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If MCT is so great...why do I see so many using IEW as well?

cheryl h

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I am sure there is a good explanation...as a newbie I need to hear it. Our only LA experience has been with A beka, but MCT sounds really cool and I am considering the switch. It confuses me when a program is so highly recommended, but then I see parts of another(good one) being used too. Please explain.

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Well, for me. . . it is b/c I am a long time (3 years) IEW user and a new (3 months) MCT user. I haven't let go of IEW. . . yet. For now, the writing aspect of MCT is writing once a week (if that), so I am not ready to let go of the IEW writing we do. When we get to Voyage level and above, I anticipate having more quantity of writing assignments in MCT AND more confidence in applying MCT principles to writing across the curriculum. I am not there yet.


In a year or so, that might change as more folks have more experience w/ MCT and are ready (or not) to let go of IEW. Especially as they get into Voyage level and above. . .

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I use both. I like MCT for grammar, poetry, and vocabulary. I like IEW for writing, and use MCT writing as supplemental reading. MCT's writing assignments are too open-ended for my kids. My DD excels in technically completing an open ended writing assignment with as few words as possible; she needs the check-list of IEW because it lays out the bare minimum requirement and forces more words out of her. My DS needs the structure of IEW to know what to write about, and because he is very analytical. The check list helps him get good writing down using his analytical mind.

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I had assumed that as it is a gifted curriculum the children it is aimed at are already writing well above their grade level, and that MCT writing offers a more specific and analytical "upgrade" to writing skills, rather than general writing instruction. I feel dd writes well for her grade level, but not so well that we can skip the basics. We are not using the full IEW, but rather one the theme-based books, without any of the dvds.

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I agree with Stephanie in that we used IEW for a long time before we discovered MCT. I purchased all of the MCT writing books and intend to use them in time. From my cursory review of them, there are not numerous writing assignments in them. I believe the AAW has four quarterly papers. IEW has numerous writing assignments from which to choose, so I continue to use it also. I do think MCT is a wonderful program, but I have always been someone who incorporates ideas and lessons from multiple sources.

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It confuses me when a program is so highly recommended, but then I see parts of another(good one) being used too. Please explain.


You have to remember you're asking this on a board full of people where the majority seem to be using two math programs (or sometimes bits of three)! More is more. :tongue_smilie:


I bought IEW Ancient History and I own TWSS, but I've never actually gotten around to using them. I was thinking of supplementing with the Ancient History to go along with our History, but the more I look at it the less excited I get... I may still use pieces of it with my younger dd, but if I do any writing to tie in with history for my older kids, it will probably be assignments from the K12 guides, and I'll probably guide them using what they learned in Paragraph Town this year, which is the only "program" we've used thus far.


This spring we're going through Jamestown Short Stories, which has a writing assignment in each unit, but it's creative writing, which is an entirely different beast from the type of writing in MCT. I'm actually rather glad that MCT doesn't overload with assignments - it only covers one type of writing (albeit what I think is the most important for students to master), and so I have time to fit in other types of writing or assign subject-based papers (although I can do that with many of the MCT lessons as well).


Right now I'm thinking we'll do Essay Voyage next year. I also have LL8, and I'm thinking we'll do the writing in there as well (which is not intended to be a full writing program, I think), and I'm thinking that will be it.


For my younger dd, I'm going to keep doing WWE3/4 alongside Sentence Island, as I think they focus on entirely different (but both important) skills.

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I began with IEW (my kids had been taught it in Private School) but to be honest with you, I didn't care for it.........part of that was the learning curve for me.


I DO use IEW's Phonetic Zoo for Spelling - that is probably one of my favorite pieces of curriculum.


I did have IEW MEdieval themed writing on hand for dd 5th grade, but when we began doing Paragraph Town, she told me that she didn't understand why she had to continue doing IEW -- and her point was a good one, so I put it aside.


We did dabble in CW -- AESOP and Homer. I bagged Homer right away, but I really wanted to keep the twins in AESOP as we all really loved it - but, truthfully, it just becomes TOO much and it is duplication of effort, so AESOP is no longer in our house.

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On any given morning there are 500 or more persons viewing this board. That's alot of folks! I've always stuck closely to the alternatives laid out by Susan Wise Bauer. We've settled into Rod & Staff and it's a good fit for us. MCT looks good. Sounds even better. But, I don't want to dilly dally around in this area of our curriculum. If my little guys are progressing and growing in their skills, I'm satisfied.

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My DD has dysgraphia so I like the peices broken up for her and I need the hand holding right now, both of which I have in IEW. Eventually that may change as we move past the Voyage Level of MCT and I become more comfortable, and finish TWSS ;). I am hoping to combine them once I get a better grasp at teaching writing. And, as you can see in my signature, we use multiple programs with just about everything. :lol:

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Just because something is talked about a lot on the boards doesn't mean the majority of people are using it. It just means it's getting the majority of the discussion right now. There are quite a few great options, all of which have their strengths. I suggest you look at them all and find the one you gravitate to, the one that looks most likely to get done in your house.




CW, Writing Tales, and other progymnasta approaches (highly recommend)

WTM methods of narration and outlining used in conjunction with any other writing program


many others

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On any given morning there are 500 or more persons viewing this board. That's alot of folks! I've always stuck closely to the alternatives laid out by Susan Wise Bauer. We've settled into Rod & Staff and it's a good fit for us. MCT looks good. Sounds even better. But, I don't want to dilly dally around in this area of our curriculum. If my little guys are progressing and growing in their skills, I'm satisfied.


:iagree: We are also doing R&S. Had been doing Bob Jones, and I was happy with that until it came to my 2nd grader and creative writing. Shes not ready. Plain and simple. SO we are making the switch to R&S :)

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Thank you all for your very thoughtful answers to my questions. We are feeling very "done" with A beka and was looking at R&S and/or IEW for next year...but then I keep hearing all the buzz about MCT and I have a few reluctant writers(great readers and great at grammar, not writing) in my group, and it sounded like others with the same predicament were having great success with MCT. I will keep praying about it and look at what I can at the convention in June. Thanks again for all your advice:).

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