improvements with ds8.





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I had seen this recommended somewhere, possibly a book I was reading? A quick question - on the site it says it is a gel? What exactly do they mean by this? I didn't get a chance to look at it more closely. Ds cannot swallow capsules, but he has been ok with gummy types of fish oil supplements or powders that can be mixed with juice, etc. Can you explain the texture please, and taste if any?:001_smile:

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Dana: The ones that my kids take is definitely a rather large gel capsule -- however, chek out the website as I think it does come in a cream in individual foil packets in different flavors.


My kids - for the first time - do not complain of any after taste or fish burps. HTH

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