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Another reunion spin-off....Superlatives

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Okay, 'fess up. Fill in the blank for us. You were voted "Most likely to _____________________"? And was it accurate?



I couldn't find any hiding emoticons so *putting bag over head*. I was voted most likely to get through college without opening a book. Sad but true. I majored in extra-curriculars and skated by with mostly B's. But at least grad school was a different story. I finally matured and started taking my education seriously.

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I know you won't believe this, but I was voted Most Talkative or something like that. I don't know how that happened. They even had us pose with telephones in our hands. (I was the girl, and Steve G. was the boy.)


Oh, and here's the bag-over-head thing: icon_bag.gif

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Ummm, I was voted Most llikely to become a doctor or a lawyer, some such nonsense. Not necessarily most likely to succeed, because that was for the popular kids, but most likely to have a well-paying job that required lots of college, lol.


I quit college when I became pregnant with dc #2. My dh is a lawyer, and I am a stay at home mom who reads, knits, gardens, bakes her own bread, and chases 5 kids. People who know me stand amazed, because I woudln't even babysit in high school.

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It's funny to look back at the small town high school standards. Yes, I went off to college and did well, studied art. But a couple of the really quiet motivated people are much more successful in a worldly sense. And the girl who I thought was most creatively artistic in high school is now a grade school art teacher there doing phenomenal work with the kids.


It was definitely fun to go back to the 10 year reunion (awhile ago!) and see how people had changed and matured. My favorites were the ones who had truly blossomed as adults and left behind all the junk and stereotypes of high school. And my highschool "crush" didn't look that great and wasn't too nice to his wife, so there ya go. ;)

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*anj* - i must be blind b/c i don't see that emoticon anywhere on the options here. we have it on another board I am on, but i was under the impression that they are copyrighted from board to board (don't even ask how I know - crazy long story LOL)


Michelle - you didn't tell us if it's true or not ;) or at least when you were single??

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*anj* - i must be blind b/c i don't see that emoticon anywhere on the options here. we have it on another board I am on, but i was under the impression that they are copyrighted from board to board (don't even ask how I know - crazy long story LOL)



Yes, we have it on another board that I'm on too. That's where I got it from. But I know for a fact that the admins of the other board got it from one of the hundreds of free sites online, so it can't be copyrighted. But no, you're not blind...it's not among the options here! :001_smile:

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I was "Most Likely to Succeed". I was on track for a while (chemical engineering degree- job with a good company), but I realized that the world's definition of success was not my own. So I quit my job after the birth of my oldest son and haven't looked back. In my resignation letter, I said that though I probably could work and raise my family, I didn't think I could do them both well.

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Yes, we have it on another board that I'm on too. That's where I got it from. But I know for a fact that the admins of the other board got it from one of the hundreds of free sites online, so it can't be copyrighted. But no, you're not blind...it's not among the options here! :001_smile:


I know that some of the emoticons from the other board are copyrighted and some aren't so I never know which ones are fair game to use elsewhere. LOL. So I'm safe to bag.gif here.

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I So I'm safe to bag.gif here.


Is there a place to request we get this emoticon? Because if we had to vote, I think I'd be "most likely to use the bag-over-the-head emoticon on a daily basis". I was looking for it earlier today, as a matter of fact, since I, too, use it on another board.

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There was a couple in my high school who were voted "best couple" and they used their wedding photo in the year book. They had gotten married during their junior year because she was pregnant. The story was that her parents "forced" them to get married and live in their basement.


Fast forward: if you visit the Classmates page for our high school, there's an entry from that bride saying that they were still married and going strong lo these many years later. She said "I know that most of you thought we'd be divorced by now, but we're not." They went on to have 4 more children even.


So I guess it can work out. I think that was a pretty neat ending to the story, although I know it isn't like that for everyone.:)

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Okay, this just doesn't line up with my image of you at all...I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone or at least Sesame Street (One of these things is not like the others, One of these things just doesn't belong).


Right? But now it's The Ancient Dead -- Greeks and Romans! :lol:


Sorry, couldn't resist.;)

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I was not noticed enough to be voted on. :toetap05: But then again, maybe that was a good thing.



Me either. But with over 400 in the class that wasn't too surprising. Most likely to feel invisible would be fitting. :grouphug: to all of us who were (sob) ignoredl.

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Right? But now it's The Ancient Dead -- Greeks and Romans! :lol:


Sorry, couldn't resist.;)


Hmm, "grateful dead" comes from the beginning of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, correct? "We the grateful dead..."


So it was almost spot on. Sort of. If you squint a lot. And don't think about it too much.

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Okay, this just doesn't line up with my image of you at all....


Yeah, it didn't make sense to the rest of the high school either. :) I hung out with the stoners but got straight A's and read Sartre in my spare time. It's amazing what kids will do to escape the crushing boredom of the 'burbs!

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Yeah, it didn't make sense to the rest of the high school either. :) I hung out with the stoners but got straight A's and read Sartre in my spare time. It's amazing what kids will do to escape the crushing boredom of the 'burbs!


That describes my husband and his buddies. All smart, read Sartre and were the punk/mod crew. They got to go to classes that had couches. TAG kids... ugh.

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Hmm, "grateful dead" comes from the beginning of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, correct? "We the grateful dead..."


So it was almost spot on. Sort of. If you squint a lot. And don't think about it too much.



Guess this means that Plaid Dad has fulfilled those high school expectations in his own original way. Like you say, if you squint alot. :)

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