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Interruptions make me edgy

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Does anyone else find themselves not doing things because they know the interruption is coming? Once I'm interrupted it's hard to get going again. I know it's not just me. In lots of books about saving time on the job, it tells you not to answer the phone or email when you need to get something done, because it takes you a long time to get back into your work after each interruption. That's true at work, and also true with cleaning a bathroom!


I feel constantly on edge when I know I'll be interrupted. And with 2 sons aged 7 and 4, I get a lot of interruptions. DH said I was being edgy the other day, but I told him that I was acting edgy because I feel edgy, because whenever I start some little task, I'm interrupted and have to switch gears.


Anyone else feel a little nutsy inside when you're interrupted all day long?

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Yep and what's more. I just learned that I get edgy when the dc just intererupt my thoughts! They do not see me doing anything, because, well, I'm not - on the outside. I get really involved in what I am thinking and actually feel interrupted when someone talks to me and I have to stop my thought. I have had to catch myself with this one because it isn't really fair to all of the non-mind-readers around me. :001_smile:

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Yyyyep. That's why there are some tasks that I just can't even try w/ kids in the house. The *potential* interruption makes me crazy. Cleaning, though, works ok for me. I can do it w/out my brain, so if they have a question, I'm good.


Dd2 wetting her pants when I'd *finally* started in on the pile of laundry that needed folding this morning, though? Ugh. I made her wait while I folded a little more because I knew once I stopped I wouldn't be back to it today. I simply dread it too much.


I had never realized, though, that it was the *anticipation* of being interrupted that was getting to me. That's funny. In a crazy, tense sort of way. :lol:

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Yep and what's more. I just learned that I get edgy when the dc just intererupt my thoughts! They do not see me doing anything, because, well, I'm not - on the outside. I get really involved in what I am thinking and actually feel interrupted when someone talks to me and I have to stop my thought. I have had to catch myself with this one because it isn't really fair to all of the non-mind-readers around me. :001_smile:


Yes! This one, too! I'm learning to pre-warn the kids. "I'm having to concentrate on this. No one interrupt me for the next 10 minutes."


Sometimes that works. A little.

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Yes, I have a very difficult time being sweet when I've been interrupted. Part of my issue is that as I get older, I forget what I was doing before the interruption.:tongue_smilie: I'm not generally a procrastinator, but there are a few things that don't tend to get done around here because of my need for a chunk of uninterrupted time.



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Yep and what's more. I just learned that I get edgy when the dc just intererupt my thoughts! They do not see me doing anything, because, well, I'm not - on the outside. I get really involved in what I am thinking and actually feel interrupted when someone talks to me and I have to stop my thought. I have had to catch myself with this one because it isn't really fair to all of the non-mind-readers around me. :001_smile:


This is MEEE!!! I wish it wasn't so. Glad to know i am not alone because i have at various times thought i was a nutcase. I also have the OP's problem so i end up procrastinating which doesn't help anyone!

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For me, it's not so much the interruptions as it is the scheduled things that I know will occur that will disrupt my day. I have something I have to do tonight at 7 pm (have to leave in 20 min. or so) that I'm not looking forward to, and it disrupted my whole day. I was nervous and on edge all day. Everything dc said was too loud, until I finally had to go take a nap. I emailed dh about it, and warned him the house would be a mess when he got home. Fortunately the nap helped take some of the edge off.

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Oh, yes. Dh tried to figure out a few months ago why I left everything until the evening... I told him it was the only time I could guarantee at least 30 minutes straight to think or do or even just *be.* I've really come to love dd's trumpet lessons - 30 minutes guaranteed, before 9 pm! ;)

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Yes. My kids, figuratively speaking, stand in line, and ask me questions or for help or want to discuss something, one after another. The first kid just gets to the back of the figurative line and the whole thing starts over.


Constant distractions make me tense. Then I sound tense when I am talking to the kids, which I don't like and am trying to overcome.


I cannot read more than one sentence in my book before an interruption occurs, when all 4 kids are at home. I am on this board right now because of that, and I've been interrupted 3x since I started typing this.


Oddly, everyone quietly disappears when I am doing chores.

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Yep and what's more. I just learned that I get edgy when the dc just intererupt my thoughts! They do not see me doing anything, because, well, I'm not - on the outside. I get really involved in what I am thinking and actually feel interrupted when someone talks to me and I have to stop my thought. I have had to catch myself with this one because it isn't really fair to all of the non-mind-readers around me. :001_smile:


Ohgosh, me too. I have actually resorted to talking aloud as I type, if they interrupt me, because I know if I stop typing and turn to address them, the thought will go right out of my head. I've explained why I do it, so they know to just sort of skive off until I'm ready, now.

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Joining the club. . . . .


I'm so very much like this, and I really HATE it about myself.


For example, if I have an appointment or something coming in the afternoon, I'm very distractible in the morning. Unfortunately, I've "trained" (in a bad way) myself to think that I can't get things done while the kids are out & about - not mundane things, like painting a room or laundry or what have you, but things that require mind power, like lesson planning or working on bank accounts, stuff like that.


I'm trying the Flylady concept of "30 minutes", and attempting to re-train myself that yes, I can spend my "down" 30 minutes before lunch correcting papers or doing a little planning, but it's hard.


And I thought I was the only one! It does help to know I'm not alone. .. .


Oh, and Tina, the "Broken & Bleeding" line works around here for me! ;)

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Happens all the time to me. 12 kids can bring a ton of interruptions and unfortunately over the years I think I have stopped beginning any task that takes more than 20 minutes. Kind of a scary thought but what's the point even to begin a project when I know I most likely will not finish!! Now that my youngest is 4 I am trying to bounce out of that but it's like I've lost my "know how" on how to do things other than run the home!!

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