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10yodd lack of weight gain

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We went to the dr today to see if there are any issues with dd. The dr said he's not "worried" about her weight, but that her weight gain is on the low side. Each year, her height stays in the 95th percentile, but her weight precentile drops. I think she's at the 48th right now, but her annual check up is next month.


Today he ran a few tests: Urine, no diabetes. Anemia test - normal. We had blood drawn to check her thyroid and I don't have those results yet.


But the more I think of it, the more it concerns me. She eats every hour, and often times it's a meal every hour. On a typical day she'll have cereal and fruit or toast and fruit for breakfast, eggs twice per week. An hour later, a quesadilla. An hour later, cottage cheese and nuts. An hour later, sandwich and fruit. And on and on this will go until lunch time. Then she'll have a good lunch, a snack or two, then dinner.


When she's at friend's houses, where they get more junk, she'll eat more than the grown men! She had FIVE belgian waffles at her friends, after eating FIVE slices of pizza the time before when she was there. Everyone who has had her, friends and family, are shocked at how much she eats.


She's active on the days she has synchronized swim, and loves to run and play. But I don't consider her MORE active than kids her age. She used to be, yes (would play hard like a boy, and SMELL like a boy at age 6!) but is more "normal" now.


We are in the process of getting a specialized diet from a nutritionist. She thinks dd is eating too many carbs.


Has anyone had this issue before? Honestly, her SPINE is visible, along with hips. First thing in the morning, you can see her ribs but thankfully that disappears as she eats for the day.


ETA: Can I just say that it's SOOOOOOOOOOOO not fair that I don't have this issue?

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She sounds like my son. He is almost 13 years old and might weigh 80 lbs if he's wet! He also eats like crazy. But dh and I were both very thin when we were younger (sigh... those were the days!). And ds is obviously healthy, just skinny! I keep telling him that it will catch up to him one day :)

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How much does she weigh and how tall is she?

My dd is almost 11. She is 4' 11" and weighs almost 70lbs. Last year at her check up the doctor said she should weigh about 20 lbs. more than she does, but she wasn't concerned about anything. She has always been in the 75% for height and below 50% for weight.

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My dd was always very skinny too. When she was 10 she was 4'3" and weighed 60ish pounds. Her height has gone up faster than her weight. I think she's in the mid to upper 80's (at 5'2"), and now that she is 13 (just turned this month), she is beginning to fill out a little bit. She's never been able to wear her supposed size of pants cuz they'd just fall right off of her.


DH and I were skinny little things when we were younger (DH is 5'11" and weighted 116 pounds when we were married. I'm 5'9" and weighed 118. Now dh weighs around 140. Nevermind what I weigh! ;) ). My mom had to make my pants and skirts, cuz none fit me, especially since they didn't have slims back then! Even so, the slims were still too big around for our 2nd ds and our dd! I ate a LOT while growing up, enough to embarrass my sister when anyone else was around! :) My parents didn't allow me to eat every hour, just at mealtimes, and I remember being absolutely starving by the time I could eat! DS and dd have good size appetites that fluctuate with their growing patterns. Sometimes I've been absolutely amazed at what they can eat and still be so skinny, just like people were amazed at what all I could eat. They used to tell me not to turn sideways or they wouldn't be able to see me! :) We all just have skinny genes, cuz we're all healthy, just skinny!



Now, all that said, I wouldn't rule out that something could be wrong with your dd. It's good to test to make sure everything is okay! What does she think about her weight? Is she concerned about it? Hopefully there's no eating disorder!


If you get the tests and they all come back fine, then maybe she's just related to some of us and our skinny genes! :D I hope you get to the bottom of this soon! My parents never worried about my weight, and I never worried about our kids weight. They've been happy active, healthy kids. :D

Edited by Brindee
clarify dd's info.
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I went through that with my daughter (and still do at times)The dr suggested to us to give her carnation instant breakfast WITH her meals because it is full of vitamin packed calories. We did so many tests on her to see why she was so thin (you could see every bone. She looked like an anorexic 8 year old:001_huh:) she wasnt even 50 lbs and she is in off the charts for height (a 4'10") 8 year old. It took time but it worked for her. I would say she would gain a lb every 2weeks or so at first. It was slow but it was steady.


