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What have you used for multiple years and don't plan to change?

Karen in CO

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The only thing we've never deviated from is Building Spelling Skills from Christian Liberty Press. Others that we won't change now that we've found them:


My Father's World (I keep looking around at other things, and always come back to this... I might as well stop looking! ;) )


English from the Roots Up -- very easy and not time consuming


Word Roots software


Typing Instructor Deluxe


Singapore math at least for a few years, even if we supplement or finish out with something else


Primary and Intermediate Language Lessons


Everything else varies from child to child.

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I have used all of the following for several years with multiple kiddos. Won't change a thing in these areas:


Rod and Staff English

Horizons Math 1-3 (upper grades might be up for grabs, currently using Saxon from 5/4 through 8/7, then switching to University of Chicago pre-algebra and algebra.)

Maps, Charts and Graphs series by Modern Curriculum Press

Veritas History (supplementing with SOTW audio)

Phonics Pathways

Getty Dubay Italics

Sheppard Software

Typing Instructor Deluxe

Vos Story Bible

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these are my tried-n-true that I used multiple times once discovered:


Bible: K-3: Vos Story Bible

4-7/8th: R&S 5-8 (Covers the whole Bible in 4 years)

8/9th-12: Explorer's Quest studies


Grammar 2nd Grade: the old Daily Grams Teaching/Guided Review (pink book--there must be a new equivalent). Loved this text for 2nd graders.


English 2-4th grade: Primary and Intermediate Language Lessons (3 years total, moving through the books with exercises I thought worthwhile)

English 5-7th grade: R&S English 4-6

Composition: Wordsmith Apprentice (sometime between 4-6th grade)

Spelling: 2-6th: R&S Spelling

Vocab: 7-11th: Wordly Wise 3000

Vocab: 12th: Vocab for the College-Bound

Grammar Jr. High: Jensen's

Grammar Highschool: ABeka (take 2 years for just grammar to review)


Math: 1st-7th: R&S 1-7

Pre-Algebra: BJU Pre-Algebra

Algebra I and II: Math Relief


History: 3/4th: Sonlight 3 and 4 (American History for elementaries)

4th+: MOH (World history for late elementaries)


Science: 7th-12th: BJU HomeSAT or DVD


You can see that my biggest difficulties are with high school history and lit--it has been hard to find the perfect combination....



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We've been at this 5 years now (whoa....!) and the "keepers" are:


Saxon Math

FLL for 1st and 2nd

Rosetta Stone (taking us a loonnggg time, but we ARE learning Spanish!)

SOTW and the 5 year rotation (one year for US History)

HWWT- used 'em all

Phonics Pathways-perfection in teaching reading!


Love SL, will use it 3 years, but thats all because it isn't chronological enough for me.



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I haven't used anything for multiple years at this point (dd is in 1st grade). But, the things we used this year that we are planning to continue next year are:


ToG - we just love this program!

Italics - although we are making a change from buying the workbooks to using Startwrite, I still plan on using the Italic font

Composer and Artist Study lists from Ambleside Online


Other things that we're keeping are more methods than curriculum: copywork, notebooking, handcrafts, nature journals, etc.




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Yes, I love the way you phrased the request for this thread. I think this has been my hidden agenda all along, even hidden from myself, as you can see now that I write this out.:001_huh: Thanks for prompting my thinking.


Math: Singapore from Earlybird 1A through now finishing Primary Maths 2A. I plan on using this through 6B and then NEM 1-4, then maybe calculus. For Primary Maths, we also use CWP, IP and the CD-Roms that are for two years of the textbooks.


Language Arts:

Phonics: Phonics Pathways, we did this about 3 times a week and it took about two years, including the advanced part of the Pyramid book, Explode the Code from A, B, and C through 1 - 8, BOB Books all 5 boxes


Reading: Pathway Readers for kindness, Junior Great Books, Beyond The Code, and every book ds can get his hands on.


Spelling: Spelling Workout A, B, C, in D now, plan on using all levels through H


Grammar: First Language Lessons 1/2 mostly for narration, copywork and dictations, and poetry memorywork

Growing With Grammar 1/2, soon to be starting level 3. Will use this through its' last level


Handwriting: Handwriting Without Tears Pre-K through Cursive, they have a Hebrew script book now, too!


