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What is the answer you should say when someone says...

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" You must be very smart". I hate it when people say to me about how smart I am. I don't know that they think I should answer_ no, I am not, Yes, I am, well you sure aren't, what???? Don't tell me I am tall, short, smart, dumb, fat, thin, etc, etc. Whatever I am, I know already.


Rant off.

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I answer, 'Thank you - that is a kind thing to say.'


My kids say the same.


Years ago, dd29 was five and her paternal grandmother (who went out of her way to have nothing to do with my children since I am Italian and that meant they were half Italian - and no, I am not making this up) -- anyway, dd5 at the time had platinum blond hair and blue eyes and very fair skin -- her coloring was from their side of the family although she is the spitting image of my family. PGM says to her, 'Well, you sure are beautiful with that blond hair. I can see that you got your beauty from your father.' and DD5 looks at her and says, 'Yup, and I got my brains from my mother.' :lol:

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I've had this happen at various times, and it used to make me uncomfortable. Then, it happened on a day when for the third time, someone was commenting on me being a homeschooler. So, when the woman said to my daughter, "Your mother must be very smart" I didn't miss a beat. "Yes. I . Am." :tongue_smilie:


Oh it was soooo freeing to say it, and the way I said it made the woman crack up completely. (Thankfully!)


I have since dialed this back to a simple, bright, "Sometimes." :)

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