She was so pale too, but all her tests were fine. Her metabolism is just rediculously high. She still eats well more than I do and cant gain unless we make her (wish I had that problem:glare:)

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My thin girls eat the same way, and I do not worry. I have a very small (57/62 lbs? She wears size 8,although pants are short), very active and extrememly healthy nearing -11 yr old. I don't worry in the least about what she eats or doesn't eat. She has has never even been on an antibiotic in her life and is rarely ill. Some days, depending on her activity level, she eats tons, some days, much less. I don't worry about non- issues. My older teen dd is the same way, about 95/100 lbs? Size 14/16, sometimes 0 for height) Some days she eats lots, some days not lots. They both tend towards fruits, smoothies, veggies, yougurt, organic cheese, nut butters, chicken & eggs we raise etc). My teen has low blood sugar issues, so she knows she needs to make sure she eats protein at regular intervals. Both are active for pleasure: horseback riding, ballet, swimming, running, biking, walking etc. I just don't see what there is to worry about.

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My dd was always very skinny too. When she was 10 she was 4'3" and weighed 60ish pounds. Her height has gone up faster than her weight. I think she's in the mid to upper 80's (at 5'2"), and now that she is 13 (just turned this month), she is beginning to fill out a little bit. She's never been able to wear her supposed size of pants cuz they'd just fall right off of her.



If you get the tests and they all come back fine, then maybe she's just related to some of us and our skinny genes! :D I hope you get to the bottom of this soon!


My dd was the same way. Just now at 13 she's starting to fill out and gain weight.

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Well , is she developing well? Does she act and look healthy? If you answered yes to those questions and you've had other things looked at then well, she is just blessed to have a skinny body! LOL.

My husband was this way and his doctor went as far as seeing if he had a tape worm! LOL. No, he was just blessed with a REALLY high metabolism. Now at the age of 40 its starting to catch up with him a bit., He isn't fat but has a bit of a belly ( he's also 6'5 as well).

Back to my 10 yr old. She is mighty skinny, ribs show , spine but she is perfectly healthy. Just have issues getting her to gain. I think she weighs 60 lbs soak and wet. LOL.

What I have used to help her gain though is Carnation Instant Breakfast and Nutripals.


I will admit. I wish I had that problem. LOL.

The only time I would be really concerned if she is acting sick and lethargic and its causing her difficulty with development and learning.

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Calvin is 95th percentile for height and off the bottom of the charts for weight. He had a similar bunch of tests to those you describe about two years ago. Everything came back negative. The doctor was reassured when I described my brother, who was built similarly at that age and, at 52, is 6'1" and lean as can be.



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Well, we'll see if the thyroid function tests come back normal. I'm expecting they will.


I'm certain dd doesn't have an eating disorder as she's right here with me all the time! She is 4"10.5 weighs 72 pounds. She needs an 8 slim for pants, but for length, they just don't work! I guess having her weight percentile steadily decline is what was concerning me.


I'm just AMAZED at the huge amount this kid can eat. When the dr. tells me her weight gain is low, I am shocked!


Dh and I both are very tall, my aunt to this day is very thin. Must be a mix of all of us. She some days is very pale but that doesn't seem to be as bad as it once was.

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I was wondering what the charts are based off, the current American Child or what is believed to be the ideal. Most folks seem to think we have an obesity problem in this country so I'm thinking maybe the charts are a bit heavy. My daughter is thin 60 Lbs, and 4'6" but eats like a horse. We don't do soda or any fast food stuff, she's also very light on meat. I'm concerned but my wife thinks it's fine.


I'm hoping for a growth spurt so my weight will be normal...

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She eats every hour, and often times it's a meal every hour. On a typical day she'll have cereal and fruit or toast and fruit for breakfast, eggs twice per week. An hour later, a quesadilla. An hour later, cottage cheese and nuts. An hour later, sandwich and fruit. And on and on this will go until lunch time. Then she'll have a good lunch, a snack or two, then dinner.


We are in the process of getting a specialized diet from a nutritionist. She thinks dd is eating too many carbs.




I'd try big hearty meals with protein. Toast and fruit isn't satifying enough, and that is probably why she needs to eat again an hour later. Breakfast might be


oatmeal, grits, or Cream of Wheat made with milk

AND sausage, eggs, or bacon

AND fruit juice, tea or hot cocoa


If you aren't a morning person, and don't want to cook all that you could let her eat dinner leftovers for breakfast.

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Well...she is larger than my perfectly normal and healthy 10 yr old. :) I hope that helps you feel better, and I hope the tests all come back negative.


Well, we'll see if the thyroid function tests come back normal. I'm expecting they will.


I'm certain dd doesn't have an eating disorder as she's right here with me all the time! She is 4"10.5 weighs 72 pounds. She needs an 8 slim for pants, but for length, they just don't work! I guess having her weight percentile steadily decline is what was concerning me.


