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S/O losing weight

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Generally 500 calories less than your body needs to maintain the weight it's at. They say not to go below 1200, having tried to eat only 1000 a day during my weight loss journey I would say that it's good advice. This website will calculate your daily caloric needs. Just remember you need to burn 3500 calories to lose one pound, so dropping 500 calories a day should give you a 1lb. a week weight loss if you do no additional exercise. Hope that helps!

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About how many calories a day to you eat to lose weight? I see so many variances of this that it's hard to know what is normal. Edited: I wanted to add that I am looking at typical weight loss not a speedy drop X pounds by X date type of loss.

Hello! I've been encouraged by the T-Tapp method. If you can find it at your library, or borrow her book "Fit & Fabulous in 15 Minutes."


I haven't tried it yet (been sick with the flu) but she promises some serious results with her t-tapp boot camp that even if they're only half true are amazing. The boot camp is only a 10 day committment at the most. The maintenance is truly 15 minutes a couple times a week.


What's attractiv to me:

1. it's only 15 minutes.

2. there's no calorie counting or diet modification

3. it's easier for me to do a higher level committment for a short period of time.

4. no music, bouncing, running, or such.


I'll have to start a blog and post my 10 day boot camp results. :D

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Generally 500 calories less than your body needs to maintain the weight it's at. They say not to go below 1200, having tried to eat only 1000 a day during my weight loss journey I would say that it's good advice. This website will calculate your daily caloric needs. Just remember you need to burn 3500 calories to lose one pound, so dropping 500 calories a day should give you a 1lb. a week weight loss if you do no additional exercise. Hope that helps!


Wow!!! This says I need 2500 calories. Really? Can I need that many? I'm VERY active (I run and do a lot of core strength training), but 2500? I don't eat that much and I'm not able to lose this stupid layer of fat.


I think I need to see a doctor for thyroid testing.

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I checked out the website and it seemed a little high for me as well. It said I should have 1700 calories a day to lose weight?!?!? I actually eat about 1200 a day to lose weight...IF I exercise! I use the Lose It app on my iPod and it allots me about 1016 calories a day, but that numbers increases as I input exercise. It's a great motivator for me to exercise.....more food:) I lost about 11 pounds in 6 weeks using it.

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To give you some perspective, women who practice calorie restriction with optimal nutrition (CRON) usually don't go below 1400 calories. Almost everything they eat is nutrient dense, also. That is what I'd try to improve while reducing calories.


I use this website to analyze my nutrition. I am almost always lacking in certain B vitamins and zinc.




I would recommend to make sure you're getting the right amount of protein, too. You probably already know this, but it's very important not to starve your body for a prolonged period because your body could consume muscle and organ tissue to feed itself. Not good!


Good luck!

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Even as little as 100 calories less per day will add up to weight loss over time. In fact, there is a book out there titled (paraphrase here) The 200 Calorie Solution which suggests eating 100 calories less each day and exercising 100 calories off each day. That will yield (long term) a steady weightloss of 2 lbs per month. While that doesn't sound like much, it translates to 24 pounds per year....


I don't actually follow that book (never read it, but the premise is sound). Rather, I've been following No S principles ( http://www.nosdiet.com ) for a year and a half and have lost 35+ pounds (am still losing slowly). I highly suggest you visit the website, poke around the forums, and see if the principle of moderation resonates with you. I *KNOW* I will never regain the weight I've lost because I eat what I want, I enjoy holidays and vacations and all the goodies that go with the territory, and I have permanent peace with food.



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Just had a chat with my doc last week about this. Eat less, eat better, eat more fiber, move more, sleep better, drink more water, and lift weights were his recommendations. I agree with the 500 cal less to lose weight. When I checked mine a few months ago, I needed 1200 to lose, but at a slower rate. I could do 1000 cal and lose quicker, but then I am always hungry and just plain miserable. Hormone stability plays a major part for women too.

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Honestly, if I want to lose any weight, I have to keep it well under 1000 calories a day. I am moderately or above active.:glare: I have found this to be pretty much impossible to sustain for any length of time, not to mention unhealthy.

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When I was actively trying to lose weight after I had my daughter (I was done breastfeeding at this point, btw) I would eat between 1200 and 1400 calories a day, and do around 30 minutes of cardio three or four times a week, and strength training here and there when I had a few minutes. I don't know how much I lost, because I tend not to focus on weight and go more by dress size and how I look and feel, but I did see noticeable results. I'm 5'4 and have a moderately high metabolism.

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