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Drinking apple cider vinegar for acid reflux

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Have any of you tried this with kids? I tried it for the first time with DS10 this morning. He has such a well-developed gag reflex that he had a hard time getting it down. I added a good bit of honey, but it didn't help much. He started gagging at the smell - before he even tasted it!


Any suggestions????



My dd would put a small amount of water with it (just 2 or 3 swallows-worth) then drink it down quickly. It wasn't SOOO strong that way, and helped her get it down. Seemed to still help fine, even though it was diluted.

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Have any of you tried this with kids? I tried it for the first time with DS10 this morning. He has such a well-developed gag reflex that he had a hard time getting it down. I added a good bit of honey, but it didn't help much. He started gagging at the smell - before he even tasted it!


Any suggestions????




I tried it with my kids; it was a no-go. Ds would get nauseated and retch.

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This is interesting. How does pouring acid on top of an acid problem alleviate anything ? Serious in wanting to learn.

The only explanation I've heard that makes sense is that the cardiac sphincter (the ring of muscle at the junction of the esophagus and stomach) closes in the presence of acid.

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I had acid reflux the other night and used baking soda dissolved in water. You put like 1/2 tsp in 4 oz of water (the instructions were on the Arm and Hammer box). It worked perfectly. It didn't taste the best but there was no smell and I am sure it was much easier to get down than apple cider vinegar. I think I would rather suffer than drink the vinegar.

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This is interesting. How does pouring acid on top of an acid problem alleviate anything ? Serious in wanting to learn.


Read this. I'm not convinced yet. I have no measurable relief.


Then there is so much conflicting information. I've read to drink 2 Tablespoons with water 30 minutes before you eat, to drink 2 teaspoons through the day, to drink the vinegar/water mixture with you mean. I've heard you will feel results immediately and I've also ready it will take up to 9 mos. Maybe I'm using it wrong.


I'm willing to give it a good try, but in the meantime I need the Maalox bottle sitting on the table. My acid reflux (hiatal hernia) is not what I would call mild. I really need to get it under control and would rather do it without medication, however, if I can't, I will take the medicine.

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This is interesting. How does pouring acid on top of an acid problem alleviate anything ? Serious in wanting to learn.

I'm no expert on the matter but from what I've read you can get the same sensations from producing too MUCH acid as well as those who produce too LITTLE. So it may not be apparent without testing what is truly the cause of the pain. Producing too little acid is particularly common in older people or people who had surgery on their stomachs. For those who produce too little the extra acid helps breaks down the food. I am unfamiliar with using the vinegar for the people who produce too much acid so I can't really address how vinegar might help in those situations.

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The only explanation I've heard that makes sense is that the cardiac sphincter (the ring of muscle at the junction of the esophagus and stomach) closes in the presence of acid.



Then why apple cider, and why is Braggs "stronger". I'd think straight up white for raw power.

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Vinegar didn't work for me at all. Apparently, it works when the real problem is not enough acid production in your system.


What did work for me: Divide dinner into two smaller meals. (Smaller meals trigger reflux less often). Don't eat within 4 hours of going to sleep. Sleep with head/shoulders elevated. Sips of cold water once symptoms start. Chewing gum. (Saliva neutralizes stomach acid.) This all helped much more than prescription meds, which I had then went off of because they weren't really helping. These things should help within a week or two to get rid of the symptoms altogether. (and I didn't have to avoid foods I like)

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my daughter was very sick with acid reflux. Her meds kept increasing and her symptoms did not go away.


What I did was give her apple cider vinegar with EACH MEAL, and gave her a natural digestive enzyme after each meal. The results were pretty immediate.


These were the enzymes I used:




My daughter has been off all vinegar and enzymes for years now. The ACV got her body back in balance and she's done well now with no extra help for about 3.5 - 4 years.

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Read this. I'm not convinced yet. I have no measurable relief.


Then there is so much conflicting information. I've read to drink 2 Tablespoons with water 30 minutes before you eat, to drink 2 teaspoons through the day, to drink the vinegar/water mixture with you mean. I've heard you will feel results immediately and I've also ready it will take up to 9 mos. Maybe I'm using it wrong.


I'm willing to give it a good try, but in the meantime I need the Maalox bottle sitting on the table. My acid reflux (hiatal hernia) is not what I would call mild. I really need to get it under control and would rather do it without medication, however, if I can't, I will take the medicine.


I gave my daughter a teaspoon in her water 3x per day. I would recommend a table spoon for you. Also, have you googled herbs/natural solutions for hiatal hernia?


I hope you're feeling better soon!

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Most forms of apple cider are pasteurized and that kills the digestive enzymes that natural apple cider contains.


I use Braggs and it works for a host of things but other brands such as Heinz have not had the same potency.




absolutely!!! The "mother" in the raw, unprocessed, apple cider vinegar is the healthiest part! I also buy Braggs.

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I gave my daughter a teaspoon in her water 3x per day. I would recommend a table spoon for you. Also, have you googled herbs/natural solutions for hiatal hernia?


I hope you're feeling better soon!


So you recommend drinking it with your meal? I was doing it 30 min. before. I'm going to check out digestive enzymes since I haven't done that yet. Would putting honey in it matter?


I still need to do more reading to see what other options there are. I don't have prescription coverage, and OTC medication is still spendy. Plus, I would rather not take medicine. I will give it more time.

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(Saliva neutralizes stomach acid.)


So, would chewing one's food really, really, really well work, too, to get lots of saliva worked in? One of my elderly relatives said you should chew each bite 50 times before swallowing. I never tried counting each bite...

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