I'm just AMAZED at the huge amount this kid can eat. When the dr. tells me her weight gain is low, I am shocked!


Dh and I both are very tall, my aunt to this day is very thin. Must be a mix of all of us. She some days is very pale but that doesn't seem to be as bad as it once was.

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Well...she is larger than my perfectly normal and healthy 10 yr old. :) I hope that helps you feel better, and I hope the tests all come back negative.


:001_smile: You calling my daughter fat? :tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie:


Her thyroid function test came back normal.


I'd like for her to have heartier meals but wants to be a vegetarian. We're consulting a nutritionist and I'm anxious to see what her meal plan will be next week.



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I thought you were worried about her small stature? I was certainly not calling her fat.


My kids are 75% veg. Since her tests came back normal, I think you are worrying for nothing, honestly. There just doesn't seem to be anything to worry about. Let her eat all the healthy foods she wants. Good carbs and good proteins are nothing to fear.


Try to worry when there is reason to, and try not to worry when there is no reason to. :)





:001_smile: You calling my daughter fat? :tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie:


Her thyroid function test came back normal.


I'd like for her to have heartier meals but wants to be a vegetarian. We're consulting a nutritionist and I'm anxious to see what her meal plan will be next week.



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My 13 yr old is 5'6" and weighs about 115 which sounds about right but she looks ridiculously thin. She wears a ladies size 0 and I could honestly put my hands around her waist and they would be touching each other. She has an hour glass figure though and is well developed so I assume that she just has very muscular legs (she plays many sports) and is incredibly blessed. I was the same way when I was her age and I didn't gain until I had had a few children. I do worry that she doesn't eat enough. She is a vegetarian and she is so pale skinned her sisters say she glows in the dark like a ghost. She has been perfectly healthy at all her physcials and as I said she play sports so I am sure she is fine. Part of the problem is that she is the only one built like me while the rest take after their father's side of the family and are very voluptuous so she looks even thinner in comparison.


We were just at the middle school last night for cheerleading orientation meeting and I was remembering the thread about 25% of the population being overweight and thinking while that may be it certainly does not apply to middle schoolers. Now granted that was a certain subset of girls but they were all extremely thin like my dd. All the about the same height, weight and build. They were also eerily all wearing the same clothes and evn had the same body language. It was hard to pick my girl out of a crowd. A little too Stepford Wives for me but that is a whole 'nother story. :tongue_smilie:

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My daughter is almost 15 (in July) and she is 5'5 and weighs 88lbs. A year ago she weighed 70lbs.


She has a condition that will need surgery any time now, so the doctor wanted her weight up and sent us to a dietitian. They recommend the Carnation Instant breakfast also. The rest of their suggestions where awful. More junk food! Telling her to eat more ice cream and such. We work with her but I refuse to "fatten" her up with junk.


I have talked to the doctor and told them not to discuss her weight in a negative light to her. As long as they are eating regularly and good healthy food, she is fine. Plus we give her good supplements to make sure her body is absorbing enough vitamins.

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Morning Star brand faux breakfast meat is tasty and filling.



:tongue_smilie: LOL Ack. Must say it. It's so faux, it may be toxic. The list of ingredients is endless; mostly GMO soy and corn. :D


Yk, since we're having the Food Inc talk in another thread, it's on my mind. This is from MS's website:




Allergen Information:



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  • 4 weeks later...

When she's at friend's houses, where they get more junk, she'll eat more than the grown men! She had FIVE belgian waffles at her friends, after eating FIVE slices of pizza the time before when she was there. Everyone who has had her, friends and family, are shocked at how much she eats.


She's active on the days she has synchronized swim, and loves to run and play. But I don't consider her MORE active than kids her age. She used to be, yes (would play hard like a boy, and SMELL like a boy at age 6!)


Body odor prior to puberty often indicates zinc deficiency. High zinc foods are oysters, some other seafoods, red meat, organ meat...... and as you can imagine, zinc deficiency is common.


Based on her activity level, height and growth, an adult multi might be appropriate. The multi I like is very inexpensive and listed in this doc:



Also cosider though, that percentiles on weight charts have gone up as *our* weights have gone up. 30% obesity? That affects what is considered the 50th %ile - significantly.


I'd work on getting her a palm sized portion of animal protein 3x per day (because she's so active and growing in height so rapidly). 3 glasses of milk per day (calcium, phosphorus and protein are the most signicant factors in growth, then let her fill in the rest as desired keeping an eye on sufficient produce etc...




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