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Need help for extreme congestion

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My 16yo dd has been sick for 2 weeks straight. She started with a head cold which led to congestion and pain in her head, ears, eyes, face. I took her to her pediatrician who is treating her for a sinus infection (antibiotics and told her to take Sudafed and Advil.) It is NOT working. In fact, the Sudafed made it worse. She cannot breathe out of her nose at all. She's been on antibiotics for 4 days now. She tried the Neti pot a couple times a day - not helping. We have tried home remedies including hot tomato tea with garlic and hot pepper. That cleared her nose for a minute. She is suffering terribly and is not able to sleep. She's been putting an ice pack on her face for the pain. I would run the humidifier but it's raining outside so the air already moist. I just sent my husband to get a medicated nasal spray because I don't know what else to do. Any suggestions?

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When that has happened to me my Dr. has prescribed me a steroid nasal spray. It takes a week or two to really kick in all the way (although after a couple days I can already feel a difference), and I take it for a month. It shrinks everything down to normal size, and then my sinuses are able to clear out.


I think it is called Flonase?


:grouphug: I hope your dd finds some relief soon!

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NAC!!!!! (N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine) It's an amino acid that makes the mucus flow. We got it at our health food store. I don't know how it works. But, we've been sick since October. My asthma-ridden child has had the brunt of it. Well, we started the NAC in Feb. We've been healthy ever since. Within a day, it broke up the mucus and let us cough up the mucus or blow our noses. I swear by this stuff now. For us, it took 24 hours to notice the difference.

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Normally I avoid nasal sprays (addicting) but in a severe case I will use it to clear the sinus and immediately use the Neti Pot. Once you do it a couple of times, the saline in the Neti will shrink the swollen passages and you can stop with the spray.

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NAC!!!!! (N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine) It's an amino acid that makes the mucus flow. We got it at our health food store. I don't know how it works. But, we've been sick since October. My asthma-ridden child has had the brunt of it. Well, we started the NAC in Feb. We've been healthy ever since. Within a day, it broke up the mucus and let us cough up the mucus or blow our noses. I swear by this stuff now. For us, it took 24 hours to notice the difference.


Steam inhalation (preferably with a few drops of eucalyptus or oregano essential oil) to loosen everything up; a neti pot to flush it out.



These two suggestions should give you relief -- the NAC is great and will give you great results. The steam inhalation with the oils suggested will help greatly.

I would also suggest warm compresses as opposed to ice packs for the pain -- you want things to open up and relax not contract. Please let us know how she is doing.

And, fresh lemons squeezed in a cup of hot water -- 'hot lemonade' -- lemons have a natural decongestant.

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NAC!!!!! (N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine) It's an amino acid that makes the mucus flow. We got it at our health food store. I don't know how it works. But, we've been sick since October. My asthma-ridden child has had the brunt of it. Well, we started the NAC in Feb. We've been healthy ever since. Within a day, it broke up the mucus and let us cough up the mucus or blow our noses. I swear by this stuff now. For us, it took 24 hours to notice the difference.


is this what you are referring to???


Natural Factors N-Acetyl-L Cysteine -- 500 mg - 90 Capsules - Vitacost

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Yes! This is exactly what we have been taking.


I swear, we have NEVER had my asthmatic child get over a cold without asthma meds/antibiotics. This year has been especially bad for him. I had an awful cold and started this stuff (and it worked!!) and gave it to d.s. on a whim. It worked!!! He is currently fighting a cold, but it's nowhere nearly as bad as it was before.

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Yes! This is exactly what we have been taking.


I swear, we have NEVER had my asthmatic child get over a cold without asthma meds/antibiotics. This year has been especially bad for him. I had an awful cold and started this stuff (and it worked!!) and gave it to d.s. on a whim. It worked!!! He is currently fighting a cold, but it's nowhere nearly as bad as it was before.


How much and how often do you take it? what dosage for kids (and what age)?

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Thanks for all the great suggestions! She tried the nasal spray decongestant yesterday and that didn't work. This morning (3am!) she tried the neti pot again, used the nasal spray, and ate a Halls mentholated drop. That helped enough to allow her to sleep for 5 hours! I'm going to re-read this thread and write down the suggestions. Thanks again.

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I am going through the cold form you-know-where. I get great relief when eating warm ramen (sorry, ladies!). Of ocurse soup is good also, but the ramen was different was I was holding the bowl close to my face whilst eating and then drank the liquid (it was actually chicken-based).

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NAC!!!!! (N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine) It's an amino acid that makes the mucus flow. We got it at our health food store. I don't know how it works. But, we've been sick since October. My asthma-ridden child has had the brunt of it. Well, we started the NAC in Feb. We've been healthy ever since. Within a day, it broke up the mucus and let us cough up the mucus or blow our noses. I swear by this stuff now. For us, it took 24 hours to notice the difference.


Thank you for this post! I am going to look into this.

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