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dc on computers: at what age?


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My two sons are around the 4.5 y.o. mark and we just recently started letting them play on starfall for 15 minutes each a day, if they have done their chores to earn the computer time. They often forget to ask about it so they don't do it every day, which is fine by me. However, it seems to provide a source of motivation for them, as well as their 30 minute DVD time per day (if they have done their chores and earned it).


I'm just curious at what age most people on these boards typically allow their kids computer access, if at all.

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I didn't allow my kids on until last year, when the older child received a webkinz for his birthday, despite my asking the friend not to give him one! Anyway, now each child (one will be 10 tomorrow, the other is 7.5) are allowed 15 minutes per day on either webkinz, lego.com or they can use educational software we have at home.

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I have to admit, being married to a computer geek, we do let the kids on the computer frequently for educational purposes. Playtime on the computer is strictly limited.


I think the kids were about 6 when we started allowing them to play educational games on the computer. I will admit that recently our 2 1/2 year old has been allowed on the computer, on my lap, for some ABC and 123 learning games.


Even educational game time on the computer is limited. They usually do short activities, a maximum of 10-15 minutes at a time, several times a day, and some days not at all.

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Um, I think DD was 2 1/2 to 3 when she started playing on the computer. She hasn't been on in the last few months because she's only allowed on my computer, and it's toast right now (totally viral); once DH fixes it she'll be back on. I limit it as much as I limit TV time (i.e., not a lot unless we have more important things to do, such as schoolwork). We recently got her her own computer, which we'll set up as soon as we figure out where to put a desk for her and get or build said desk.

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I allow my boys on the computer as long as I am right there next to them supervising the entire time. Their time is limited: youngest gets 15 minutes, oldest gets 20-30 minutes. They are only allowed educational sites (youngest uses sesamestreet.com & oldest uses starfall, cool-math, or some of the educational yahoo games).


We don't have game systems such as a Wii, etc. and we don't watch much TV, so I don't see it as a problem.

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At two, my son could get his CD game into the cdrom and start playing. He was also able to start Paint and dabble with the mouse.

But we're major computer geeks, all day long on the computer. So yeah, he wanted to join in the fun too.

He's 12 now, a pretty fast typist, does multimedia presentations ( I bought him Office for Dummies when he was 8, I think), plays on Facebook, calls his grandpa with Skype, etc.. He also knows a bit of C++, and next Sept I'm starting him on game programming.

Did I say we're computer geeks?

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My husband and I are serious computer geeks. We have computers in pretty much every room, sometimes several. I did not want my children to have such an addiction, so I was hoping that I could wait for a few years.


However, at 4 years old, my daughter started using the computer at her daycare. She had ignored it for several years before. Then we started homeschooling her, and within a few months, got Satori her own computer. We use it for educational purposes and now I'm so glad she uses it! We don't watch much TV and she doesn't overdo her computer time, so all is well.


I dread the day we all as a family get addicted to an mmorpg... goodness knows I get addicted now and then to them.

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We were justing watching old home movies, so I can tell you with certainty that my dd got her first software when she was 18 months old :tongue_smilie:.


She is 11 now and her sister is 9. We have lotsa computers and tech tools, and we all use them a lot. I have always tried to stay away from "x amount of screen time per day" tho', b/c that just leads to the mindset that it is a standard thing you do daily, and that has never been true for the kids in my house. If kids are already in the habit of too much screen time, a daily limit can reduce their use. For kids who aren't in the habit, a daily limit can actually just mean increased use.


My oldest is just now getting to the point where she tends to use a screen daily, and that is in large part b/c she now uses tech routinely in her schooling - - once a week online class, several times a week of foreign language study, and of course the occasional PE session on the Wii ;).

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My kids were on computers as toddlers. My daughter was actually on one before she was a year old. I'm pretty sure my son was probably closer to 18mo.


Obviously, kids don't NEED to be on the computer at those ages (or your kids' ages), but I see no reason why NOT a little time.


BTW, some computer jobs have the highest growth opportunities in the next few years. My daughter is an IT major. Maybe being on the computer early had a positive effect?

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DS got his first laptop at 2.5 (his dad's old Toshiba). He has been on ever since. DS doesn't watch TV so in some ways the computer fills some of that role. His computer is right next to mine and I always know what he is playing.


Did I mention that DH teaches Computer Information Systems at both the high school and college level?:D We are a family of computer geeks!!!!!

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Thanks for the feedback. My degree is in Computer Science also and I worked in that field for almost 20 years before retiring to be a stay at home wife and mommy.


My husband and I both have laptops. I use mine frequently to read news and a few blogs, this forum and email. My husband uses his to read up on work related materials (he is a doctor), email and some news. Neither of us are gamers so we don't have any type of gaming stuff in our home.


The boys were excited to get to do something on the computer though, since they have seen us using them and they want to be like us:). They don't use it daily, as they often get busy playing and forget to ask, which is fine with me. Same thing with movies. We let them watch one 30 minute movie a day, although we make exceptions and allow longer screen time if the weather outside is really bad or it is a special occasion or something.


Anyway, I was just curious. Thanks again for the feedback.

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Between 3 and 4 for all of ours. My 3yo just came up to me today after over a week with no computer time to ask if he could play the ABC game on fisher-price.com LOL They've got some great games! We start with 15 min. or so with a parent or older sibling helping out, once a day if they bring it up. ;)



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We bought our children their own laptops for Christmas in 08 (then 1 yr younger than in signature) . They do not use them daily but can be very educational with the right software or online programs. We have the parental block on so they are limited to what they see online and they are always within sight.


I feel like computers are a wonderful tool in our homeschool. I am always trying to find software/ online programs that will help the children with their education.


Just wanted to add that when I said our children, this did not include the 3 yr old. Although she does use the computers with the assistance of an older sibling.

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My daughter was on before she was one. There are some games that are basically just hitting a button, any button, and the screen responds with a noise or new picture.


I haven't really limited her screen time in the sense that I say 30 minutes a day, or anything like that, but since we have been sharing a computer and I need my laptop to do homework, she's only been able to get on so often.


She got her own laptop for her 4th birthday. I still don't plan on setting strict limits on her screen time. We are pretty active people. We go to the library at least once a week, she plays soccer and is in dance, plus goes to my best friends house while I'm in school, so she really doesn't have much of a chance to get on anyways.

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