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Just pulled my KG'er out of PS...


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I posted a couple of weeks ago asking if I should pull my DS out of PS KG. He had just returned to school from winter break and we realized he was exhibiting signs of stress and anxiety. The overwhelming input from the hive was to just pull him out. However, DH asked me to wait another week or two just to be sure we weren't being impulsive or overreacting. So we waited a couple of weeks and this past weekend we decided we'd had enough. We pulled him out Monday. I'm happy to say our sweet boy returned immediately. I am just flabbergasted that KG was affecting him so much.


So now what? I have my first grade curriculum all purchased and waiting for our August start-date. (He doesn't turn 6 until May.) We've been allowing him to decompress this week but we have been keeping up with our 100EZ lessons (we did lesson 64 today) and doing some math worksheets from a KG book. He really enjoys math. I was planning to start Saxon 1 in August. I have the homeschool kit along with the manipulative kit. Should I start it now? The KG workbook math we have been doing this week is too easy for him and I want to keep him stimulated and interested. He is asking for math everyday.


I re-read the WTM this week and the suggestion for KG is to keep it informal and focus on the 3Rs. Would anyone be willing to give me some suggestions for what to do between now and August?


FYI-I have DD3 and DS1 in tow. DD3 likes doing workbook pages like her brother. I have Saxon KG which I was planning on starting with DD in August. (She will turn 4 in June.) I just really need some direction here.



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If he likes Math, and it sounds like he does, then I'd go ahead and break open the stuff you have for 1st, since he says the K book is too easy. Just remind yourself that you have permission to work through it slowly.


I'd go ahead and do Math and reading and then just read good books from the library to him, cuddled up and enjoying being home. Do some crafts, make some messes, go to the park, have fun. Relax and let the love of learning come back.


I'm a fan of being relaxed while in the very young grades.


take a big breath, you'll do fine. Have fun!:001_smile:

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WOW so bold. so awsome~ Congrats...


Id pick up some ETC workbooks. start with 1. they are nice and cheap and you can get the primer books for dd3 :)


i really like Horizons K math.....


def keep with the phonics....


for dd 2 do different activities. does she know letter or numbers yet? its a start...im working on getting creative for my ds2 but im slow....:)


wow,not sure if i should be posting! my dd is 4. and your ds is older.......but im really for the things we use. so im happy to recomend them!

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If he likes Math, and it sounds like he does, then I'd go ahead and break open the stuff you have for 1st, since he says the K book is too easy. Just remind yourself that you have permission to work through it slowly.


I'd go ahead and do Math and reading and then just read good books from the library to him, cuddled up and enjoying being home. Do some crafts, make some messes, go to the park, have fun. Relax and let the love of learning come back.


I'm a fan of being relaxed while in the very young grades.


take a big breath, you'll do fine. Have fun!:001_smile:




Congratulations on your decision! Welcome to the journey! It's a great one!!!!

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Congratulations! The best part of your post was hearing how you got your sweet boy back! From now until August, you could:



  • continue with phonics instruction
  • continue with reading practice
  • work through your math books, add mental math, and see if your library has this (Marshmallow Math). It isn't just for preschoolers, IMO, there are great ideas for parents to use with primary children.
  • practice handwriting and copywork (you write out a short sentence, he copies it)
  • continue with Read Alouds -- picture books, poetry, folk tales, biographies, science, anything you all like! All of you on the sofa with a pile of books. :D
  • go outside and take a walk, visit friends, play games, do daily chores, create art projects, listen to audio books, take a nap, go to a farm, hug each other (you can do that now), ;) enjoy!


Hope you have a great year.

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My ds is about a month or so older than yours (late Mar bday). First, I don't think you NEED to do anything. With that said...here are some ideas to do the rest of the school year and the summer.


If he likes the math and wants to do, then do it. It would be nice for you too...you woudn't be stressed about how much he's getting done or pushing him to do a certain amount. It could set a nice precedent for you two next fall.


We've been doing just what you said and focusing on the 3 R's for K. What's really rounded out our curric and made it fun is reading aloud. We've been using SL's P4/5...many of those books would be at the library (you can look at all of the books on their website if you don't have a catty). In the right sidebar of my blog, I have some links to some other reading lists that would give you good age appropriate recs for read-alouds.


If your ds likes science (mine LOVES it) you could check out some science books from the library and do some fun experiments. SL's P4/5 has GREAT science books for 5yos (most, if not all, are at our library). I found experiments in library books and online.


We've also been doing some fun art this year. Not really learning how to draw, just giving him an idea to run with and set time to do it. We've been using Artistic Pursuit's The Way They See It which is perfect for this non-artsy mom. I do it along with both of my boys. We've drawn the sky, drawn and colored our a few of our favorite things, drawn flowers in the yard, made impressions with play-do, etc. We even have special crayons, markers, and colored pencils for art time (crayola, but they're special).


I never feel like we NEED to do any of these extra things, but somehow, at least one of them per week (besides reading-aloud, we do copious amounts of that everyday inc. weekends). I'm often reminded (by my ds) when we haven't done something for awhile.


I hope that helps a little,

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Ooo, I LOVE K5!! And congrats on bringing him home. It's such a good age to be home. :)


On the academics, I think you're misinterpreting WTM. WTM isn't saying you CAN'T do more or meet your dc's readiness. It's just saying you don't have to feel like you HAVE to pursue some form of acceleration rat race. The worst mistake you can make is to buy stuff now and hold onto it 9 months, lol. I can guarantee things will change by then. Open it up, since you have it, and see what fits! If it fits, if he enjoys it, if he lights up by doing it or if it promotes gentle lessons and growth, by all means do it!


K5 is short lessons, time to develop habits in consistency, cleanliness, etc., and lots of fun. You can do as much as fits him, as long as you keep the sessions reasonable and are still having fun. :)

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It sounds like you made the right decision to pull him. We are holding off (I think, that's the plan anyway) until he finishes K and then pulling him home for 1st grade at least. My DD wants to go to his school for K so I guess we'll try that out - she's not as ahead as he is/was so I think it might be 'ok' but we'll see.


I'd definitely continue with math if he enjoys it. Anything he seems really into just go with it. My son loves math, science, and reading. His current thing is to read books from the nonfiction section about dinosaurs and the human body. So other than school in the morning that's what we do in the afternoons when we have the time.

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I would go ahead and start the beginning of a routine. Maybe after breakfast every morning do a little math and then sit on the couch to read together. Keep it simple, but get a routine started; if he gets stressed a routine will help him feel comfortable and confident.


I would also start Saxon 1 but go slowly. I love when I am ahead in our curriculum so that when the unexpected happens, I don't have to worry about catching up.


Enjoy this time with your little ones, your attitude is contagious.

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Congrats!! I did the same thing last year:) I pulled my son from K after just a few months.....best decision I ever made:) I went ahead and started him with some structured math and language. He started on his first grade curriculum I had ready for the next year and we just worked through it slowly. Of course, we also spent a lot of time reading books, doing crafts and projects, etc. I guess it just depends on the child...mine disliked school because of the lack of academics which is why I decided to go ahead with it at home. Good luck to you and don't stress out too much over Kindergarten! Just enjoy having your son home and learning with him:)

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