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Would you do this if you were in my shoes?

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If you found out about a private school that met your faith criteria (Christian, in my case), set classes by skill level for L.A. and Math (as opposed to age/grade levels), had reasonable tuition, was 15 minutes from home, welcomed a high level of parent involvement (ie, can choose classes and attend class with kid!), would take your kiddos with special needs AND offered a classical education, would you enroll your kiddos? Would you do it even if you might have to go to work at the school part time to pay for it?


I am the parent of four elem. age kids with special needs...three with SPD and some other issues, one with a medical condition and who is academically gifted. Between their individual issues and educational needs, the OT schedule, outside activities (needed to address their conditions), being a full time homemaker and trying to manage my own stress level, I'm beginning to have serious doubts about my ability to educate these young'uns! We've recently had to cut back to just the three Rs and abandon my hopes for Latin, History and Science. I am tired, feeling sickly, am out of shape and overweight. I'm grumpy. My DD10 just started her first cycle...with sensory modulation issues, this is a real challenge. My DH travels a lot, though he works at home when not on the road.


Whining aside, I really do like home schooling my kids. They are progressing, albeit more slowly than I'd like due to the fact that we've had to cut back. Being with them all the time gives me the ability to address their special needs quickly and as succinctly as possible. Family time is in abundance. In some ways, we are in better balance as a family than we've ever been...yet, at other times I feel that the main reason we are in balance is that my own needs are neglected. It's overwhelming, but so far it's been worth it.


So, if you were walking in my shoes, would you seriously consider enrolling your kiddos in that school? I'm praying hard about whether this is an opportunity from God to make the situation better for our family or if it is just an opportunity to strengthen my commitment to home schooling the munchkins. There are some drawbacks in terms of my kids' ability to learn in a classroom setting vs. with individual help, but they might be ready to rise to the occasion.


I'd love your thoughts...

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I am curious about which school it is. I had a friend who sent her kids to Veritas in Fletcher.


Anyway, I don't know what I would do. You know what's best for your family. And as someone said, you could enroll them, and if it doesn't work out, you can bring them back home. :grouphug::grouphug:

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So, if you were walking in my shoes, would you seriously consider enrolling your kiddos in that school? I'm praying hard about whether this is an opportunity from God to make the situation better for our family or if it is just an opportunity to strengthen my commitment to home schooling the munchkins. There are some drawbacks in terms of my kids' ability to learn in a classroom setting vs. with individual help, but they might be ready to rise to the occasion.


I'd love your thoughts...


Yes, I would definitely be praying about this. It's all about seeing God's will for your family, not whether or not you hs.


You already know there's not one way to teach your kids, no one sized fits all. There are advantages and disadvantages to both hsing and an outside school situation.


Praying for you.

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This sounds like a great school and it would be a tough choice, but I am curious to know if this is something you have to move on immediately or not. Since your children are still very young, why not hs them a while longer and send them to the school later? Your post seems to lean toward hs'ing more than the other choice, so I'm wondering if you aren't like me -- just not feeling ready for the change yet.


I am on staff at a wonderful Classical Christian school and work there part time, so I am faced with a similar dilemma on a regular basis. Even still -- hs'ing my dd is working so well for her and for our family that I have made the decision to wait until high school before I enroll her there. We have many families that have hs'd their dc during the elementary grades and waited until middle or high school to enroll them in school. The students all do very well.


God bless you as you pray over this very important decision.




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Yes, I would. I homeschooled because we had no good academic options. If we had had an excellent school, I would have sent them.


I knew I could do better than our local options. I know I could not have done better than a really excellent school.

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I kind of am in your shoes. I have 4 children, one with ADHD and then I have 2 children with serious medical problems (I am writing this from a hospital room). I think it could be a good opportunity for you but you may find it frustrating, especially as you transition.


I had my kids in school for less than a year. The medical issues of the complicated kids made out of home schooling difficult for the others.


I guess it boils down to your unique situation and what you think your lifestyle can handle. I know it would be very tempting for me if I didn't have the ups and downs of being in the hospital and having doctor's appointments all the time. Do you have someone who could pick the kids up if you need to be at the hospital, doctor's office or therapist?


That school sounds wonderful by the way!

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I have some time before I have to make a decision...the application period is just beginning. It's good because it will give me some time to think it through, bad because it will give me time to stew, IYKWIM! ;)


I know that choosing to send them to school is not a failure of homeschooling, but since it has been something I've worked so hard at it would be easy to feel that I've given up. I know I could wait until they are older to send them, but the stressors for me are in the here and now, so waiting just means the challenges go on longer. Uggh. I guess I'll just have to keep praying and keep investigating the school until I have a clear answer from God.


Nakia, I'll pm you the school name!

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Truthfully, I'm a bit nervous because of the fact that a private school in TX completely missed my DD's special needs early on and she fell very behind. The difference today is that we now know what her issues are and she has completed vision therapy, so she'll do better with less help. However, all of my kids are so unique in their needs that it is a bit daunting both to teach them at home AND to let go enough to allow another to teach them.


Decisions, decisions.

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I lived in WNC and know of some of the private schools there. If you are considering New Classical Academy, I think it is a fabulous choice for a homeschool-geared family. If the need had arisen for us to send our girls to school while living in Asheville, that is where they would have gone. If you are considering Veritas, I know it to be academically rigorous (one of dh's best students came from there and he was so well prepared for dh's very tough class). For us, it would not have been a very good fit, because (imo) it is structured like most schools.


Regardless of which school you are considering, I would apply. You have several months before they are going to want a commitment. During that time, you can see if this is the right direction to take. And, even if you decide to send them, it is not a forever decision.

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I would. We love homeschooling, however if we had the opportunity to send them to a truly wonderful school then I would do it in a heartbeat. My dd would benefit from a truly great school because she is very social, but there is just not an option that will give her the level of work that she needs around here.

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Well, I recently did the same thing with my kids; a small private school, follow our religious beliefs, encourages parent involvement, promotes a classical education. And while my oldest is doing great, but 9 year old struggles a little. He needs more one on one attention. He has been improving there, however. I've been ill and so it was a good option for school while I get better.

But I have seen it as an opportunity that has helped me to realize how much I want to homeschool. I won't say it's been a bad experience. But I know now that homeschooling is what our family needs.

I don't think it could hurt. I'm bringing my 9 year old home part time (mornings with me, afternoons at the school) and leaving my 13 year old until the end of the school year. Just sharing my experience and hoping you find the right answer for your family.




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I'm bringing my 9 year old home part time (mornings with me, afternoons at the school) and leaving my 13 year old until the end of the school year. Just sharing my experience and hoping you find the right answer for your family.


That is one thing we've considered and that I could really see myself doing. Part time enrollment appears to be a possibility at this school and that could really help one of my kiddos. I am pretty sure I can pick and choose what classes I want them to attend.

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I would definitely consider it, but I'd want to talk to other parents of special needs kids to see if what the school *says* is the actual *reality*. I wouldn't send them to Veritas (if that's one you're considering--you can PM me if that is the one you're considering and I'll tell you why I wouldn't send my kids there.)


I have friends who send their child with special medical needs to New Classical. I don't know much about it, but could connect you with them if you're considering it.

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