Composition: vasilating between Writing Strands(used level 1 and started level 2) and Classical Writing-Aesop thru end of program(I just bought Aesop core and A's student workbook and instructor's guide. Still waiting for the student workbook to come in the mail. Luckily, I found the Homer core in a used bookstore for $8 so I bought it.) Today I read on the boards about SWB's new writing program, and someone mentioned Writing Tales. So I am looking for something that will take us through high school, which Writing Strands does, and Classical Writing and SWB's program promises to do, but I am still weighing the pros and cons.


Copywork: I use Educationalfontware.com, a CD-Rom to make my own copywork pages with the font's I am using for handwriting. This is great, I can use it for literature, bible, history, science any subject.


Latin: Minimus and Minimus Secundus, also planning on using the three levels of Latin for Children A, B, and C.


Hebrew: Tal Am from Canada, Instant Immersion Hebrew CD-Rom, also planning on using one of the more popular The Learnables ,or Rosetta Stone from the library with homeschool workbooks, or Pimsleur's for high school, or hebrewonline.com which has live online classes, with the teacher in Israel, in both biblical and modern hebrew, but is very expensive.


History: Story of the World1-4/History Odyssey 12 levels


Jewish History: Introduction to Jewish History from Behrman House, has another level that I can't remember the name of right now.


Science: WTM Life Science/R.E.A.L. Science Life Level 1, and WTM/Earth and Space Level 1. For chemistry and physics, I don't know what we will use, maybe a combo of Real Science-4-Kids Level Pre-1 Chemistry and Adventures with Atoms and Molecules Books 1,2,3,4,5, then maybe the Real Science-4-Kids Level 1 Physics and a Dover book called something like Physics Experiments for Children. All levels of science are supplemented by LOTS of free reading. DS loves reading science non-fiction.


Art: For skills, we use Art Adventures at Home. I love this as it has only 3 books for K-8th. After that I don't know what we will do.

For appreciation, we use Child-size Masterpieces, a program that uses postcard size reproductions, with 8 levels.


Music: For skills, we like the Progressive series - Recorder, Piano, Keyboard, Organ, Guitar from www.learntoplaymusic.com Each instrument has several method books and songbooks.

For appreciation we use Stories of the Great Composers which has 2 books and 2 books for the subsequent Meet the Great Composers.


I hope this helps you find some good consistency in your curriculum.

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Used over the past 7 years, currently using, or will use over the next 7-8 years with at least 2 of my 3 dc:


Composition in the Classical Tradition

Classical Writing

Stewart English

Wordsmith Series

Sequential Spelling

Vocabulary for the . . .series



The Well-Educated Mind

History of the World series by SWB when all written

Britannica 54 volume set: Great Books of the Western World

Singapore Math


Dolciani authored math books

Foerster's precalculus & calculus texts

Senquential Spelling

Dandy Lion Logic series

Holt Biology

My World Science

Traditional Logic I

The Art of Reasoning

Artistic Pursuits

Madrigal's Magic Key to Spanish

Latin Via Ovid


New this year, but most likely will continue:

Latin Prep series

Lively Latin--if 2nd volume ready for fall--is there going to be a second vol.?

Miniumus Secondus

OM science & history

Livingmath.net math unit studies


I know I'm forgetting something . . .hmmm.

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We've only been officially homeschooling for a few years so our list is fairly short:


Handwriting Without Tears

ETC Get Set, Get Ready, Go For the Code (the rest of the books were terrible for DS)

R&S Math

TruthQuest History (we'll do all the American History for the young students... not sure after that)

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Singapore Math (EB - 5B so far) -- This may be the only one that truly qualifies as "used for multiple years." We've used it from the beginning.



Other keepers for us:


~ Classical Writing (currently using Homer A & Beg. Poetry)

~ WT for ds #2 (but we'll move to CW by Homer)

~ Bible -- love to have the kids memorize passages/chapters

~ Elementary Greek (first year, but love it)

~ A Reason for Handwriting (esp. for cursive practice)



What I'll probably keep, because they are working fine (even though I sometimes look around):


~ R & S Spelling




What I liked with #1 & 2 that I plan to use with #3 when we begin:



~ 100EL

~ FLL1/2

~ Vos story Bible

~ SM (again, I know :) )



High hopes for these becoming standards here (beginning next year):



~ Apologia Elem. science

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McGuffey's Readers

OPG w/SpWo


R&S Eng

implementing StWR mechanics


FMoR, D'Au GM,FMoG & MP study guides

PL & LCI, LCII + Lingua Angelica, Latin Ludere

Elem. Greek

Christian Studies MP


Apologia Science Elem. + S4K(chem & phys)

Practical Mathematics & Ray's Arithmetic


lots & lots & lots of reading!!!

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