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My child right now (share yours)

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we just got back from bowling with homeschool group with ds13 and dd16 (Mon. every spring for 6-8 weeks). Right now, dd is practicing violin upstairs because her lesson is in an hour. Certificate of merit is coming up this weekend. ds was lying on the couch reading a comic book, and is now up in his room "looking" for his CLE language arts workbook. Which really means he is doing his best to avoid having to get on his schoolwork. He will be up there "looking" until I go up and look myself, OR tell him to do another subject. At which point he will probably try throwing a fit "No!! I want to do language arts first!!!!" for stalling purposes. Grrrrr. Welcome to my world.

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we just got back from bowling with homeschool group with ds13 and dd16 (Mon. every spring for 6-8 weeks). Right now, dd is practicing violin upstairs because her lesson is in an hour. Certificate of merit is coming up this weekend. ds was lying on the couch reading a comic book, and is now up in his room "looking" for his CLE language arts workbook. Which really means he is doing his best to avoid having to get on his schoolwork. He will be up there "looking" until I go up and look myself, OR tell him to do another subject. At which point he will probably try throwing a fit "No!! I want to do language arts first!!!!" for stalling purposes. Grrrrr. Welcome to my world.


Take the wind out of his sails. Tell him that he needs to get started on the subject of his choosing in 5 minutes. And that he'd better find the materials to do it with within that time.

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My DD11 is reading a book about Elizabeth I.


My other DD11 and DS8 are building legos. DD11 came to me a minute ago and said "Hey mom come look at my "Body Shop". She had made a little shop out of legos, it looked like a garage but had all the lego people body parts lined up. We cracked up over her pun.


My DD6 and DS4 are coloring.


My DD2 is napping.

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They went outside a couple of hours ago and I suppose I'll have to call them in for dinner in another hour. They have built a sort of clubhouse using downed tree branches and an old play tent, and one of the neighbor girls has stopped by to check it out. I am enjoying the quiet.

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Well we ended up not going on our fieldtrip today after all, after dd2 started running a fever and dd10 started complaining of a headache. Ds11 stayed outside 90% of the day and is now off calling on friends that have gotten out of school (it is 3:45pm here right now). DD10 took some tylenol and the headache is gone so she is off calling on friends. DS6 has been outside playing with his best friend for the last hour. DD 2 is having a nap on the couch, she learned the song "it's raining, it's pouring" today and had been singing it non-stop before this nap. I managed to clean the kitchen, including taking down the drapes and washing them. Packed 3 boxes of school related books from in the kitchen. Played a video game for a bit with dd. did several loads of laundry. Read a new book for a bit, and am now on here enjoying the silence in the house before tackling the livingroom. Dinner has been in the crockpot all day and is smelling uber yummy (pork roast with veggies) so I think I am going to whip up some biscuits to go with it and have it on the table when they all come in at 5 pm.

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Well, we finally have a beautiful day to enjoy weather wise. It is 72 degrees right now at 5:50 in the evening.


My son is out in our front yard with his dad and about 6-8 other kids playing freeze tag. He is having a BLAST! : )


I, on the other hand, am enjoying a bit of much needed peace right now. Yet I find myself pulled over to the window to watch all the fun because I LOVE seeing my sweet boy so happy. :D


Everyone have a great evening!

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When I first opened this thread, MissNearly3 was drawing on her MagnaDoodle and MrOne was plonking blocks in and out of the block container. Now that I've finally been able to come back to post, they are both on the way down to do the grocery shopping with Dad!


I shall go wash the dishes and set up for "Tot School." :001_smile:



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well, I ended up going up and finding he was in the bathroom....a tough call....mostly legit, occasionally a stall tactic. His book *was* in his room, I spied it right off, so he was doomed as doomed can be :o). This is my gifted/mildly SPD/incredibly intense/sensitive/stubborn/"the day isn't complete if I haven't dug my heels in on something" child. He knows that I'm in the process of deciding whether to give him a spring break or not, so he is motivated to at least appear that he is being productive :o).

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well, I ended up going up and finding he was in the bathroom....a tough call....mostly legit, occasionally a stall tactic. His book *was* in his room, I spied it right off, so he was doomed as doomed can be :o). This is my gifted/mildly SPD/incredibly intense/sensitive/stubborn/"the day isn't complete if I haven't dug my heels in on something" child. He knows that I'm in the process of deciding whether to give him a spring break or not, so he is motivated to at least appear that he is being productive :o).


My 12.5 year old ds is also gifted/mildly SPD/incredibly intense/sensitive/stubborn/"the day isn't complete if I haven't dug my heels in on something". It is 5 pm and he's still not done with school. Sigh. (It isn't because he couldn't have been done at 2 pm. . .)

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