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If I plan to use Rightstart, is level A a "don't miss", or could I wait and begin B?


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I'm planning ahead just a little and I am pretty sure I'd like to use Rightstart with my son (at least in the early years). I'm having to watch the budget just a bit more these days, so I was wondering how important you think level A is? (or how much of a favorite was it for you?) I know that I can begin with level B if that is my only option, but I think I can get level A if it really is that important. I'm just trying to spend my money as "wisely" as possible right now. ;) So I'm wondering if I should begin with level B later and more slowly, or is it really worth it for me to get level A (even if it means trying to buy used, piece it together, or whatever I have to do)?

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Thank you! I've been really excited about Rightstart A, but in all of my "trying to find the best areas to be frugal" I wondered if I was a little too excited, and if perhaps B was simply A all over again so to speak. I guess what I'm really looking for is feeling justified in buying A. ;)

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Don't miss. RS B does a superficial treatment of the concepts covered in A and then jumps into new material. RS A is what really solidifies the "RS way" thinking about numbers.



BTW, Tara, I've been watching your Rightstart posts for months now, and you have been a big influence on my decision to use it. So thanks!

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Well, I'll be a lone dissenter and say that I don't feel A is totally needed. I used it with my older two boys, and I'm pretty much skipping it with my third. I just don't like A as well as the other levels. I'm planning on just starting B next fall with my son in 1st grade. We are using Kumon books so that ds is very familiar with counting, how to write numbers, what they look like, etc. Just my 2 cents!

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If this is your first though, I think you should get it. I got B for ds way back when thinking I'd save money, but it moved way too fast. I didn't know how to slow it down and it's almost more about teaching mom the RS way. You can always easily get B and decide you need A. However, if you're a more by the book kind of person, get A. We hit a wall in B and needed the time from A. Now that I've done this program twice almost all the way through I think I could do it without A like Kathy, but if it was 'my' first 'I' would need it. Just my 2 cents.

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I used A for my first son, but I just skipped it and moved right into B with my next son (and plan to again with the 3rd). Maybe it's having experience with the program or having older brothers to help you learn faster, I don't know. But this time around it hasn't been necessary.

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If this is your first though, I think you should get it. I got B for ds way back when thinking I'd save money, but it moved way too fast. I didn't know how to slow it down and it's almost more about teaching mom the RS way. You can always easily get B and decide you need A. However, if you're a more by the book kind of person, get A. We hit a wall in B and needed the time from A. Now that I've done this program twice almost all the way through I think I could do it without A like Kathy, but if it was 'my' first 'I' would need it. Just my 2 cents.


:iagree::iagree::iagree:Start with A. For a first timer, I really think A is needed for you as much as your child.

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Don't miss. RS B does a superficial treatment of the concepts covered in A and then jumps into new material. RS A is what really solidifies the "RS way" thinking about numbers.






We used level A and never had some of the issues that others who skipped it had in B. I would say it's definitely worth it from our experience.




I'd get level A and be done with it. If you watch, you can probably find it used.




Although the Starting Level Questionnaire stated that my ds could start w/RS Level B, we did RS Level A for our K4 school year. We are now half way through our K5 school year w/Level B (lesson 63 of 107) and I'm so glad we did not skip Level A, for the same reasons as quoted above.


:001_smile: Melissa

Edited by CMama
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:iagree:I bought both RS A and B for my younger DS on our trip back home. After reading thru, I feel for my boy it will be beneficial to start at level A. Currently, we just working on the Abacus. Older DS whois doing SM also enjoys RSA(different perspective) though he's a few grades ahead.

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I'm planning ahead just a little and I am pretty sure I'd like to use Rightstart with my son (at least in the early years). I'm having to watch the budget just a bit more these days, so I was wondering how important you think level A is? (or how much of a favorite was it for you?) I know that I can begin with level B if that is my only option, but I think I can get level A if it really is that important. I'm just trying to spend my money as "wisely" as possible right now. ;) So I'm wondering if I should begin with level B later and more slowly, or is it really worth it for me to get level A (even if it means trying to buy used, piece it together, or whatever I have to do)?




My 3rd dd started with B and my ds started with A. If I had another child I would start with A. It has just been a lot easier and required less slowing down and camping out than I had to with my dd.


That said if money is really that tight you can get away with doing just B. But do you realize that A only has a few items more than B? You really are mostly paying for the TM. I got my TM second hand (with the workbook pages). If you keep on eye on the for sale board you might find it at a good price.




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It really, really, really depends on the individual student. I started my oldest in Level B in her K5 year and it turned out to be the correct decision. She flew through the first 40 or so lessons before slowing down. Level A would've been a waste of money in her case.


It did take us 13 months HS year-round to finish B but the concepts that we had to "sit" on were not things touched upon in Level A.


I also don't think it's true that a parent new to RS needs to start with A in order to love the program. B was my first introduction to RS and I loved that level! I only wish that I had loved C as much as I did B. :sad:

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  • 4 weeks later...

We started with A, and it quickly became apparent it was a mistake. I sold it, waited a few months, and started over again with B. Dd and I were both happy with the decision. We are now in Level E.


Level A drove us absolutely nuts. I couldn't see the point -- if dd needed the lessons broken down that much, then she wasn't ready to sit down and "do math" yet. Some caveats: I'm comfortable with RightStart; I'm comfortable with the Montessori sequence for math for young children (could "do my own thing" for a 3-6 year old class -- not that I did with dd, but I could've); I'd rather puncture my own eardrums than sing that Yellow Is the Sun song, which, by the way, I feel is pretty much useless as a teaching tool (we kept changing the words to things like "Yellow is the sun, Eight is three plus one," just because it made about as much sense in the context of the song; so we ditched the song).

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