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Yucky question...

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I need a good stop-puking OTC or natural remedy (prefer natural, but....).


Every month or two, I go through a huge puking bout. It lasts a week or two usually, sometimes 3 or so. And it is MANY times per day. It is often when I'm already feeling really cruddy so I figure it's somehow related to this systemic disorder we haven't figured out what is yet.


I haven't figured out a trigger that starts the whole thing, but I have figured there are a few things that irritate it that cause the puking during the day. Needing to use the restroom, getting cold, any more significant pain are some of the times it's worse.


But if I'm not puking, I'm heaving. It's been several days now and I'm sure I have a week or two more of it to go and I just would LOVE if there was SOMETHING I could take to calm my tummy down. But nothing I've tried other times have worked.


Anyway, so if anyone has an idea, please let me know.


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Ginger I have....just grind a little up and put in tea? Soak some in tea?


I have tried peppermint. I can't imagine syrup from peaches though. Seems it'd be so sweet as to make a person vomit. LOL


I have considered doing a bland cleanse thinking that I can't be eating an irritant that way and ideally would be cleaning out anything else.

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It can't hurt to take acidophilus. That will repopulate your intestinal flora, which are surely disturbed by all the puking. There isn't a toxic level of acidophilus. The doctor had me giving my dd acidophilus from the time she was an infant for her recurring yeast infections.


You have to make sure that you store your acidophilus properly. Many formulations require refrigeration. I buy mine online from Kirkman Labs.

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You can buy ginger pieces rolled in sugar at health food stores. My friend keeps them in the house all the time and swears they stop her nausea every time.


I buy crystallized ginger by "The Ginger People", and my regular grocery store carries this in the baking aisle. I'm not sure how they'd work for nausea, but there are ginger Altoid candies, too. I can't remember the brand but the ginger beer (non-alcoholic) that I've bought at Whole Foods is made with real ginger and tastes stronger than regular ginger ale. Anna's brand ginger cookies are also very nice. (Big ginger fan, here! :) )


I wonder if those sea-bands you wear on your wrists might help? They helped me with morning sickness with my first pregnancy.


I've heard of cyclic vomiting syndrome in children. Maybe adults can have it, too?


(There was one bottle left! It's called "Reed's Extra Ginger Brew".)

Edited by Laurie
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Didn't you recently go "raw"? Did the vomiting start before or after you changed your diet? Maybe some foods would be better cooked just a little, to kill the bad stuff, while retaining the good stuff.


Or, I've heard that spontaneous vomiting can be tied to the menstrual cycle. Have you noticed any correlation there?

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